But you even see the guards grab at their throats.
The idea that choking is a dark side skill I think came from a video game in the 90's. I certainly never considered it a dark side only skill. Perhaps a bit taboo for a Jedi, but no different than lifting rocking.
Don't forget how after he battles Vader in his black tunic, he unbuttons the collar to show a white shirt underneath, symbolizing that despite his brief dark side temptation, he's still good inside.
I never thought he was using Force Choke here, just putting them to sleep.
But you even see the guards grab at their throats.
I didn’t judge Luke (or even think about it) just like I didn’t judge Han for shooting Greedo. It’s War folks; you do what you gotta do.
I don’t think they considered force choke to be specific to dark side practitioners at the time. It was just one ability we’ve seen in action in the two previous films at that point, so why not have Luke do it too? I don’t understand what the problem is with a Jedi doing it anyway. I’ll take a chokehold over being dismembered by a laser sword any day.
The idea that choking is a dark side skill I think came from a video game in the 90's. I certainly never considered it a dark side only skill. Perhaps a bit taboo for a Jedi, but no different than lifting rocking.
Yeah, I see it like slapping a guillotine choke on an attacking enemy and choking him out in self defence, vs. walking up behind one of your inferiors and putting him in a rear naked choke, holding it until he goes limp, and hanging on a fair bit longer until death.
Luke kills a bunch of guys with his lightsaber around the sail barge so I don't really think it's much different whether he chokes some dude or not.
Luke kills a bunch of guys with his lightsaber around the sail barge so I don't really think it's much different whether he chokes some dude or not.
The idea that choking is a dark side skill I think came from a video game in the 90's. I certainly never considered it a dark side only skill. Perhaps a bit taboo for a Jedi, but no different than lifting rocking.
Why didn't Luke just choke the saga after ROTJ?
Luke was never the quintessential Jedi. He grew up on a farm and learned a few basic lessons, did a meditative swamp retreat that he had to abandon early, and then finished his training on his own. What kind of Jedi he became was always up to him.
You are correct but at that point they are fighting for their lives so of course there will be casualties. It’s just that a Jedi’s initial response is always supposed to be diplomacy and if that doesn’t work defense.
Luke was never the quintessential Jedi. He grew up on a farm and learned a few basic lessons, did a meditative swamp retreat that he had to abandon early, and then finished his training on his own. What kind of Jedi he became was always up to him.