Hot Toys - MMS196 - The Avengers: Battle Damaged Mark VII (Movie Promo Edition)

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I just opened my account here Tuesday but have been collecting HT for @ a year. I missed this figure by a few hours. I kept an eye on the sideshow page for this guy and got on the waitlist within a minute or 2 of the order page switching from checking inventory to having the waitlist being up. I am hoping that I have a chance since I was quick to get on it.
LOL... that pic reminded me of an old infomercial... First one to name the guy below gets my Mk VII BD!

that would be Tom Vu. YOU OWE ME A MARK VII BD!!!!! LOL

I just opened my account here Tuesday but have been collecting HT for @ a year. I missed this figure by a few hours. I kept an eye on the sideshow page for this guy and got on the waitlist within a minute or 2 of the order page switching from checking inventory to having the waitlist being up. I am hoping that I have a chance since I was quick to get on it.

Welcome the forum :hi5: ; keep us posted, curious if the waitlist will pan out for those on it, from previous stories of the mark vi promo it worked out for those so i'd say your chances are good
Man this thread got derailed big time.....Not surprised by the scalpers discussions after many people missed out though.
So I reckon the OT stuff has gone too far and for long enough at this point, no? If you want to complain about scalpers ad nauseum, or to post videos to wacky '80s informercials, try to take it to the Sandbox instead of here please.
Ok, enough of this scalpel digression and let us focus on this figure which will be out very soon. Cannot wait for this figure to be released!

Ok, while we all wait patiently for this to be released in either July/August, here are some pictures of the BD Mark VII that I took at AC's Iron Man Exhibition for us to drool over.







Wow, mercifully we are back on topic I think...that was insane. I thought we were going to have an old fashioned lynching at some point.

On topic: In the recently posted pics, the paint app doesn't look quite as scuffed as the promo pics seemed to indicate. I was hoping for a little less gloss on the overall paint.

The figure still looks great, but it'll be interesting to see the final product and paint app.
What do people think this will fetch once it actually releases?

will it hold its $600+ price tag it is pre-selling for
Wow, mercifully we are back on topic I think...that was insane. I thought we were going to have an old fashioned lynching at some point.

On topic: In the recently posted pics, the paint app doesn't look quite as scuffed as the promo pics seemed to indicate. I was hoping for a little less gloss on the overall paint.

The figure still looks great, but it'll be interesting to see the final product and paint app.

I believe the bright lights are washing out some of the detail and making it look glossier then it really is in person.
Between this figure and the standard Mark7, I am fricken stoked. If they are as good as the pics we have seen so far, I am going to squeal like a 5 year old when I get them....:yess::rotfl
oh my, now cartoon porn in the thread?.....check!

Welp at least we are not fighting:lol

I am going to make the most of the time between now and the BD VII release. Have a pretty awesome display planned for him.......and others.:yess:
I spoke too soon in my earlier post about being back on track. The cartoons posted clearly derailed us At what point do you just throw an entire thread out and start a new one?