Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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“This is just the beginning”

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All jokes aside, I’m sure we’re all very very excited for this Jedi Luke Hot Toys figure, which looks to be one of the best releases ever from Hot Toys. I’ve seen it in person at Secret Base in HK, It’s pretty incredible and it will not disappoint.

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Flawed sure. But he would never consider murdering his nephew while he slept. And if he felt Leia was in danger or even just needed help he wouldn't shrug his shoulders and continue hermiting on an island. I could go on, but why?
It's been 30 years. People change. Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? People want to keep their heroes in a time capsule, but it's not realistic.
It's been 30 years. People change. Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? People want to keep their heroes in a time capsule, but it's not realistic.

My core values, such as protecting my nieces and nephews and helping out a sibling in a dire situation.... yeah pretty much unchanged.
It's been 30 years. People change. Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? People want to keep their heroes in a time capsule, but it's not realistic.

Kinda like Leia being able to survive in the subzero temperatures of space?
That did not really suprise me. When she was out in space i was thinking she has to have been trained by her brother enough over the decades to be able to survive. Jedi have had lightsaber battles in space so going back to the ship should be easy enough and it was.
It was still stupid. The human body can not survive in space at negative 454 degrees. It’s just unrealistic. It’s never been something that Jedi have been able to do. Meditate to get in touch more soundly with the force? Sure but it didn’t work out for Qui-Gon. Force speed run? Yup. Except after you force jump you can’t run fast enough to cover the distance to get inside a laser gate and subsequently let your master die. Using the force to secretly turn the lightsaber sitting on your masters throne to ignite and kill him? Sure why not? Except now you can’t use the force on non-Jedi guards you should be able to gesture away with the force because you need another fight scene? Yup. Totally expected.

Maybe she could have force preserved the heat in her body enough to withstand the 2.7 Kelvin temperature but it still looked stupid.
Can you name a specific reference? I’m pretty sure all the novels, comics, and video games that came long before TLJ are no longer canon according to Disney. They are just “legends” or hearsay.
Flawed sure. But he would never consider murdering his nephew while he slept. And if he felt Leia was in danger or even just needed help he wouldn't shrug his shoulders and continue hermiting on an island. I could go on, but why?

I'm totally with you, it's not worth it. We stand so diametrically opposed on TLJ it really isn't worth getting into. I honestly can't see what people see in the film at all (and mainly because of what they did to Luke) but you will never change their minds and they will never change mine. No matter how much you polish a turd it's still a turd in my view whereas others see a great piece of art.

He certainly isn't my Luke Skywalker either just to backup your POV and what M.H. said on multiple occasions. I will definitely be buying both ROTJ Luke's but won't waste (IMHO) my money supporting TLJ.
Can you name a specific reference? I’m pretty sure all the novels, comics, and video games that came long before TLJ are no longer canon according to Disney. They are just “legends” or hearsay.

I think it was done in Rebels but I'm with you, it's still stupid. Lungs exploding etc.
I think it was done in Rebels but I'm with you, it's still stupid. Lungs exploding etc.

Gotcha. But rebels has only been on for 4 years now and that doesn’t seem like “long before” to me. It may be canon if that’s the case but as you said lungs exploding, all the moisture in your body instantly turning to ice including your eyes and brain doesn’t seem like enough time to protect yourself against it.