I just can't believe that HT released a standard Vader figure that sold out so quickly with no wait list conversions. Do they hate money?
Very nice! This is such a great figure.Timely post, I was just trying to take some pics inspired by that scene.
Wanted to be a little cheeky
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BBTS don' know when they will get the next batch. SMH....
I'd be damn tempted to do that myself if I only knew how long until HT announces the ESB Vader.Seriously? That doesn't bode well at all. I have a bad feeling we will be receiving an email regarding vendor shortage and a cancellation of PO notice. I'm tempted now to snag one for $300 before the prices go up again. It'll cost me $40 more than BBTS after shipping but at least I get the figure.
Here is my SS Return of the Jedi Version with the ANH head. I said I would post this a while ago. Really want the Rogue One helmet on this guy instead. But it looks great
To me.
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I was thinking about getting the sideshow light up Chest and Belt for my soon to receive Hot Toys R1 Vader. Does the SS Chest and Belt fit on the Hot Toys?
I had to modify my SS ANH belt (sew some leather to make it longer) to fit my Hot Toys ANH Vader.
nope Ton Ton they are fixed to the belt as the wires are on the belt and the boxes are mound to beltbebe, do the belt boxes move at all side to side on the SS belt? Or are they fixed?
That I could not answer you. I have never owned a HT Vader. What I can tell you is that the SS chest and belt on the newer SS is the same as the one on the older "deluxe" figure. I'm not sure if that helps at all.
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