Hot Toys - The Dark Knight

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No one does it better. :D

That's "nobody", Pal.

Wow, you guys must have suckey SOs. Then again, I only date nymphomaniacs who also buy me toys, so my experience may be biased.

Yes, yes, they are the best type!

But once you're in a loving, legaly recognised union it all falls into place. And I find it's safer to get my own toys these days as that way I can make sure I GET THE RIGHT FREAKIN ONE!

Any ways, back to BATMAN!
hmm.... cancel wedding... cancel USA coast to coast road trip honeymoon.....

.....for Batman figure

Sounds good to me!
wooho nice! Althouh i dont see much difference yet with the BB suit and this one. Joker face looks very similiar to the bust also..