Hot Toys - The Joker 1989 - Jack Nicholson

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Nevertheless, this is a discussion forum, and for those that see areas for improvement on products, this is the only place we can discuss those concerns, and why shouldn't we?

I agree with that. There is a difference though between posting, "The eyes on this figure look a little off, aren't they supposed to be a bit higher?" and posting seventeen photoshops and yelling "ZOMG! I posted this on here, HT's FB, SSC's FB and started a petition!!!!" I'm all for discussion but am I'm not exactly promoting that someone shouldn't buy this figure because a figure's socks are wrong and those who do are labeled stupid.

Even playing Devil's Advocate and saying that HT did browse these forums, the comments here are so unconstructive and literally run the course of simple trolling and bashing that I"m sure they are long gone from here just like SSC stopped coming in here years ago for anything product related.
Yeah I agree it is not constructive and plain annoying to harp on about it to the point of trolling, I try not to do that! Though I may be guilty of it on the odd occassion haha
In your opinion.
I call it discussing and having a good time. Isn't that what we all do when we get together and have some drinks while we "fix the world"?

Of course. But even you can't deny that some posts on here are a kin to this:

Even playing Devil's Advocate and saying that HT did browse these forums, the comments here are so unconstructive and literally run the course of simple trolling and bashing that I"m sure they are long gone from here just like SSC stopped coming in here years ago for anything product related.

Now you're being naive about SSC not reading this threads. They might not post, but they sure read our comments. I had a conversation with one of them at SDCC (not gonna say who) and he mentioned a post that I would've never thought they would've spotted amongst the thousands of posts. I was surprised.

Anyway, I agree about the neck being too thin and the body needing a fatsuit.:lecture
I agree with that. There is a difference though between posting, "The eyes on this figure look a little off, aren't they supposed to be a bit higher?" and posting seventeen photoshops and yelling "ZOMG! I posted this on here, HT's FB, SSC's FB and started a petition!!!!" I'm all for discussion but am I'm not exactly promoting that someone shouldn't buy this figure because a figure's socks are wrong and those who do are labeled stupid.

Even playing Devil's Advocate and saying that HT did browse these forums, the comments here are so unconstructive and literally run the course of simple trolling and bashing that I"m sure they are long gone from here just like SSC stopped coming in here years ago for anything product related.

Yeah they def have eyes on the forum.
One only needs to take a look at the "Views" these things receive to come to the conclusion that there are far more readers of the forum than posters. Whoever threw out 8% market share or whatever is high. I would put that number closer to 50% between the forums and FB. Easily.:monkey1
One only needs to take a look at the "Views" these things receive to come to the conclusion that there are far more readers of the forum than posters. Whoever threw out 8% market share or whatever is high. I would put that number closer to 50% between the forums and FB. Easily.:monkey1

:lol:rotfl:lol:rotfl:lol:rotfl:lol No. Now who's being naive? :lol
This looks too much like Chris Reeve, Unacceptable. Also, it looks too asian and like Tom Cruise. I can't even tell what its supposed to be. Is that the Joker or something? It like its a completely different character. If you didn't tell me it was from batman, I wouldn't have known at all. EPIC FAIL! Pass (but I'll buy 6)
I'll probably get this guy. Was pretty set on getting the 89 Bats too but I was watching the 89 Batman movie for the first time in like nearly 20 years and realized I don't care for the 89 suit. *quickly puts up hands over face* Dont hit me, please!
Let's be realistic. It's been posted by SS that the forum buying public makes up about 3-4% of the buying public on standard releases. Let's assume that HT's is double that so about 8%. The folks of FB are usually the same ones on the boards but let's say it adds another 2%. So we are supposed believe that HT will take what 10% of the buying public says and knitpicks while 90% of the rest of the folks are happy buying whatever HT puts out?

Seems a little off doesn't it? :dunno

Depends on the quality of the suggestions. If they come here as some think, I bet they do listen. If not, well there's the answer.
Of course. But even you can't deny that some posts on here are a kin to this:


I've found this figure to be the most constructive in criticisms of any recent release actually. Evidently the tolerance for anything short of expressions of love have been exhausted everywhere else. If you step back and look at it, so far, Joker's getting a really warm reception.
Depends on the quality of the suggestions. If they come here as some think, I bet they do listen. If not, well there's the answer.

Any remote changes they've made based on fan suggestions have come from their Facebook page, not here. Do a search for Hot Toys Dark Knight Batman and have a gander at the first TDK v1 thread that was locked by the Darklord himself due to the obscene level of rectal retention. That's probably when HT said FU to SSF.
Any remote changes they've made based on fan suggestions have come from their Facebook page, not here. Do a search for Hot Toys Dark Knight Batman and have a gander at the first TDK v1 thread that was locked by the Darklord himself due to the obscene level of rectal retention. That's probably when HT said FU to SSF.

Perhaps. It's hard to say for sure. Corporately, HT probably doesn't care. But, if I were an artist for them, I'd be curious what the reception of my work was. They would be sure to find criticism somewhere, if not here. So, perhaps they do make changes that people suggest.

All that said, IMO a little discussion about how something could be improved is harmless, if not fun when other intelligent people discuss too. I'd draw the line at the stuff I suspect you have in mind though when the word "nitpicker" comes up. It clearly gets your blood going, which I'd hardly consider harmless or fun.
Perhaps. It's hard to say for sure. Corporately, HT probably doesn't care. But, if I were an artist for them, I'd be curious what the reception of my work was. They would be sure to find criticism somewhere, if not here. So, perhaps they do make changes that people suggest.

All that said, IMO a little discussion about how something could be improved is harmless, if not fun when other intelligent people discuss too. I'd draw the line at the stuff I suspect you have in mind though when the word "nitpicker" comes up. It clearly gets your blood going, which I'd hardly consider harmless or fun.

We're not talking about the "eh, hat brim could be a little wider but I'm still buying" stuff. I could give two ____s or a ____ about that stuff. We're talking about the "Smile is .000001mm lower than it should be, the eyebrow hairs are simply not sculpted accurate and that pore should be fractionally higher in comparison to this photoshopped screenshot!" and then they go and make a photoshop that basically looks identical. Or the trolling idiots who come in claiming it looks absolutely nothing like the subject. :lol

In my experience as a graphic artist, more often than not, when you listen to all these types of critique and apply them to the piece more often than not, while you epitomized a single person's perspective, you've actually worked it further away from where it should be, than before you started making the changes suggested by the certain individual. There will NEVER be absolute perfection in life, and in cases like this, good enough is just that.
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