I really do wish he was still gonna be diecast, having patriot in hand the diecast gives a nicer feel to the figure.
I really do wish he was still gonna be diecast, having patriot in hand the diecast gives a nicer feel to the figure.
I thought he was originally supposed to be diecast and then they changed it, bad move
Yea it's a shame. It's also weird that they even bothered with dc if they weren't prepared for the more difficult process of making figures with it. I think anyone who owns one agrees its worth the price and would buy more in the dc line.
For me, I'm just happy that HT is making this, whether it be diecast or plastic.
oh yeah don't get me wrong I love that its been made, but Diecast figures are much better imo.
I'll give my opinion on them when I get the 42, but from what I've seen I'm not impressed. I prefer the sharper detail and closer joint clearances of plastic Iron Man figures.
Yeah I have warmachine and its incredible, personally I think it looks better and CLEANER/SHARPER than the patriotHave you had one in-hand? To me I love my mk vii, it's visually stunning and my favorite piece.. But if I had to choose I'd probably keep my wmII. You feel that the cost of the figure is actually worth the asking prices. It's heft, look and overall design(engineering) is miles ahead of the plastic ones. I think the 2 that's out now and the 42 and die cast whiplash to come is a great start! I'm excited about the possibility of more of these made in die cast
I'll give my opinion on them when I get the 42, but from what I've seen I'm not impressed. I prefer the sharper detail and closer joint clearances of plastic Iron Man figures.
But tbh I dont care how a figure feels, I'm not gonna be carrying it around all the time but I will be looking at it a lot so I would rather have sharp edges and detail and no big clearance gaps at the joints.
But thats just my opinion.
Point taken, very good opinion. I'll have to compare my Iron Patriot with the older suit to see if it's detail holds up.
You need the same armors one plastic and one Diecast to really be able to tell if we are losing anything.
Having almost every offering of both plastic and diecast HT IM figure releases in hand, it's close to impossible to tell which is made of what when they're on a display shelf.
Just looking at my WM MKII and IP compared to my MK 6 and 7, it's hard to tell any reduced detail because of the original cleaner design of the newer armor. You need the same armors one plastic and one Diecast to really be able to tell if we are losing anything. The improved articulation is the best part of the Diecast figures.