Hot Toys - The Dark Knight

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yea if he drags it, he might end up tripping on his own cape and fracture his jaw or his cape will caught by a fan or a fence :monkey3

But Batman always has a cape, it adds to his mystique. The idea that he'll trip on his own cape is just silly. He's the ^^^^ing Batman. :rock I'm all for realism, but it's too real.

I still think the "Bat-pack" is dumb. Why couldn't they have stuck with the original cape with the cool electric-current functions? Ok, granted, the original suit is either stolen or damaged in the movie so the cape would go with it, but can Lucius not fashion a new one? Really.

I'm holding the Mattel Action Cape Batman in my hands, staring down the bat-pack in utter dissatisfaction.
I'm definitely not saying I prefer the new suit to the BB suit. The BB suit is a work of perfection, in my opinion. I'm sad to see it go. :(
But Batman always has a cape, it adds to his mystique. The idea that he'll trip on his own cape is just silly He's the ^^^^ing Batman. I'm all for realism, but it's too real.

I still think the "Bat-pack" is dumb. Why couldn't they have stuck with the original cape with the cool electric-current functions? Ok, granted, the original suit is either stolen or damaged in the movie so the cape would go with it, but can Lucius not fashion a new one? Really.

I'm holding the Mattel Action Cape Batman in my hands, staring down the bat-pack in utter dissatisfaction.

i was joking :monkey2:monkey2 but yea i want Batman with no bat pack, he looks like a kid going to school :monkey3 ah screw it, i cant wait to see the pix :D
i was joking :monkey2:monkey2 but yea i want Batman with no bat pack, he looks like a kid going to school :monkey3 ah screw it, i cant wait to see the pix :D

I could just imagine: The Justice League's school for the extraordinarily gifted. Batman and Supes would go to school and Batman would pick on Supes because he's such a pushover. Boy scout...:lol

Supes: "I have a PB&J sandwich for lunch today, what do you have?"

Bats: "I packed my cape again...DAMMIT."
I could just imagine: The Justice League's school for the extraordinarily gifted. Batman and Supes would go to school and Batman would pick on Supes because he's such a pushover. Boy scout...

SUPERMAN: I was thinking asking wonderwoman out
BATMAN: go for it she's hot

superman goes up to wonderwoman while she's holding her books

SUPERMAN: hey wonderwoman

WONDERWOMAN: yes clark?

SUPERMAN? *chokes*

BATMAN: bwhahahahahahaha
But Batman always has a cape, it adds to his mystique. The idea that he'll trip on his own cape is just silly. He's the ^^^^ing Batman. :rock I'm all for realism, but it's too real.

I still think the "Bat-pack" is dumb. Why couldn't they have stuck with the original cape with the cool electric-current functions? Ok, granted, the original suit is either stolen or damaged in the movie so the cape would go with it, but can Lucius not fashion a new one? Really.

I'm holding the Mattel Action Cape Batman in my hands, staring down the bat-pack in utter dissatisfaction.

I agree. It's the dumbest thing ever and makes me hate the new TDK suit even more. :monkey1
They did a rerelease of Supes so I don't know why they wouldn't. TDK is a perfect opportunity to do an improved re-release and call it TDK. It will be a TDK figure in the BB suit.

Right, yeah they did, and I have both versions. Totally slipped my mind. So all the major Asian figure makers suck, and the Batpack suxs too. They may as well forget about calling him Batman and call him the Batpacker. :lol I don't care if anyone else isn't laughing. I reckon it's hilarious. :lol:lol
We should be seeing some leaked prod pics soon on Asian sites, maybe by this weekend.

Our Resident Dark Knight Batty will be on it, prowling sites, uncovering hidden imagery, bringing darkness to light. :D
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these figures had better still be available after october (post wedding/honeymoon) when I'm able to buy the odd thing here and there again........
these figures had better still be available after october (post wedding/honeymoon) when I'm able to buy the odd thing here and there again........

Of course you realise these might totally sell out!

Where as you can allways get another wife.:rotfl
"Honey can we postpone the wedding. You see, there are these Batman figures that are coming out and they may sell out by October..." :lol
With the reveal set to come on Monday I'm actually surprised the pics haven't begun floating around yet...