Really like this look of Vader. Wondering if I could buy this one and adjust the look to make it look more of ANH? Or am I better off just buying HT ANH Vader?
Looks like my R.1 Vader just shipped from Alter diaper, come to me! Now, where's my RFT with freak-out portrait? Seriously that actor by the door sold that scene! And of course Vader being a badass didn't hurt, either.
Had mine on flex but February is too far away so I called them and they charged my card today. They are sending out tomorrow she said. She had to check because SS is getting their stick in waves.
Didn't think I would like the extra bonus backdrop..but works perfectly giving me ANH vibe for sure. BTW his eyes are really reflective red IMO also I guess like ANH Vader was.
Is there any way to get the cape to sit lower? It seems high in the back. My only other complaint is that the belt unbuckles way easy in the front, it almost hit the floor when I was messing with him.