Hot Toys - The Joker 1989 - Jack Nicholson

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Nicoholson will go down as an iconic actor...i probably should have made that more clear in my list :slap personally I think Brando/Daniel Day Lewis/Depp will probably be considered the most brilliant actors period. Those guys immersed themselves in roles and it back to 89 joker.

Nicholson will go down as an iconic actor for sure.

And I agree with Brando/Daniel Day/Depp, but you left out Ledger! ;)
Nicholson will go down as an iconic actor for sure.

And I agree with Brando/Daniel Day/Depp, but you left out Ledger! ;)

:gah: i did...i got to see TDK on opening day at the first afternoon showing and was up for 24 hours by the end of the film cause i work shift work and was on was well worth it, ledger was amazing...from the accent, to the lip licking, he owned that character...nicholson owned his as well both of these fine actors deserve the DX treatment come on SSC lets get the PO up!!
Let me guess, if it doesn't have superheroes or sh$t blowing up every 10 seconds, it's a boring movie. Smurfs 3D is coming out soon, maybe that's more your speed ? :lol...Cast Away was an amazing performance and movie.

:exactly: This seems to be the trend nowadays. Im gonna be honest CGI and things blowing up doesnt impress me if it doesnt have a good story and acting. I know someone who thought Mystic River was awful and horribly boring. Mystic River is one of the best movies Ive ever seen along with one of my favorite performances which was Sean Penn. On top of that Hanks is probably one of the best actors of his generation, he probably has one of the most impressive resume's. I mean think of all the great movies been in. Castaway was no exception, I cant think of anyone else for that role and could have pulled it off that well. More than half the movie he's alone and the only dialogue is either to himself or a freakin volleyball....and it worked!
Nicholson will go down as an iconic actor for sure.

And I agree with Brando/Daniel Day/Depp, but you left out Ledger! ;)

Ledger's had some great performances, but sadly, I don't think he's had enough genuinely great performances to cement his place with the likes of Brando and so forth. His Joker will definitely hold it's place in history as one of filmdom's greatest antagonists, but Ledger hasn't had enough of those truly great roles that could've brought him to icon status. The saddest part is the wasted potential, his Joker showed people that he had what it takes, but due to the tragedy that befell him, we'll never know just how far he could've gone, or what he could've accomplished.
:exactly: This seems to be the trend nowadays. Im gonna be honest CGI and things blowing up doesnt impress me if it doesnt have a good story and acting. I know someone who thought Mystic River was awful and horribly boring. Mystic River is one of the best movies Ive ever seen along with one of my favorite performances which was Sean Penn. On top of that Hanks is probably one of the best actors of his generation, he probably has one of the most impressive resume's. I mean think of all the great movies been in. Castaway was no exception, I cant think of anyone else for that role and could have pulled it off that well. More than half the movie he's alone and the only dialogue is either to himself or a freakin volleyball....and it worked!

Mystic River was another awesome movie ! :hi5:
:exactly: More than half the movie he's alone and the only dialogue is either to himself or a freakin volleyball....and it worked!

I was quite sad at the scene when Wilson goes overboard, I mean it's a volleyball, but it was given a personality...Hanks really is spectacular actor, just look at resume, he had great comedic timing, which is harder than dramatic acting, then turns his career around and goes all out in dramas. Granted if you don't like a movie you don't like a movie, but he is a very accomplished/talented actor.

but Ledger hasn't had enough of those truly great roles that could've brought him to icon status. The saddest part is the wasted potential, his Joker showed people that he had what it takes, but due to the tragedy that befell him, we'll never know just how far he could've gone, or what he could've accomplished.
:goodpost: he would have went on to be in amazing roles, he was quite talented, and it's sad what happened to him, the potential was definitely there though.
When the ____ did this thread turn gay? HotToys reveals arguably their best figure to date and you've got guys talking about a movie about man who wanked it to a volleyball and Mystic Pizza. :dunno
When the ____ did this thread turn gay? HotToys reveals arguably their best figure to date and you've got guys talking about a movie about man who wanked it to a volleyball and Mystic Pizza. :dunno

Hanks was over 10 years ago. Now a desperate aging Actor who no longer Lords over the business or relates to the youth audience.

I think his career death knell was when he alienated what was left of his VET audience while promoting HBO's "The Pacific". He basically painted WW2 Vets with racial hatred with his comments. Whatever your Politics, that was just plain stupid and hurtful to the "Greatest generation". That and his latest College Boy flop which showed just out of touch he is.

Now he has to do spot cameos on SNL to remain relevant,and when you have to do that, you no longer are.

But he had his moments, Apollo 13 and and Saving Private Ryan were for me.

Anyway, it's no tHanks now.
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