Hot Toys - The Joker 1989 - Jack Nicholson

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I bought that a while ago but haven't watched it yet. Worth it?

Rewatched both batman and batman returns on Blu ray. Definitely worth it. Visually stunning, some of the set pieces are awesome and even the weak storylines don't ruin it
You will see Keaton Batman by the end of the week.

...THE Batman?

Why do people still doubt the eyes are PERS? Not only do they look like they are, but haven't we seen him looking in different directions already?

Also, there are no other standards for DX aside for movable eyes. By all means, Barney, T-1000, and Sweeney Todd could have easily been DX figures had their eyes been able to move. Likewise, Jack and Michael Jackson could have easily been regular releases without the movable eyes. This Joker already comes with plenty of content including an alternate jacket so it more than warrants your typical DX tag, as meaningless as that title actually is.
Why do people still doubt the eyes are PERS? Not only do they look like they are, but haven't we seen him looking in different directions already?

Really? I haven't seen them be moved. And they don't really look like PERS in and of themselves to me. The hair in back makes me think a PERS rig would work though, that was all.

Anyway, as you say, the DX thing is really in name only, means very little... I'm not sure I even like PERS, never had one in hand.
It's PERS if it's a DX. The one pic has both eyes in corners , very extreme position!
And I will be getting this. No way I can pass this up. WAY too iconic of a piece.
Wait. People are questioning that Joker has PERS? Or Luke?

Both obviously have PERS. :dunno
Wait. People are questioning that Joker has PERS? Or Luke?

Both obviously have PERS. :dunno

Not sure who else is, but all I said was that Joker didn't look like PERS to me, not necessarily. But I also am the one who found the DX on that stand... so I'm a bit of a conundrum.

Luke has PERS clearly.
The amount of white showing around the iris confirms it for me.


The first thing I do with PERS is pose them looking up with the head bowed. All other positions give the googly-eyed look in that pic. Thankfully googly-eyed works well for any Joker. :D
Aw, that looks like PERS there. OK. Good.

So Joker IS DX 08!

Love the white stocking they use on the wrist. They couldn't paint it white. :lol
Those teeth are amazing. They literally look like real enamel.

We've reached a new standard here folks.
I think since Joker is pretty much the highlight of SDCC for a lot of folks, Batman will steal Ani-Com.
Depends on how well he turns out. I have no doubts in the armor and headsculpt, but that cape of his, if they don't do any better than the customs, I know I will feel, and I'm sure others too, less enthused about him than Joker. I don't know the minute details of Joker to tell you what's wrong with this thing, only really obvious stuff will jump out, like the tiny brim on the hat, and other than that, this thing just looks stellar in every way, I see no room to improve it, slap it in a box and send it. If Batman's cape is off, I'll spend the time from proto to shipping hoping they find a way to fix it.
Depends on how well he turns out. I have no doubts in the armor and headsculpt, but that cape of his, if they don't do any better than the customs, I know I will feel, and I'm sure others too, less enthused about him than Joker. I don't know the minute details of Joker to tell you what's wrong with this thing, only really obvious stuff will jump out, like the tiny brim on the hat, and other than that, this thing just looks stellar in every way, I see no room to improve it, slap it in a box and send it. If Batman's cape is off, I'll spend the time from proto to shipping hoping they find a way to fix it.

I think we'll either be wowed or disappointed in the cape. Lets be honest, Keaton Batman is a hard figure to pull off. If anyone can do it though, it's Hot Toys.

If they reach the detail of the actual cape, that actually looks similar to leathery bat skin, I'll be amazed.


Look at that.
Depends on how well he turns out. I have no doubts in the armor and headsculpt, but that cape of his, if they don't do any better than the customs, I know I will feel, and I'm sure others too, less enthused about him than Joker. I don't know the minute details of Joker to tell you what's wrong with this thing, only really obvious stuff will jump out, like the tiny brim on the hat, and other than that, this thing just looks stellar in every way, I see no room to improve it, slap it in a box and send it. If Batman's cape is off, I'll spend the time from proto to shipping hoping they find a way to fix it.

I couldn't agree more with you. They need to make the cowl and cape seem 'seemless'. I can't get past the way the Batman Begins suit looks because the the cape and cowl are so different. There is a jarring split between the different materials that I don't like. If the same 'split' carries over to 1989 Batman it could be ruined.

Furthermore, the cape covers more of the body than the Nolan Batman suits so you'll see it more. No hiding it behind Batman back like you can do the TDK suit.
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