Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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Gotcha. But rebels has only been on for 4 years now and that doesn’t seem like “long before” to me. It may be canon if that’s the case but as you said lungs exploding, all the moisture in your body instantly turning to ice including your eyes and brain doesn’t seem like enough time to protect yourself against it.

It may also be done before but I can't recall it . . . . even going back to the old non-canon EU books.

I can remember Luke being trapped in his knackered X-Wing in one novel (it may have been in the Thrawn trilogy actually but I've destroyed too many brain cells since to recall correctly) and he puts himself into a force trance so that he won't be exposed to the elements and R2 limps the ship along on minimal life support.
Just show's there's as much evidence to show space in a galaxy far, far away has been written with similar physics to "our" reality and is pretty horrific for anything alive.
TLJ just went too far with the suspension of disbelief for me.:)
It's canon it was done long before TLJ. I'm kind of suprised they have not used it before.

Canon is what's in SW, ESB and ROTJ, not whatever the LFL Story Group or Disney corporate currently finds useful.
Flawed sure. But he would never consider murdering his nephew while he slept. And if he felt Leia was in danger or even just needed help he wouldn't shrug his shoulders and continue hermiting on an island. I could go on, but why?

One simple word....pressure.

Once you feel it....and I mean have people’s lives in your hands, you understand.

I wish they had showed Luke and what happened in the school more thou. It would be nice to see more on how he started freaking out about Ben. What was Ben doing to make him so fearful.

I wonder if we may find out that both of them were being manipulated by an out side “force” to view the other as the enemy.

If I were the writers, that’s exactly how I would play this.

Luke and Ben were being fed fear from a powerful force user....and in turn it destroyed Luke’s confidence and turned Ben into a paranoid power seeker.

We all know Luke was highly susceptible to goading .....the emperor knew it, and almost used it to turn Like to the DS.

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Another thread poisoned by TLJ movie debate.

Rian Johnson... what have you done?

He made an awful, disjointed Star Wars movie. It ruined loved characters. It made it's own rules, ignoring long standing parameters that were staples of what made Star Wars what it is. It featured scenes beyond explanation. It introduced forced political messages. It cracked jokes that were not funny. It was a 2.5 hour movie with at least an hour of useless filler. If you can overlook all of that, some of the visuals were nice.
TurdFurgusonsHat said:
And if he felt Leia was in danger or even just needed help he wouldn't shrug his shoulders and continue hermiting on an island. I could go on, but why?

No he totally would. That moment in the throne room that he tossed his lightsaber was the moment he truly became a Jedi. Not the skilled samurai warrior jedis of the Clone Wars, but a true Jedi. He became a pacifist. He. Would. Not. Fight.

His natural inclination was to join the fight, that’s why he cut himself off from the force. He was closing the door on a temptation he would no longer accept. This is 100% in line with where Luke’s character ended up at the end of RotJ.
He made an awful, disjointed Star Wars movie. It ruined loved characters. It made it's own rules, ignoring long standing parameters that were staples of what made Star Wars what it is. It featured scenes beyond explanation. It introduced forced political messages. It cracked jokes that were not funny. It was a 2.5 hour movie with at least an hour of useless filler. If you can overlook all of that, some of the visuals were nice.

Hahaha :lol :lol :rotfl
I'd love to forget TLJ ever happened but once you see it....... anyway.

Is anyone getting the Hot Toys ROTJ Luke and Sideshow's? Just curious.
I ordered one SS figure and it was a huge disappointment in hand and had a floppy body that couldn’t hold any poses. It was also nearly the price of a Hot Toys figure.

Never again.
They made Luke a flawed character. I don't see anything wrong with that. I commend them for it. I especially liked the scene of Luke standing over Kylo when showed from their different perspectives.

Luke was already a flawed character from episode IV. He was brash, cared about his friends to the point he’d sacrifice the greater good, went to challenge Vader before he was ready, et al. TLJ didn’t add shading or faults, it changed the core of the character. (Which is why even Hamill said it was more like Jed Skywalker or whatever.....)
People change and grow....sometimes in disappointing ways.

This is the main reason people do not like what became of Luke. It was not out of character, no one stays who they are from 16 through 60.....unless they are so entrenched in dogma of some sort.

Folks didn’t like what happened to there hero...they hated seeing him fall from grace.

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I ordered both HT and SS. I wanted an Endor Luke and since HT hadn't mentioned it in a while, I will use that one for my Endor version. If the HT ever is released, I'd make the SS into the full vest/cape and hood Jabba's palace Luke since I'll be using the HT Luke in his death star gear to set up with Vader and the emperor.

Also got an email from HT my first Luke payment is coming out Monday, so looks like it will be released on time (hopefully!)