HT 14" Predator full spec and hi-res pics

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Because it's as much the photography as the figure.

Tin is a good photographer so the figure looks its best, possibly a bit better than it may look under common lighting conditions within your homes and displays.

Other photographers produce poor photo work, be it lighting, zoom, whatever, and while it's nice because we get an in hand look which is nicer than official HT images, often they are unfair representations of the piece.

I disagree. I think pics like Tin's are "unfair representations of the piece" as well as promo pics because the figure will NEVER look like that in-hand, on display in your home. Ever. And I think those type of pics make figures look more than just "a bit better than it may look under common lighting conditions within your homes and displays". In-hand pics are usually "poor photo work" as you mentioned MaulFan.. but THOSE pics give buyers a realistic idea of what the figure will look like. And beyond that, Tin repaints a lot of his stuff.
Depends. An extreme example, but while this may be true to the figure colors, it's a bad angle, distorts the figure and gives a poor perecption of what it'll be like when you have your own.


There's a balance to be made, both sides can be extreme. The sharp photos can go beyond what the figure looks like in hand, and the basic stuff can fall quite short of what the figure looks like in hand.

I'd say Tin's work, like my own, leans to the beyond side. I don't shoot to capture the exact shelf look of a piece, I like to present them as beautifully as they can be since there are plenty of folks who can and do present the in hand experience.
I guess the best way to describe is: The really gorgeous photos are like super model photoshoots and the in-hand "normal" pics are like the supermodels WITHOUT make-up. :lol
There's three types of collectibles photos.

Artistic/Super Flattering
These photos present the piece in the best possible light, proportions and details are in true representation, but lighting and camera quality can enhance the quality of these details beyond a true representation. Very hand for knowing what sorts of details are put into a piece and getting and idea of proportions and such within it, often not the best for colors and some fine detailing will show up more strongly than in standard lighting conditions.

Perfect representation of how the piece would look through your eyes if you were in a home looking at it on display.

Distorted/False Perception
These images are usually in hand shots taken with lesser cameras or by people who don't fully understand the ins and outs of photography and can be overlit, unerlit, or feature lens distortion and angles which create false proportions to a piece.

My experience on this board is, most photos posted fall under the artistic or over flattering category, or in the distorted, false perception category.

Now, I'm not saying this to rip on anyone's photos, I encourage people to post them and have fun.

However, if you are someone using these photos to judge the collectible you're going to receive, you need to be aware of the pitfalls of the good and the bad photos and develop an eye for compensating for those things.

Tin's photos are great, but probably a bit too nice a presentation and the actual figure is probably a slight bit lesser than his work, not a lot, but a bit.

Also, Tin's a customizer, and there could be work to keep the dreads closer to the head, we know one pose features play with the body parts and disconnecting things to achieve it, so people should understand that. Downside of people posting Tin's images and not Tin himself is, we don't get the full story on what mods and things are going on, so if we can't see for ourselves what'd been done, we dont' know and are lead to assume everything is from the factory condition. Going by his photos, I'd say he did something to get the dreads closer to the head.
Just checked tracking, its 8:47 AM here and my Pred and Dutch have arrived in the city, about five minutes from where I work actually. I got it through EMS so I'm hoping it goes out for delivery today and shows up at work. I'll definitely be taking and posting some pictures tonight. I'd say I'm a pretty good photographer but have almost no experiencing taking 1/6 scale figure photos. I just recently got a decent digital camera and that's been the main problem from before.
Because it's as much the photography as the figure.

Tin is a good photographer so the figure looks its best, possibly a bit better than it may look under common lighting conditions within your homes and displays.

Other photographers produce poor photo work, be it lighting, zoom, whatever, and while it's nice because we get an in hand look which is nicer than official HT images, often they are unfair representations of the piece.
Just as important as being a good photographer, there's an art to posing figures and Tin's got it down.
it comes preassembled? damn i didn't know that. thank god for that. No more softening up the head with the hairdryer..

wow those are some spectacular pics! well done! now i'm even MORE excited for my p1 to get here. think i'll pose him semi-crouching with arms outstretched, like the scene in the movie where he removes all his armour and weapons to confront dutch. will prob do a basic jungle environment dio too. can't wait! :banana
There IS a solution to the"all the same height" problem.It's called'surgical adjustment'.Since they're all wearing armor, it's fairly easy to adjust the height.Cut the lower legs at mid-calf, add a section of sheet styrene(choose your own thickness),blend it in and you're set.Thanks to the armor you don't even have to re-paint!Works on the arms, too(one must maintain proper proportions, after all).My Scar and Celtic figures have both been"adjusted';the rest have enough variation in height naturally that I've not felt the need...PS

Hmmm.. interesting... I am intrigued... Have any pics? :)
Arnie and Pred have arrived at my second office, will be stopping by after work, pics later this evening. (for me it's 3:00 PM here)
ahh nothing better then waking up in the morning to find the postman has delivered the following both at once
I have to wait, first i'm going to buy myself the Predator 2 figure (retail price:D) and then i'm going to spend my earned money for the first Pred. Man I am so happy, they are going to be my first Hot Toys and my first Predator figures.
Man, I'm holding back of getting the P1 and dutch first, as I have other priorities at the moment.

Congrats on those of you who have these already.

Btw, is the crouching stance possible on either P2 or wolf?
Someone posts pics of their Pred next to the other HT ones for comparison please...esp next to P2 elder who has same armour.