Super Freak
Thanks guys. I'm gonna leave the gauntlets as is. As I think it would be too much silver.
I agree about the gauntlets looking better black. I sanded the seams off my gauntlets, but then repainted them black. I also agree about the emblem looking better in a more muted color. I just let the lighting do most of the work.
Thank you Remy. Means a lot coming from you. Might just repaint my other Superman figure like yours.
Ha ha...gotcha...sure, no prob.
Here's a copy and paste of my post:
Here's what I used
I first used a surfacer black, mixed with thinner.
Painted the suit, then let it dry for a couple of hours.
then I used this Gaia 044 clear blue, mixed with thinner...then put a little EX-07 Silver in it.
Paint thinner
For the v1 belt, I used vallejo acrylic "brass" color.
for V2 belt, I used "copper"
WHat colors did you use on the wrist guards and the Boots/Symbol? If I can ask?
The black suit that you painted irok84 is sick! Did you paint the glyph on the base with the black and silver motif as well? What this would really look good with is actually a base that is a pile of skulls, like in the film.
I've wondered if Hot Toys ever planned on perhaps releasing a MoS version of this suit, similar to the way they came out with the evil Superman from Superman III.
In my opinion, I think the MoS line is one of the best lines that Hot Toys has produced that I've seen. The head sculpts are immaculate, the bodies they used are solid and well put together, and the texture of the fabric they used for the suits was spot on to how it seemed to look in the film. I thought the suits they portrayed Kryptonians as having in the film were very ornate, almost seeming like they were based on a mixture of having a medieval and Roman Empire type motif, and Hot Toys nailed them.
It still baffles me though how the MoS Superman figure doesn't seem to be a very popular seller from what I've seen?
Because it had an an extreme mixed review.
Most people either love it a lot, or hated it.
I personally love it, and is one of my all time favorite comic book movie.
I think also for me, not only did I think it met the hype, but it surpassed it. It was even better than I expected.
If the general consensus is an an overwhelming positive, like Guardian's of the Galaxy where everyone seem to enjoy it,
I think we would have had more figures like GotG.
Its unfortunate cause I agree with you, they could have released more figures from this movie.
And the HT MOS is one of the best figures they've made.
JUst look at the Faora thread constantly getting bumped cause the ones who loved the movie want her character.
I'm someone who doesn't love or hate MOS. Ultimately, I think it got more right then wrong, but some of the things it got wrong are pretty tough to ignore. Namely Clark letting Jonathan die. I just don't think that's something Superman or Clark would ever do. I also don't like the fact that Clark never really seemed to come to any sort of conclusion on his own. He was forced into action by Zod, and while I think it's reasonable to assume he would have revealed himself to the world eventually on his own, we should have seen that moment in the film.
My one issue with MOS is actually the Kent death scene.
And my issue is not with Clark not saving his dad, because he was gonna do it, but hesitated when Jonathan signaled no.
And I think he didnt mean to see his dad die...he hesitated cause he is conflicted on what to do...but then its too late...
My issue with this is with Jonathan thinking, its not time yet, so let me die.
So basically, its like Jonathan has a death wish.
So what if the timing isnt probably the right time, you have a wife and son that still needs you.
You have a son that still needs guidance. And youre gonna selfishly let your wife become a widow cause you didnt think the timing is right?
That's my one big issue with the movie.
I love watching the MOS quite a bit to to check out the action sequence, to see the cool costume, etc.
But I have a hard time watching this scene so I always fast forward it.
But pretty much, I love everything else.
Two of the big critism I hear all the time is the Too much destruction at Metropolis fight, and the Superman killing Zod.
I have no problem with either one.
In fact, I'm really glad that Snyder didnt pull any punches with the Fight scene with Zod, because you have to Supermen fighting...two gods fighting in a city...of course the destruction is catastrophic beyond belief. These are two gods fighting in our little planet.
And on Superman killing Zod, many times, people say, well superman is a good guy and he doesnt kill so that was completely wrong.
Superman is not an anti hero like some of the cliche bad ass Heroes that we have nowadays where they just kill and shoot as they please.
Superman is still the good guy that tries to save the people of earth...but if his only choice is to kill, he would do it.
Not because he is a bad ASS...but its because its his only choice to save someone.
I myself wasnt expecting that scene, so when it happened...I was like caught me by surprise.
But I understood why he did it. And I love that scene where he screams after killing Zod...I thought that was a powerful scene.
I also thought that Henry was perfectly casted like Christopher Reeve.
Both have a good natured person look to them, but they also have a presense that they are someone you do not want to cross with.
Amazing looking repaints. Makes me wish I picked up a couple of extras when they were on crazy discounts, so I could commission some of you guys
Shame sideshow sold out of these now, but ultimately good for the line. I shall have to wait for BvS.
Is the MoS Supes only available on the secondary market now?
I know at one point, I think he was down to roughly 179 on SS. Did he get even lower than that? I recently looked on eBay and a lot of them seem to be selling around the 210-225 range when I looked last week out of curiosity.
I got mine as a Christmas gift last year from my brother, who got a steal for a brand new unopened one off of eBay for 50 bucks. The seller didn't have a reserve price and it was simply just to the highest bidder.
Like Remy stated and I stated before, I think the entire MoS line (all 3 of them) are some of the best figures HT has produced. I haven't found any flaws with these figures that I think could have been done better. The head sculpts, the suits, all right down to the boxes. I think the boxes for the MoS line are the best HT boxes I've seen. I love how it has the feel of the texture of the suits, the murals of the arctic, Zod's main ship over Metropolis and Krypton for Supes, Zod and Jor-El respectively, and the magnetic lid they have so you can unlatch it and easily view the figure inside.