Hot Toys - The Joker 1989 - Jack Nicholson

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Keaton Batman, Nicholson Joker and Reeve Superman are like the holy Trinity of "most wanted" 1/6 figures. Crazy that all 3 are announced w/in such a short period of time :rock
Pretty much. I saw this movie 4 times in theatres. I was 12 back in 89' so this kind of movie stays with you a long time.

I didn't get to see it in the theater, I was only 2 at the time :lol, but growing up I must have watched this and Returns a thousands of times. Batman was my life as a kid.
I remember people buying movie tickets in December 1988 for whatever movie the trailer was attached to and walking out after the preview was finished. The summer of 1989 was total Batmania!

This is one of my holy grails and I could not be happier. Thank you Hot Toys for a jaw dropping figure.

Now if only Fox and Warners could come to terms for the 1966 Adam West Batman...
i was 11 at the time and i remember it being sold out that it was making the news about the lines and the waits...i didnt get to see it in the movies, but it was a big deal at christmas as the video tapes were all over the place...when i got it i watched it 3 times in a row.
Yeah this is one of my grails BIG time in fact and( I think i said this before) Nicholson Joker,Keaton Batman and if I ever get my damn BD T2 T-800 AND Police Shoot Out T-800 and Im bowing out of the collecting world for a while.........hopefully:lol Anyway does anyone think 89 Jokes and Bats will ship together? Did DX01 and DX02 ship together?
Since we're saying what ages we were in 1989 - I was 7.

Yeah this is one of my grails BIG time in fact and( I think i said this before) Nicholson Joker,Keaton Batman and if I ever get my damn BD T2 T-800 AND Police Shoot Out T-800 and Im bowing out of the collecting world for a while.........hopefully:lol Anyway does anyone think 89 Jokes and Bats will ship together? Did DX01 and DX02 ship together?

Yeah figures from Tim Burton's Batman films have kinda been on/off grails for me. That is to say, occasionally, including recently - I've kidded myself that I could resist them if made. Needless to say I can't. Just too iconic to pass on. And particularly after ordering the Chris Reeve Superman.

Any further figures from T1 and T2 are my top choices though. Unfortunately they don't seem to be Hot Toys'. Bizarre considering how well they would most definitely, without doubt sell.

Once I have all these figures, once I've bought them in the OCD quantities I want, my collecting should in theory become the odd figure here or there or the odd piece that might enhance what I have. I might still buy figures from new sequels, prequels or reboots of my favourite franchises but if given no choice due to circumstances it might not kill me to pass on them because I'll have all the ones I have deemed grails for the longest time. In theory.
I was 10 or 11 at the time... it blew my mind then and is still my favorite version of Batman :rock
In the original, unshopped pic, the ********* (holding the figure here) is asking Jack to sign a Ledger Joker pic. *********'s lucky Jack didn't turn his head into a salad bowl and piss in it.

Since we're saying what ages we were in 1989 - I was 7.

Yeah figures from Tim Burton's Batman films have kinda been on/off grails for me. That is to say, occasionally, including recently - I've kidded myself that I could resist them if made. Needless to say I can't. Just too iconic to pass on. And particularly after ordering the Chris Reeve Superman.

Any further figures from T1 and T2 are my top choices though. Unfortunately they don't seem to be Hot Toys'. Bizarre considering how well they would most definitely, without doubt sell.

Once I have all these figures, once I've bought them in the OCD quantities I want, my collecting should in theory become the odd figure here or there or the odd piece that might enhance what I have. I might still buy figures from new sequels, prequels or reboots of my favourite franchises but if given no choice due to circumstances it might not kill me to pass on them because I'll have all the ones I have deemed grails for the longest time. In theory.

:exactly: You've hit it on the head my friend. That is exactly how I feel. Although I cant buy figures in OCD amount, I just dont make that kinda money,but if I could I would. Id have a set up like your terminators. Which I cant believed were skunked on by the way!! I thought we'd see something. Oh well, it will come, Im holding the faith a-dev. Anyway I was 5 when Batman came out, my mom took me to the theaters when it came out. Although I was too young to fully get everything that was going on I loved it. In fact that year for Halloween I was the Joker. I looked kick ass!! We went to the thrift store and got all the parts for the suit and my mom did the face paint( very well btw) I remember I was the only Joker on the street that night,everyone wanted to be Batman.:lol Ive always been different in that respect. Needless to say I am very excited for this. I cant wait to see Keaton Bats revealed!!! Im really curious how their gonna that cape especially how it comes all the way around the front and connects to the bat symbol, I believe that would cause a lot of restriction as far as articulation, right? Either way I have faith it will be stunning.
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