I always found it funny how he used force choke, which is clearly a DARK SIDE power.
How did he even learn that?
I used to think Luke was not a Light side Jedi, nor a Dark side one.
That was why he could sometimes use “darker” powers.
I thought that because of the decissions he made, not following the Jedi “manual” or “guide”.
After TheLast Jedi, this is reinforced, imho.
I used to think Luke was not a Light side Jedi, nor a Dark side one.
That was why he could sometimes use “darker” powers.
I thought that because of the decissions he made, not following the Jedi “manual” or “guide”.
After TheLast Jedi, this is reinforced, imho.
Also why did Luke wear all black?
To make the audience think he went dark after discovering Vader was his father.
Lucas has said in many interviews that the colors of Luke’s outfits reflected the symbolism of his journey through maturity and the force.
First film he wore white, meaning purity and innocence. Before his knowledge of “good and evil”. White belt in Karate.
Second film, tans and browns, symbolizing him going out into the world and finding out how “dirty” or bad things really are in the universe. That comes with knowledge and a sullying or corruption of innocence. Also akin to a brown belt in Karate.
Black, grey, outfit but let’s not forget the Brown robe to symbolize his maturity of the reality of the universe and his submersion fully into the force. Brown robe shows he’s not completely jaded and darkened by the world. A glimmer of hope and perhaps still some light in him. He uses dark powers like choking in the beginning to make the audience wonder if he truly has turned evil. Not necessarily a Jedi trait but it was for us to decide who Luke had become.
The final battle shows just how easy of a decision it would have been for Luke to turn. Knowing how the world is a terrible place and not letting bitterness and resentfulness to invade your soul is a choice everyday.
I think it was a great use of symbology using color pallets to convey a message.
The arm is mostly fixed at an angle. Like green goblin, i tried it out on obi wan but removed it right after trying it.Is there some reason the light up arm is not preferable? This will be my first SW figure.
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To make the audience think he went dark after discovering Vader was his father.
Lucas has said in many interviews that the colors of Luke’s outfits reflected the symbolism of his journey through maturity and the force.
First film he wore white, meaning purity and innocence. Before his knowledge of “good and evil”. White belt in Karate.
Second film, tans and browns, symbolizing him going out into the world and finding out how “dirty” or bad things really are in the universe. That comes with knowledge and a sullying or corruption of innocence. Also akin to a brown belt in Karate.
Black, grey, outfit but let’s not forget the Brown robe to symbolize his maturity of the reality of the universe and his submersion fully into the force. Brown robe shows he’s not completely jaded and darkened by the world. A glimmer of hope and perhaps still some light in him. He uses dark powers like choking in the beginning to make the audience wonder if he truly has turned evil. Not necessarily a Jedi trait but it was for us to decide who Luke had become.
The final battle shows just how easy of a decision it would have been for Luke to turn. Knowing how the world is a terrible place and not letting bitterness and resentfulness to invade your soul is a choice everyday.
I think it was a great use of symbology using color pallets to convey a message.
The arm is mostly fixed at an angle. Like green goblin, i tried it out on obi wan but removed it right after trying it.
The light doesnt travel very well to the end of the blade, and after seeing the cold cathode mod, this feature will seem even less sensible. Also, the switch is pretty high up on the arm. If you decide to keep it on, then you run the risk of battery leakage.
If its adding money to the cost of these figures, and it doesnt look very good, then it is a feature i would rather live without.
Now if there was an option to plug the figure in, and it came with a remote, and it came with cold cathodes,(which are pretty fragile), well then it would be well worth the extra $30 or whatever they are charging for this feature.
I always found it funny how he used force choke, which is clearly a DARK SIDE power.
How did he even learn that?
To make the audience think he went dark after discovering Vader was his father.
Lucas has said in many interviews that the colors of Luke’s outfits reflected the symbolism of his journey through maturity and the force.
First film he wore white, meaning purity and innocence. Before his knowledge of “good and evil”. White belt in Karate.
Second film, tans and browns, symbolizing him going out into the world and finding out how “dirty” or bad things really are in the universe. That comes with knowledge and a sullying or corruption of innocence. Also akin to a brown belt in Karate.
Black, grey, outfit but let’s not forget the Brown robe to symbolize his maturity of the reality of the universe and his submersion fully into the force. Brown robe shows he’s not completely jaded and darkened by the world. A glimmer of hope and perhaps still some light in him. He uses dark powers like choking in the beginning to make the audience wonder if he truly has turned evil. Not necessarily a Jedi trait but it was for us to decide who Luke had become.
The final battle shows just how easy of a decision it would have been for Luke to turn. Knowing how the world is a terrible place and not letting bitterness and resentfulness to invade your soul is a choice everyday.
I think it was a great use of symbology using color pallets to convey a message.
Don’t think they passed out or died....he just tweeked them to get them to move.....
Let’s apply that to the harsh reviews today’s movie audience now ******* about....
Why Didn’t Like just choke Jabba to death from the start? Leila did it later anyway?
Why didn’t Luke just Choke the speeder bike pilots?
Why didn’t Luke just choke the Emperor from the start?
Back to regular programming...
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You learn something new everyday in the world of Star Wars!! Thank you![]()
I never realized that he utilized a force choke in that scene. I always thought that he used the Force to simply push the guards back to where they were and keep them in place.
Why didn't Luke just choke the saga after ROTJ?
Don't forget how after he battles Vader in his black tunic, he unbuttons the collar to show a white shirt underneath, symbolizing that despite his brief dark side temptation, he's still good inside.To make the audience think he went dark after discovering Vader was his father.
Lucas has said in many interviews that the colors of Luke’s outfits reflected the symbolism of his journey through maturity and the force.
First film he wore white, meaning purity and innocence. Before his knowledge of “good and evil”. White belt in Karate.
Second film, tans and browns, symbolizing him going out into the world and finding out how “dirty” or bad things really are in the universe. That comes with knowledge and a sullying or corruption of innocence. Also akin to a brown belt in Karate.
Black, grey, outfit but let’s not forget the Brown robe to symbolize his maturity of the reality of the universe and his submersion fully into the force. Brown robe shows he’s not completely jaded and darkened by the world. A glimmer of hope and perhaps still some light in him. He uses dark powers like choking in the beginning to make the audience wonder if he truly has turned evil. Not necessarily a Jedi trait but it was for us to decide who Luke had become.
The final battle shows just how easy of a decision it would have been for Luke to turn. Knowing how the world is a terrible place and not letting bitterness and resentfulness to invade your soul is a choice everyday.
I think it was a great use of symbology using color pallets to convey a message.