Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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Imagine the Batmobile marked down as $20 value. Thats beyond taking the piss. I saw the guy sling it over his shoulder in an awkward way trying to shut the van door balancing on one foot, near enough.
Hmmm, I will display both together and don't plan to buy more 1/4 scale figures. What a dilema. Maybe I should wait for Hot Toys begins version, but I don't like waiting for too long.
I have both figures too and to my point of view, Hot Toys Batman has the better height and proportions. Enterbay has the same proportions as Hot Toys in head, arms and torso except for the legs. In my opinion, Enterbay Batman legs are too long. I noticed that too with the Joker. When I saw it on display the first thing that bothered me was the long legs.
So, the one who needs modding is Enterbay. I will eventually shorten the legs from the ankles and reduce the crotch to match Hot Toys. Wish me luck.

I'll be curious to see that. The legs do look a bit long on Enterbay.

I will just cut the ankles and put the boots again. I put both figures together but the Enterbay without the boots and the height was almost the same. Put the boots on front and looking in perspective, it looked very good.
I will also try the lift up the pants but that will require sanding the crotch. If it doesn't work, I will fill it up again.

Not sure why you'd need to sand the crotch if all you are trying to do is shorten the legs. The pant legs don't go all the way down to the end of the ankle do they? Is seems shortening the ankle and sticking the boots back on would do the trick. If the pants were too long you could just hem them.

However, if you actually want to shorten the groin/crotch area, then I could see sanding the crotch. That will mean taking the g-string off to get to the pants.
Seems like a lot of work to do considering it's much easier to make the qs2 taller by popping the boots off and dropping a few small washers or grommets on the posts before putting them back on.
Just looked at my Enterbay bat. The boots already go all the way up to the knee. It does seem like it's the thigh that's long. No real way to change that. Seems like sanding the crotch would actually make them look longer...
Not sure why you'd need to sand the crotch if all you are trying to do is shorten the legs. The pant legs don't go all the way down to the end of the ankle do they? Is seems shortening the ankle and sticking the boots back on would do the trick. If the pants were too long you could just hem them.

However, if you actually want to shorten the groin/crotch area, then I could see sanding the crotch. That will mean taking the g-string off to get to the pants.
I want to match Hot Toys 1/4 proportions. When I put both figures together but with Enterbays boots off, it looked the right height but the crotch was not symmetrical (too low). That also would make the impression of the legs being too short after the mod. With the crotch low that makes the belt looking a bit high too.
I was successful taking the g-string off, cutting the original holes on the suit and streching the suit again making new holes for the plastic g-string holder. It came out perfect, but I will have to detach it again to work on the crotch :slap
I think I am getting out of topic, no more comparisons of Hot Toys and Enterbay Batman from my part.
To those who are starting to feel discouraged and/or thinking twice about buying/keeping their QS001 just because of Maglor's opinions and those side-by-side comparisons of DX12 and QS001 in pictures (taken at separate occasions), know this:

Maglor, and I say this with confidence in my one year of stay on here and seeing his posts -- is a collector of high, if not highest standards. That's him, and he's well-respected in the community (add me to those who look up on him) because his high standards and perfectionism result to his coming up with modifications from simple to complicated (which he selflessly shares to all) that can bring out a figure's full potential. But with that said I have also learned to separate my opinions to his as I do with the opinions of professional toy reviewers like Michael Crawford. IN the end it's always to each his own. If I like the figure and find it outstanding as is or with slight mods, I'd keep it despite Maglor saying it looks like an oversized Mattel toy to him, or if Crawford gives it 2 stars. But then I get pleased easily.

I'm still waiting on mine, but I saw this on display and I think that in person if placed side-by-side with the DX12, the QS001 would show that it's not at all just a blown-up version of its sixth-scale counterpart.

I would agree with this if we were not talking about toys.

This is not to say that forums should not have such weighted opinion like Manglor's. Most opinions I find are made my folks not so well educated.

But my problem is that there is such a thing as being overly fickle....on a toy.
There is side of me that doesn't want to know all the little differences from screen to in hand figure. Especially when standards are as high as they are on this Q001.
I know an easy solution to that would be to not visit the boards.

To me, personally it just sounds a little spoilt and very first world to be so fickle about something that is already so well made.
I want to match Hot Toys 1/4 proportions. When I put both figures together but with Enterbays boots off, it looked the right height but the crotch was not symmetrical (too low). That also would make the impression of the legs being too short after the mod. With the crotch low that makes the belt looking a bit high too.
I was successful taking the g-string off, cutting the original holes on the suit and streching the suit again making new holes for the plastic g-string holder. It came out perfect, but I will have to detach it again to work on the crotch :slap
I think I am getting out of topic, no more comparisons of Hot Toys and Enterbay Batman from my part.

Let's carry on the conversation in the Enterbay thread. :)

I would agree with this if we were not talking about toys.

This is not to say that forums should not have such weighted opinion like Manglor's. Most opinions I find are made my folks not so well educated.

But my problem is that there is such a thing as being overly fickle....on a toy.
There is side of me that doesn't want to know all the little differences from screen to in hand figure. Especially when standards are as high as they are on this Q001.
I know an easy solution to that would be to not visit the boards.

To me, personally it just sounds a little spoilt and very first world to be so fickle about something that is already so well made.

Is it technically a toy? I guess.

But this is a company that makes very high end collectables and they are known for striving for accuracy.

I do agree that this is a 'first world problem' and that we have become spoiled. I've said both of those things before myself. But we are getting charged VERY first world prices.

Can you explain what's wrong with me not wanting to keep this figure? If I don't see $500 on the shelf and things bother me, why should I keep it? I wouldn't think of criticizing someone for loving the figure.

Also, I don't think fickle is the word you're looking for. That implies frequently changing loyalties. Ana1 is a better word that you have used in the context.

I also want to mention that I am not, and never have been a "screen accuracy" pedant. For me it's always been about looking good on the shelf. The issues I have with this figure are not about screen accuracy, they are about proportions solely within the context of the "toy".
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To each his own :lecture

I have him for a few weeks now, and still take a few minutes each day to look at it, and go :hi5: with myself for having him.

The first time that my 2 yr old daughter saw him displayed she went
"woooooh nannaan!!!" made me laugh out loud.
So yeah, in this case, I forgot how much i spend for once on a "toy", because it made this moment priceless :clap
Is it technically a toy? I guess.

But this is a company that makes very high end collectables and they are known for striving for accuracy.

I do agree that this is a 'first world problem' and that we have become spoiled. I've said both of those things before myself. But we are getting charged VERY first world prices.

Can you explain what's wrong with me not wanting to keep this figure? If I don't see $500 on the shelf and things bother me, why should I keep it? I wouldn't think of criticizing someone for loving the figure.

Also, I don't think fickle is the word you're looking for. That implies frequently changing loyalties. Ana1 is a better word that you have used in the context.

I also want to mention that I am not, and never have been a "screen accuracy" pedant. For me it's always been about looking good on the shelf. The issues I have with this figure are not about screen accuracy, they are about proportions solely within the context of the "toy".

That is so well worded, how can I argue with that? Tis very refreshing to have solid counter argument on a message board, let alone a Batman board. ;)
I think these are still toys, albeit a $500 toy and you make a good point, we are paying first world prices.

I know it's not quite a good argument but on certain things, especially on such good quality items, I don't care as much as you might and feel that ignorance is, sometimes, bliss.
I never spotted half the stuff say Predator fans do but when I go in there you discover 'faults' or whatever that now bother you (because you now know about it) where as it never did before.
I don't want the enjoyment of my figure to be tarnished by things that I never noticed until someone with a far keener eye than mine points it out.

This is not me saying there is anything at all wrong with being so anal but one can go too far and sometimes inadvertently spoil it for others. Which is not to say that is what you are doing but it might happen. :

I do not want to know about any faults or flaws on this Batman as I think it's just pimp. So I guess the answer is to not read your posts. But then intelligent posts are rare these days so it's a tough one! :)

I hope you understand what I am trying to say?!
To each his own :lecture

I have him for a few weeks now, and still take a few minutes each day to look at it, and go :hi5: with myself for having him.

The first time that my 2 yr old daughter saw him displayed she went
"woooooh nannaan!!!" made me laugh out loud.
So yeah, in this case, I forgot how much i spend for once on a "toy", because it made this moment priceless :clap

:goodpost: Great story!

Yes he catches all eyes in the room and not just because of the size.
People are going to regret not getting this later if they are on the fence...
You may have to wait a long time on a waitlist without any guarantee you'll get the figure.
If you really want it go with BBTS before they're gone or even more expensive.