Super Freak
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus
So from heck why am I talking about in this thread.
So from heck why am I talking about in this thread.
From the Pics and another one in the trailer. Im thinking were seeing the birth of the Xeno we know, and it is us.
I know NECA is releasing Prometheus figures does that still mean Hot Toys is as well? Is it still confirmed they are doing this license. I damn well hope so. But Hot toys is just tooooo busy with frickin Marvel
It's not going to be the Xenomorph, it's an entirely different creature.
Doubt it. There's already the Xenomorph mural on the wall of the ship/cave..plus, if this is a new thing that we accidently create..how do all of the eggs end up in the SJ ship in the stasis thing so fast? That makes you believe that the Jockeys created the Xenomorphs a loooonnnggg time ago.We all know this,
Ridley did say no Xeno are in the movie but this could be what eventually turned into a xeno. Maybe the jockey's made the xenos as weapons.
Doubt it. There's already the Xenomorph mural on the wall of the ship/cave..plus, if this is a new thing that we accidently create..how do all of the eggs end up in the SJ ship in the stasis thing so fast? That makes you believe that the Jockeys created the Xenomorphs a loooonnnggg time ago.
I thought this too, that what we see in this movie will evolve into the Alien we all know and love..but now I'm not so sure. I think he was right when he said that there will only be a tiny bit of "Alien" in this movie...and I think this is too much.
It seems like the Xenomorphs are an ancient creature/weapon...and that we might accidently create an entirely different creature in Prometheus.
For all wondering about the Xenomorph'si Was at the panel, saw the trailer on a huge screen, anyway's theres a scene with noomi rapace and she is on the ground cowering and a xenomorph is right in front of her
That's the Jockey.
I'm talking about the eggs in the derelict in Alien. The eggs all obviously contained facehuggers..and we know where that goes. They were all in the stasis thing, so it would lead you to believe that the Jockey put them there..then there's Ridley's earlier comments about them being a weapon, and that the Jockey was delivering them.. Then we see this full grown Xenomorph mural....I dont know if the eggs seen in the trailer are xeno eggs. They might be eggs for early development by the Jockey or the Jockey themselves.
If im right then the Jockey's might have created the xenos between Prometheus and Alien.