This one times a million. SS has a very inaccurate helmet sculpt, cheap body and is just bizarre looking compared to HT. I have both and the SS one is back in the box and ready to sell. It's not even close.
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Big reason Im on the fence, thr RO figure is $419 at my local shop and the SS one is 120 cheaper.. Worth the extra money?
No thats Canadian. Whats pissing me off is the SS Vader and this HT one are same base price USD... but 100+ price difference is whats got me considering the SS. Even with having a bunch of credit to the store.
I'd agree it might be a toss up for dx ss and this maybe... But the new ss? No thanks. I own dx and I'm getting rogue one on Sunday. I can pose ss without the mask and ro with it.Honestly, I don't think the SSC is worth it. I'd spring for the HT. It's just a better figure overall. You may ask "$100+ better?" -- only you can make that call, but if you're going to drop that much cash on a collectible doll, why do it halfway? The HT quality will be better and the mask is more accurate.
I'd agree it might be a toss up for dx ss and this maybe... But the new ss? No thanks. I own dx and I'm getting rogue one on Sunday. I can pose ss without the mask and ro with it.
Another note imo the new rogue one got the mask the best hard to explain but its apparently accurate and no modding. People spend 100's of dollars in making the perfect vader for 416.00 you can get pretty dam close.
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Nice pics Guyver... Nice to see all the steps. But you went through all that just to put his shoulder armor on wrong all over again and over the tunic!!!
..... Just Joking of course.... It's however you like it. I for one do prefer the ANH look with it under the tunic and was glad to see Disney fix it in RO after the promo pics were released.
Big reason Im on the fence, thr RO figure is $419 at my local shop and the SS one is 120 cheaper.. Worth the extra money?
Picked this guy up to check some combinations, worth it for the gloves alone but I think they did a slightly better job on the nose plug (even though it still needs to be recessed a bit more) so I may prefer the helmet on this one too. One thing I find a bit problematic is the transition from the abdomen to the thighs on the RO figure.
This combo looks nice, but I still have a problem with ANH Vader's stumpy legs:
- RO helmet, belt/boxes, gloves
- ANH everything else
View attachment 314219
Another combination here that looked good:
- ANH chest box, cod piece
- RO everything else
View attachment 314220