Hot Toys - The Dark Knight

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I agree Wooks! I think it'll be Joker along with original suit Bats. Don't think WB will allow them to show Two Face just yet. So wave 1 will be original suit Bats + Joker and wave 2 will be DK suit Bats + Two Face. Spread out the releases Hot Toys!!! Think about your empty-walleted customers :monkey2
I think TDK Suit Bats and Joker.

Why would they roll out the TDK line with a BB suit? Didn't see that with the busts did we, so I think they'll follow suit.
I wonder what kind of legal wranglings occurred with Heath Ledger's likeness?It must have been a bit of a tricky situation...or would WB have just given HT a blanket permission to use his likeness as they saw fit?It must be hard approaching a deceased performer's bereaved to ask them to sign off on a figure of their loved one,as loved a character as I'm positive he will be.I'm expecting Jack Sparrow levels of glee and praise for Heath's swansong.
I wonder what kind of legal wranglings occurred with Heath Ledger's likeness?It must have been a bit of a tricky situation...or would WB have just given HT a blanket permission to use his likeness as they saw fit?It must be hard approaching a deceased performer's bereaved to ask them to sign off on a figure of their loved one,as loved a character as I'm positive he will be.I'm expecting Jack Sparrow levels of glee and praise for Heath's swansong.

The answer is none.

All this was baked into Heath's contract with WB/DC.

Initial reports indicate that the actual TDK suit is directly tied to the storyline and he'll begin the film in the BB suit. That being said, looking at the busts I wouldn't doubt that on Monday we get the BB Batman slated as (Original Suit or Costume) and The Joker, just like the busts.

I think TDK Suit Bats and Joker.

Why would they roll out the TDK line with a BB suit? Didn't see that with the busts did we, so I think they'll follow suit.

Ummm...the bust is of the BB suit. As you can see from the picture it says it is the "original costume"

Ummm...the bust is of the BB suit. As you can see from the picture it says it is the "original costume"


You're right. We'll see... maybe it will be the BB suit. I just don't see why (since so many already have that figure, even if this one is improved), guess they may save TDK suit for the second round.
Dependent on the reasoning why the TDK suit is used in the film and given the fact that the new suit doesn't exactly have a ton of fans, HT may have decided to go back "redo" the BB suit to show off what it can do now and make up for the lackluster response to the last one, then wait until Film's release where people know exactly why/how the suit is used and capitalize on that buzz by offering it then.....
Dependent on the reasoning why the TDK suit is used in the film and given the fact that the new suit doesn't exactly have a ton of fans, HT may have decided to go back "redo" the BB suit to show off what it can do now and make up for the lackluster response to the last one, then wait until Film's release where people know exactly why/how the suit is used and capitalize on that buzz by offering it then.....

Good point Mike. Maybe WB wants it that way but many other figs with the TDK suit have already been released. Gonna rock, either way. But remember the HT BB had serious posing issues with the BB suit.
I was thinking about that too that it might be a WB mandate until I realize that all other merchandisng is fully featuring the TDK suit. I'm thinking this was a strategic move by HT, everyone will snap up the BB redo, both fans of the new film and those who missed out originally not to mention those who weren't happy with the first and then once the film is out and that buzz is continuing they'll understand and want the new suited Bats as well.

Its a smart way to make sure both products if it were needed anyway.
I wonder what kind of legal wranglings occurred with Heath Ledger's likeness?It must have been a bit of a tricky situation...or would WB have just given HT a blanket permission to use his likeness as they saw fit?It must be hard approaching a deceased performer's bereaved to ask them to sign off on a figure of their loved one,as loved a character as I'm positive he will be.I'm expecting Jack Sparrow levels of glee and praise for Heath's swansong.

I would think that Hot Toys probaby secure the license even before Heath's death, these figures take quite some time to even have a prototype ready and I would think as long as HT had the likeness rights for Heath before his passing, they're locked in, I can't imagine with his age that anyone thought to write and death clauses into the likeness rights.
Its more of a WB handling likeness issues when he signed up. They are well aware of the marketing and merchandising giants these films are and would have signed up everyone with the likeness rights I'd imagine. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael Caine even had one as a just in case. There will be no issue with these at all.
Besides, Hot Toys has already demonstrated in the past, they have ways to get around likeness rights.

I think the first Batsuit we'll be offered will be the new TDK suit, I think it's a safe bet. While most people are assuming they'll take another stab at the Begins style to one up their last effort, business wise I think they'd go the route of making everyone think TDK suit is the only offering they'll have, get their money for it then release the figure a larger fanbase would want. Even if the function of the new suit is enjoyable on screen, it may not sway opinions on the design enough to want to spend $150 on a figure of it, but if people think it's their only choice, they'll bite. I don't really care how the suit is utilized in the film. I think in some stills it's too much but on some products, it looks nice, so I'm just curious to see how a Hot Toys figure reflects it. If the figure looks nice enough I'll get it. That was my thinking with Takara Begins Batman, it's not totally true to the screen, but it's a damn sharp looking figure.
So if HT makes a new Begins figure that blows everything else away, how many are gonna trade up from Takara?