Hot Toys - MMS196 - The Avengers: Battle Damaged Mark VII (Movie Promo Edition)

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Kind of disappointed about the headsculpt. I was really looking forward to it. The BD isn't bad but I think it could be increased. I wonder if it could be increased with that tamiya weathering set.
:hi5: Really liking what I'm seeing from the pics. I wish the centerpiece had more of the silver chipping look to it as well as the abs, but overall I'm pleased with the battle damage look.

And I think the head sculpt looks amazing. For those who are thinking it looks a little spacey, I think are judging it from the extremely close up pic. But from a normal distance it looks SUPERB! And I love that Hot Toys added some of the BD around the open faceplate when Thor rips it off!

Just two more weeks!


Sorry! Had to do it. :panic:

I posted this in the 185 thread, but you can just use the armoured neck.


No they're not

Oh and on the whole they're entitled to their opinion I'm also entitled to my opinion that those suggesting there's a noticeable difference between the proto and this are either blind, moaning for the sake of it or are idiots

So, because I have a different opinion, I'm *****ing about nothing or an idiot? Yeah, this is why sometimes people need to learn to express their opinions without being a complete *** about it. The amount of people seeing a difference should be enough for you to realize that there might be a difference from proto to final.
So, because I have a different opinion, I'm *****ing about nothing or an idiot? Yeah, this is why sometimes people need to learn to express their opinions without being a complete *** about it. The amount of people seeing a difference should be enough for you to realize that there might be a difference from proto to final.

Why do you care that he doesn't care about your opinion?
That's just like, his opinion, man.
Forget it!
So, because I have a different opinion, I'm *****ing about nothing or an idiot?

Or blind :wink1:

Like Username said you're the only that decided to go down the road of telling me people are entitled to a different opinion to that of myself, works both ways that :peace
It's a cool figure, but somehow the final paint job looks like they just sprayed dark spots all over the figure to make it look damaged. Just doesn't seem natural imo.
It's a cool figure, but somehow the final paint job looks like they just sprayed dark spots all over the figure to make it look damaged. Just doesn't seem natural imo.

Agree. Looks like a quick money grab for HT to pull in more IM sales.
So, because I have a different opinion, I'm *****ing about nothing or an idiot? Yeah, this is why sometimes people need to learn to express their opinions without being a complete *** about it. The amount of people seeing a difference should be enough for you to realize that there might be a difference from proto to final.

Opinions that go against the general view are dangerous things on this forum. I get a load of abuse every time I say something that dares to be different. People on this forum are bullies and they LOVE to gang up together and take someone down.

My advice is to avoid reacting to them - seems to annoy them

I try not to talk on the boards anymore and just use it to look at pictures. It's just easier that way.
Opinions that go against the general view are dangerous things on this forum. I get a load of abuse every time I say something that dares to be different. People on this forum are bullies and they LOVE to gang up together and take someone down.

My advice is to avoid reacting to them - seems to annoy them

I try not to talk on the boards anymore and just use it to look at pictures. It's just easier that way.

You can also get a lot of abuse for liking something.
The same people start repeating over and over and over how *wrong* you are to like something that is so obviously flawed.

I think the crux of the thing is that people generally don't like people with an opinion different to their own.
I have read on here people come right out and make the statement *your opinion is wrong*.
An opinion can never be wrong. Your opinion is part of what makes you you.
At least, that's my opinion...
I posted this in the 185 thread, but you can just use the armoured neck.



Wow, thank so much Barry! That looks awesome! If you want to sell the armor testing version head, I'm very interested!

Could you also fit the collar on there? A close-up of that would be perfect!