Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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Hong Kong sellers on Ebay. I asked a few weeks ago and the 31st was the response I got. Which is consistent with the "August 2013" date from Sideshow. So, im thinking Bruce Wayne Sculpt at Ani com followed by final product pictures within the next week or so.

That would be awesome. I was kind of fearing another delay since we didn't see the Wayne head at SDCC but if it appears at Ani-Com I guess we'd be in good shape for August. :yess:
Hong Kong sellers on Ebay. I asked a few weeks ago and the 31st was the response I got. Which is consistent with the "August 2013" date from Sideshow. So, im thinking Bruce Wayne Sculpt at Ani com followed by final product pictures within the next week or so.

I hope so...:pray: Do you think we'll see teasers for begins version?
That would be awesome. I was kind of fearing another delay since we didn't see the Wayne head at SDCC but if it appears at Ani-Com I guess we'd be in good shape for August. :yess:

:exactly: Just gotta stay optimistic that it'll be there. If it isn't, that's not necessarily a 100% guarantee that its not ready, but it certainly doesn't add reassurance. The ultimate sign will be if we get final pictures by the 29th/30th. Let's hope so :pray:
I hope so...:pray: Do you think we'll see teasers for begins version?

I personally do not. I know others have said they do but I really don't have any reason to believe they will right now. I'll tell you what, I wont be upset with them if they do :)
isn't EB supposed to hold the license for begins suit?
except if their license already expired :dunno
also, I'll be expecting new 1/4 batman figure in the future seeing there will be new batman appearing in the next superman movie :yess:
isn't EB supposed to hold the license for begins suit?
except if their license already expired :dunno
also, I'll be expecting new 1/4 batman figure in the future seeing there will be new batman appearing in the next superman movie :yess:

Their 1/4 Batman is under The Dark Knight license not Batman Begins. And I would love to see as many 1/4 figures as possible but im personally more interested in a Bane/Selina Kyle/Two Face/Joker before another Bats. Maybe at some point down the line we'll get a Worlds Finest 1/4 Batman and Superman.
Their 1/4 Batman is under The Dark Knight license not Batman Begins. And I would love to see as many 1/4 figures as possible but im personally more interested in a Bane/Selina Kyle/Two Face/Joker before another Bats. Maybe at some point down the line we'll get a Worlds Finest 1/4 Batman and Superman.

which made me wonder, why Enterbay chose to make begins suit even though they have the dark knight license. this whole license thing confuses me :lol
yes, I hope someday they'll make a 1/4 mos superman too
which made me wonder, why Enterbay chose to make begins suit even though they have the dark knight license. this whole license thing confuses me :lol
yes, I hope someday they'll make a 1/4 mos superman too

It was a safer bet imo. Much easier suit to pull off. The most difficult part was getting the headsculpts right. Maybe they had plans to do both suits. Might've nerfed the idea once they found out Hot Toys was doing a 1/4 TDKR suit. Either way, both suits were unexplored territory in 1/4 scale. So, technically, they couldn't really go wrong.
Two things:

1. I was told by Kato that Hot Toys is working on a 1/4 scale Batman Begin suit while I was with him in HK. He actually told me in front of the Enterbay store lol. He said he got asked to work for Enterbay but declined and started to collaborate with Hot Toys instead. Apparently they have more figures planned together.

2. No one knows the license arrangements but everyone keeps guessing and saying what company has what license. We don't know who has what exactly, what it is for exactly and for how long so let's please stop the speculating. :lol
Two things:

1. I was told by Kato that Hot Toys is working on a 1/4 scale Batman Begin suit while I was with him in HK. He actually told me in front of the Enterbay store lol. He said he got asked to work for Enterbay but declined and started to collaborate with Hot Toys instead. Apparently they have more figures planned together.

Really odd since EB has already done theirs..but they like to take EB on headfirst...:dunno
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Two things:

1. I was told by Kato that Hot Toys is working on a 1/4 scale Batman Begin suit while I was with him in HK. He actually told me in front of the Enterbay store lol. He said he got asked to work for Enterbay but declined and started to collaborate with Hot Toys instead. Apparently they have more figures planned together.

2. No one knows the license arrangements but everyone keeps guessing and saying what company has what license. We don't know who has what exactly, what it is for exactly and for how long so let's please stop the speculating. :lol

Not to turn this into an argument but if EnterBay has been using the Dark Knight license to Make their 1/4 Batman figures don't they still need the license in order to sell it? In other words, once the license runs out does that mean they cant sell them anymore, manufacture them anymore, or both? I'm asking because I really don't know but would like to.

Kato told you they were making a Batman Begins 1/4.. Wouldn't that imply that they either have the Batman Begins license now, or plan to get it in the future?

Since Hot Toys is releasing a 1/4 TDKR Batman, wouldn't that also infer that they have The Dark Knight Rises license? I only ask these questions to figure out where the assumptions are coming from. Based on simple logic, i've deduced who currently has or will potentially have what license. The only thing thats unsure is the longevity of the licenses.

Sorry, just clarifying in case your comment was directed at or included me. Thanks.
From what i know HT has the license for the TDK trilogy but i don't know about their exclusivity rights.Enterbay has TDK but at 1/4 scale only.Why only 1/4 scale,maybe cause of HT or maybe they used Medicom(they still have the TDK license as well as BB) to obtain the license just like how HT uses Sideshow for several of their licenses.Why is HT making a BB suit,who knows?!One thing for sure,i can't wait to get my hands on the HT 1/4 Batman!!^_^
Not to turn this into an argument but if EnterBay has been using the Dark Knight license to Make their 1/4 Batman figures don't they still need the license in order to sell it? In other words, once the license runs out does that mean they cant sell them anymore, manufacture them anymore, or both? I'm asking because I really don't know but would like to.

Kato told you they were making a Batman Begins 1/4.. Wouldn't that imply that they either have the Batman Begins license now, or plan to get it in the future?

Since Hot Toys is releasing a 1/4 TDKR Batman, wouldn't that also infer that they have The Dark Knight Rises license? I only ask these questions to figure out where the assumptions are coming from. Based on simple logic, i've deduced who currently has or will potentially have what license. The only thing thats unsure is the longevity of the licenses.

Sorry, just clarifying in case your comment was directed at or included me. Thanks.

Now, this is just based on logic and what i've seen but here me out.

3 years ago... the high-end companies were NOT making 1/4. Everyone was concentrating on 1/6, and Enterbay was running outta good licences. Hot Toys was eating up all the big movie licences, leaving Enterbay making characters from Chinese movies or American B-movies like Dragon Ball, or older cult movies like Leon and Scarface.

So they thought out of the box, and found another way for them to grab those powerhouse licences like Rambo, Terminator, and Batman. It was a completely open field, with no competition (Neca dosen't count). So you can say, by nabbing T2 and Dark Knight's 1/4 licence (granting them access to both Batman suits, JOKER, and Two-Face if they wanted), EB came outta left field. In 2011 Ani-Com, EB already announced they would be making 1/4 Dark Knight and Rambo III with teasers of Joker's Mask, and Rambo's weapons. While also for the first time debut their 1/4 T2 figure.

It would take almost a full year for EB to push out the Dark Knight stuff and it was ready to launch in 2012 Ani Com. By then, HT was hot on their trails, nabbing all other licences they can get their hands on. The 1/6 AND the 1/4 licence just to be safe (like TDKR). I mean.. they have the Avengers 1/4 licecne, what have they made so far? Probably eventually an Iron Man at most, but the point is they are not gonna give the chance for someone else to catch them off guard again i can be sure.

I'm pretty sure the DX11 and QS001 was in response to EB's annoucement as well. They know they can't make a 1/4 Joker, so they quickly took the opportunity to push out their own Joker, in order to minimize EB's sales. The QS001, was rushed out, cause in 2012, the EB Batman was ready for sale at the show. HT had to push out their Dark Knight Rises in order to also compete. They had little time, and they had to respond with something... even a rushed out prototype with problems is better then nothing.

However, after all is said... competition is good for us consumers, and i'm glad the QS001 now looks phenomenal. I pre-ordered at ani-com 2012, so thats 1 Entire Year... can't wait to get it on the first week of release.
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Now, this is just based on logic and what i've seen but here me out.

3 years ago... the high-end companies were NOT making 1/4. Everyone was concentrating on 1/6, and Enterbay was running outta good licences. Hot Toys was eating up all the big movie licences, leaving Enterbay making characters from Chinese movies or American B-movies like Dragon Ball, or older cult movies like Leon and Scarface.

So they thought out of the box, and found another way for them to grab those powerhouse licences like Rambo, Terminator, and Batman. It was a completely open field, with no competition (Neca dosen't count). So you can say, by nabbing T2 and Dark Knight's 1/4 licence (granting them access to both Batman suits, JOKER, and Two-Face if they wanted), EB came outta left field. In 2011 Ani-Com, EB already announced they would be making 1/4 Dark Knight and Rambo III with teasers of Joker's Mask, and Rambo's weapons. While also for the first time debut their 1/4 T2 figure.

It would take almost a full year for EB to push out the Dark Knight stuff and it was ready to launch in 2012 Ani Com. By then, HT was hot on their trails, nabbing all other licences they can get their hands on. The 1/6 AND the 1/4 licence just to be safe (like TDKR). I mean.. they have the Avengers 1/4 licecne, what have they made so far? Probably eventually an Iron Man at most, but the point is they are not gonna give the chance for someone else to catch them off guard again i can be sure.

I'm pretty sure the DX11 and QS001 was in response to EB's annoucement as well. They know they can't make a 1/4 Joker, so they quickly took the opportunity to push out their own Joker, in order to minimize EB's sales. The QS001, was rushed out, cause in 2012, the EB Batman was ready for sale at the show. HT had to push out their Dark Knight Rises in order to also compete. They had little time, and they had to respond with something... even a rushed out prototype with problems is better then nothing.

However, after all is said... competition is good for us consumers, and i'm glad the QS001 now looks phenomenal. I pre-ordered at ani-com 2012, so thats 1 Entire Year... can't wait to get it on the first week of release.

:goodpost: I would have to agree with pretty much all of that. Especially the references toward the QS001 and the DX11. I know that at the end of the day its business vs business. You have to trump your competition by damn near any means necessary. Even if it involves revealing a half assed version of a figure (Prototype QS001) to the consumers in order to get them to think twice about a purchase. I'm with you on the figure being phenomenal now and not being able to wait to get it. I think we can all mostly agree on that.
Not to turn this into an argument but if EnterBay has been using the Dark Knight license to Make their 1/4 Batman figures don't they still need the license in order to sell it? In other words, once the license runs out does that mean they cant sell them anymore, manufacture them anymore, or both? I'm asking because I really don't know but would like to.

Kato told you they were making a Batman Begins 1/4.. Wouldn't that imply that they either have the Batman Begins license now, or plan to get it in the future?

Since Hot Toys is releasing a 1/4 TDKR Batman, wouldn't that also infer that they have The Dark Knight Rises license? I only ask these questions to figure out where the assumptions are coming from. Based on simple logic, i've deduced who currently has or will potentially have what license. The only thing thats unsure is the longevity of the licenses.

Sorry, just clarifying in case your comment was directed at or included me. Thanks.

It was directed at everybody. Sorry for not clarifying that.

Hot Toys has the TDK license obviously. For what exactly? 1/6, 1/4, 1/12? No one knows but with the different size scale products they are putting out, we can only speculate that they have all three. Whether that all falls under the license or they have to get seperate licesnses for different scales, no one knows.

I am pretty sure more than one company can have the same license rights. It's only when exclusivity gets invloved, then only one company can sell products under that license. I would like to think that DC and Marvel give their licenses to whoever for more products and profit.
It was directed at everybody. Sorry for not clarifying that.

Hot Toys has the TDK license obviously. For what exactly? 1/6, 1/4, 1/12? No one knows but with the different size scale products they are putting out, we can only speculate that they have all three. Whether that all falls under the license or they have to get seperate licesnses for different scales, no one knows.

I am pretty sure more than one company can have the same license rights. It's only when exclusivity gets invloved, then only one company can sell products under that license. I would like to think that DC and Marvel give their licenses to whoever for more products and profit.

Licences should be seperated by scale (ex. 1/6, 1/4), type (action figure, bust, statue), and region.

For example: Medicom has the Star Wars licence for Asia, while Sideshow owns it for North America.

HT has the Asian Licence for BB 1/6 (and maybe the 1/4), TDK 1/6 and 1/4 busts, and TDKR 1/4, 1/6, 1/12 (The Bat).

Medicom probably has the Japan-only 1/6 licence for BB & TDK.

EB has the Asian TDK 1/4 only. Why does that seem so confusing to everyone? :gah: Get it outta your system, no 1/4 HT Jokers are coming until EB's licence expires. Unless... they cooperate with DC Direct, share the licence and push it out like that. But this is unlikely... not impossible, just unlikely. Neca just announced they are making a Heath Joker, but didnt say what scale. But that should be a North American licence unrelated to what HT and EB are doing.
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Licences should be seperated by scale (ex. 1/6, 1/4), type (action figure, bust, statue), and region.

For example: Medicom has the Star Wars licence for Asia, while Sideshow owns it for North America.
HT has the Asian Licence for BB 1/6 (and maybe the 1/4), TDK 1/6 and 1/4 busts, and TDKR 1/4, 1/6, 1/12 (The Bat).

Medicom probably has the Japan-only 1/6 licence for BB & TDK.

EB has the Asian TDK 1/4 only. Why does that seem so confusing to everyone? :gah: Get it outta your system, no 1/4 HT Jokers are coming until EB's licence expires. Unless... they cooperate with DC Direct, share the licence and push it out like that. But this is unlikely... not impossible, just unlikely. Neca just announced they are making a Heath Joker, but didnt say what scale. But that should be a North American licence unrelated to what HT and EB are doing.

But Hot Toys makes Star Wars figures, is that under the SS license agreement somehow?

Also, how do you know all this? What is your source?
Licences should be seperated by scale (ex. 1/6, 1/4), type (action figure, bust, statue), and region.

For example: Medicom has the Star Wars licence for Asia, while Sideshow owns it for North America.

HT has the Asian Licence for BB 1/6 (and maybe the 1/4), TDK 1/6 and 1/4 busts, and TDKR 1/4, 1/6, 1/12 (The Bat).

Medicom probably has the Japan-only 1/6 licence for BB & TDK.

EB has the Asian TDK 1/4 only. Why does that seem so confusing to everyone? :gah: Get it outta your system, no 1/4 HT Jokers are coming until EB's licence expires. Unless... they cooperate with DC Direct, share the licence and push it out like that. But this is unlikely... not impossible, just unlikely. Neca just announced they are making a Heath Joker, but didnt say what scale. But that should be a North American licence unrelated to what HT and EB are doing.

EB have the Asian TDK 1/4, but how they can sell those figures freely to another country? for Example a 1/6 play imaginative mark 7 is only for singapore only & I can't preorder directly from them.
But I agree, maybe we won't seeing a 1/4 joker from HT anytime soon.