Hot Toys - The Joker 1989 - Jack Nicholson

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You pretty much negated everything you said with the last two words


:lol My resolve was shortlived. I'll always want 'new stuff'. It really is an addiction.

I honestly thought that by having a completed kato joker in the collection it might stop me from buying everything as "everything" will only ever come second to that figure far it has not been working!:slap
Bats, Joker, and of course the Impala Batmobile are grail pieces for me. Si8milar to Reeve Supes I've wanted toys of this caliber since I was a kid. I was deemed to too young by my folks to see the picture in theatres but I still rememer countless hours of watching it on vhs. Even the commercials at the beginning from Bugs and Daffy trying to sell t-shirts to Alfred's diet coke fix. I can remember it all so vividly.

Burton's '89 Batman is still my favorite portrayal of the character on film. Its the only one where he's not willing to give up the cowl for some broad.
I always thought the 'love story' part of 89' Batman was a bit weak. Not that it was ever important to me or that love stories are important to Batman generally but how it plays out in the 89 film is really rushed through and seems to get overdramatic really quickly like as though Vale and Wayne were together for months or over a year.

"Why won't you let me in?" etc etc No relationship gets that angsty so early on. Or is it just me?
I hope the keaton batman will not leak oil like the dx did. I think it would be a good idea if they did the chest and ab area hard plastic instead of rubber. Just to be on the safe side ( i know that the hard plastic doesnt take care of the oil problem 100%)

If anything on the Batman figure is rubber, I'm passing.

Rubber= Tears in a few years

I was 19 at the time this came out and was my favourite movie ever for a very long time, so everything Batman 89 will be mine !
I would say the same about Pacino. And I do think the body of one's work and longevity at the top of their form should play a role in such a discussion (for directors and actors), as should range and depth of performance over the course of those careers. Of course, this is all subjective. But I personally wouldn't put Nicholson in the same discussion as guys like Humphrey Bogart, Henry Fonda, and Marlon Brando. I would even put Tom Hanks and Daniel-Day Lewis ahead of him. Having said that, Chinatown is one of my favorite all-time movies.

Tom Hanks sucks. Are you kidding me?

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