HT 14" Predator full spec and hi-res pics

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So far I've made the conclusion that P1 is shorter than the rest of the preds that HT has released previously.

And the bio looks slightly larger, so the only way to display it will be without the bio on. Which only makes getting the undamaged bio from SS ex a waste.

Anyone correct me if I'm slightly wrong, or off the charts here.

It is my only predator, so that mask size is not an issue. It does look slightly big though. Possibly the electronics is why it is larger, but maybe the Sideshow exclusive will be the right size?
I think it can be safely said, the P1 is the shortest of all the Predators, probably by a half inch on, but it is shorter.

As for the bio helmet, it's size or oversize is purely in the eyes of the collector. It looks fine to me, some people don't think so, judge for yourself.
Thanks for confirming it, maulfan. If that's true, then my next question is, why bother making a new mold of predator body, and make it obsolete by making it shorter (since the avarage fan is always complaining bout the height issue with the previous preds) when they could've just used the old pred mold?

Hope they just don't screw us over with another version, couple of months from now and :eek add height to it or something.
Well, there is good reason to make the new body. The proportions on the old body were not as good as they could be. While the height of this Predator isn't quite right, if you look at the Predator by itself, everything looks fine in proportion and shape and size. So when they tooled it, they probably just screwed up it's scale with other figures, or they did it intentionally for some reason. Why he's shorter can't be determined, but like I said, aside from that, it's a great looking Predator, I'm glad they did a new body. I'd rather him look as correct as possible from head to toe as a stand alone piece than have him over bulky or anything like P2 and the other Predators and be tall as he should be. The ideal is both things right, but since it didn't happen, I'm glad with how things did work out on this figure.
Re: HT 14" Predator full spec and hi-res pics

After seeing those last few pics I can finally tell that the guantlets aren't sculpted onto the forearms just like I originally thought. I know a few pages back there was a pic of P1 with AVP gauntlets on, but Devil_666 made the comment that it could very easily just be an entire forearm swap.

I know a lot may not even care, but it makes me a bit happier to know for sure now. In pretty much every pic prior to that last set where you could get a good view of the left gauntlet you could see that the hinge of the elbow lined up with the little square towards the wrist of the gauntlet.


On that last batch you can clearly see that it doesn't.


So either they are indeed separate pieces of armour, or HT has developed some new swivel joint hidden inside. I doubt it's a swivel joint though, because there are several photos where you can clearly see the netting on the left arm pulled under the gauntlet.


The netting under the gauntlet was what made me initially think they would be separate pieces way back when we saw the first teasers.
Wellbutrin Attorneys
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Well, there is good reason to make the new body. The proportions on the old body were not as good as they could be. While the height of this Predator isn't quite right, if you look at the Predator by itself, everything looks fine in proportion and shape and size. So when they tooled it, they probably just screwed up it's scale with other figures, or they did it intentionally for some reason. Why he's shorter can't be determined, but like I said, aside from that, it's a great looking Predator, I'm glad they did a new body. I'd rather him look as correct as possible from head to toe as a stand alone piece than have him over bulky or anything like P2 and the other Predators and be tall as he should be. The ideal is both things right, but since it didn't happen, I'm glad with how things did work out on this figure.
I think his legs and torso could still be thicker, but it's a vast improvement over the old predator body. The only reason I can think of to make him smaller though would be a cost-saving measure.
In a few months time (when the P1 has sold out) Hot Toys will develop new techniques previously unavailable to make the P1 in scale with other Predators :rolleyes: By that time they will also have figured out a way to make Dutch taller and his neck shorter. Dutch and P1 will then be rereleased as part of the DX line to please collectors who were unhappy with the first release.

I'm just kidding for those who are unfamiliar with the DX Joker.
I'm so happy with the profile on this thing.



One of the aspects that hurts the bust is the jawline takes a sharp slope from around the eye sockts to the chin, it should be more squared off like they've got here.

I lvoe how this figure looks, I'm so excited, c'mon Toys2 getting them in early.
In a few months time (when the P1 has sold out) Hot Toys will develop new techniques previously unavailable to make the P1 in scale with other Predators :rolleyes: By that time they will also have figured out a way to make Dutch taller and his neck shorter. Dutch and P1 will then be rereleased as part of the DX line to "please collectors who didn't get the chance to buy the first time around"
the way HT puts it.

Fixed for u :lol
DX Joker is going to be a blast to photograph because of the PERS system, but this Predator is just an amazing looking figure all around, I love his look so much better, the photos will be far more interesting, I'm loving this thing all around, I have no issue with it whatsoever, besides it not being in my hands.
Nope, Joker's going to be my first taste of posable eyes. Bruce Lee'd be fun, but I don't have a good offering of people for him to kick ass. One thing that hurts some of my photo work, I often don't have good pairings for victims and such. Poor Mulder is usually my ^^^^^ when it comes to that :lol