Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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Finally saw this. Alright movie. Nothing too special. For me it boiled down to two short action sequences (The Race Car scene and the ending), surrounded by chit chat and that was about it.
Was expecting a bit more I guess. Certainly not to kill the last guy in 3 seconds with - Hey I've got an idea. You thinking what I'm thinking?
Then dead. lol

Not a bad movie at all. Was well done and good, just wanted a bit more I guess.

One of the worst parts of the film and one of the worst endings eva....I liked the movie.
Finally saw this. Alright movie. Nothing too special. For me it boiled down to two short action sequences (The Race Car scene and the ending), surrounded by chit chat and that was about it.
Was expecting a bit more I guess. Certainly not to kill the last guy in 3 seconds with - Hey I've got an idea. You thinking what I'm thinking?
Then dead. lol

Not a bad movie at all. Was well done and good, just wanted a bit more I guess.

Not to mention, "You Lose." Meaning "you have 10 minutes to get to Pepper while I will warn you about the droids exploding with a constant red blinking light and beeping." :lol
1. Ivan killed himself, Stark simply disabled his suit temporarily.

2. Ivan I'm sure realised he wouldn't kill Stark, he was likely aiming to do as much collateral damage as possible. Ivan sends the drones after civilians.

"You lose" - He is trying to make Stark look responsible for the deaths of innocents at his own expo.
1. Ivan killed himself

2. Ivan I'm sure realised he wouldn't kill Stark, he was likely aiming to do as much collateral damage as possible. Ivan sends the drones after civilians.

"You lose" - He is trying to make Stark look responsible for the deaths of innocents at his own expo.

Didn't get that at all. People died? Because Tony only saved Pepper. And after that Tony was a hero, no mention of innocents.
We don't really know if people died, If no one did its a miracle because the army drones were shooting into crowds from the air as they chased and missed stark, and the Navy ones were firing missles into crowds of people. Not to mention people falling down steps, getting trampled, concrete and glass flying everywhere.

I'm just saying that seemed to have been his goal at that point. No one knew Ivan was alive, it would seem the blame would likely be placed on Hammer and Stark. And Stark was already looking bad in public so to all but destory Stark Expo didn't help.
"You lose" - He is trying to make Stark look responsible for the deaths of innocents at his own expo.

You guys have to remember that Ivan's whole goal and purpose was to destroy Stark, not just physically but in every way possible. He chose the Expo strategically, it was supposed to usher in the new face for Stark Industries, help calm the waters over the Iron Man issues and be a huge PR stunt. With Ivan's actions despite not killing him, Tony did lose. He said no one could have Iron Man tech for another 10 years. That was proven wrong. Through War Machine's hijacking he showed that suits like Tony's are unstable. The drones showed people how dangerous this tech is and would make them start to doubt it, not to mention he blew up the Expo which was supposed to be a year long beacon of innovation which turned into a terrorist situation. It wasn't the death of innocents that he was looking for, it was to create a lack of trust in Tony Stark, he couldn't keep people safe at his own expo that doesn't do anything for his credibility. While he received a medal at the end, Iron Man's reputation isn't all hope, and cheering like before. He showed "blood in the water" not just in Stark at Monaco but now with Iron Man who was there at the expo to defend and couldn't stop Vanko from destroying the whole thing.

Vanko's goal was to tear Stark from his ivory tower. He did that except Favreau's ending of the medal doesn't really show that but if he wanted to he could really play it up in Iron Man 3 or even as a reason that Iron Man joins the Avengers to reinstill faith from the public.
Not to mention, "You Lose." Meaning "you have 10 minutes to get to Pepper while I will warn you about the droids exploding with a constant red blinking light and beeping." :lol


well said about the blinking bomb, why must they always blink and beep :lol

real bad people make surprise bombs that go boom without any warning :horror

regarding civilian deaths, I think I only saw a few scrapes and bruises :lol

Nonetheless, I still loved the movie and will be seeing it for the 4th time in the theater and I will be a proud and excited blu-ray owner as well.

Why did I like it so much, 2 reasons.

1. The movie delivers when there is no action and he's not in the suit. I love all the banter with the character interactions and the unfolding Marvelverse!

2. There was enough Iron Man action for me, Rhodey's tower fly by alone had enough bad ass elements to make me giddy.

What can I say, I grew up in an era where these superhero movies were not possible so I tend to appreciate even the mediocre ones while really loving the good ones, like IM1, IM2 and BB.

Don't get me wrong, I still love and appreciate the classics from my era, like Raiders, Star Wars, Empire and Superman 1.

It's just an awesome feeling being able to enjoy a Marvel movie come to life in this fashion.

Of course it's not perfect but i'll take it, blinking bombs and all :lol

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You guys have to remember that Ivan's whole goal and purpose was to destroy Stark, not just physically but in every way possible. He chose the Expo strategically, it was supposed to usher in the new face for Stark Industries, help calm the waters over the Iron Man issues and be a huge PR stunt. With Ivan's actions despite not killing him, Tony did lose. He said no one could have Iron Man tech for another 10 years. That was proven wrong. Through War Machine's hijacking he showed that suits like Tony's are unstable. The drones showed people how dangerous this tech is and would make them start to doubt it, not to mention he blew up the Expo which was supposed to be a year long beacon of innovation which turned into a terrorist situation. It wasn't the death of innocents that he was looking for, it was to create a lack of trust in Tony Stark, he couldn't keep people safe at his own expo that doesn't do anything for his credibility. While he received a medal at the end, Iron Man's reputation isn't all hope, and cheering like before. He showed "blood in the water" not just in Stark at Monaco but now with Iron Man who was there at the expo to defend and couldn't stop Vanko from destroying the whole thing.

Vanko's goal was to tear Stark from his ivory tower. He did that except Favreau's ending of the medal doesn't really show that but if he wanted to he could really play it up in Iron Man 3 or even as a reason that Iron Man joins the Avengers to reinstill faith from the public.

Now that indeed is one homerun of an explanation.

You guys have to remember that Ivan's whole goal and purpose was to destroy Stark, not just physically but in every way possible. He chose the Expo strategically, it was supposed to usher in the new face for Stark Industries, help calm the waters over the Iron Man issues and be a huge PR stunt. With Ivan's actions despite not killing him, Tony did lose. He said no one could have Iron Man tech for another 10 years. That was proven wrong. Through War Machine's hijacking he showed that suits like Tony's are unstable. The drones showed people how dangerous this tech is and would make them start to doubt it, not to mention he blew up the Expo which was supposed to be a year long beacon of innovation which turned into a terrorist situation. It wasn't the death of innocents that he was looking for, it was to create a lack of trust in Tony Stark, he couldn't keep people safe at his own expo that doesn't do anything for his credibility. While he received a medal at the end, Iron Man's reputation isn't all hope, and cheering like before. He showed "blood in the water" not just in Stark at Monaco but now with Iron Man who was there at the expo to defend and couldn't stop Vanko from destroying the whole thing.

Vanko's goal was to tear Stark from his ivory tower. He did that except Favreau's ending of the medal doesn't really show that but if he wanted to he could really play it up in Iron Man 3 or even as a reason that Iron Man joins the Avengers to reinstill faith from the public.

If so, Favreau kind of botched the ending in favor of a more feel-good, funny one.

EDIT: not so much botched, but he should have expanded on it. It will seem jarring if Iron Man suddenly lost civilian trust in IM3 with no mention of it in IM2. It would be like if Nolan's Batman 3 started without Bruce Wayne being hunted as shown in the end of TDK.
If so, Favreau kind of botched the ending in favor of a more feel-good, funny one.

EDIT: not so much botched, but he should have expanded on it. It will seem jarring if Iron Man suddenly lost civilian trust in IM3 with no mention of it in IM2. It would be like if Nolan's Batman 3 started without Bruce Wayne being hunted as shown in the end of TDK.

Good counterpoint but I don't believe the transition would be as jarring as you think it will be.

It's still possible to smoothly go in the direction that Stark's legacy and reputation were affected by Vanko jr's actions

Medal or not, Stark's glory was tarnished.
Favreau botched a lot of things and that is coming from someone who liked the movie. He kept referencing it to Empire Strikes Back over and over which would make sense in terms what happened its just it wasn't pulled off well. This was supposed to highlight Tony's downfall from the beginning, dealing with his instant stardom and how it blows up in his face. The newsreports, the bad press were all elements of that, its just it never follow its own natural progression. Honestly one of the first things about bad filmmaking is when the audience has to interpret everything and this movie while not bad or as bad as some definitely leaves itself to be interpreted so many different ways.
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Favreau botched a lot of things and that is coming from someone who liked the movie. He kept referencing it to Empire Strikes Back over and over which would make sense in terms what happened its just it wasn't pulled off well. This was supposed to highlight Tony's downfall from the beginning, dealing with his instant stardom and how it blows up in his face. The newsreports, the bad press were all elements of that, its just it never follow its own natural progression. Honestly one of the first things about bad filmmaking is when the audience has to interpret everything and this movie while not bad or as bad as some definitely leaves itself to be interpreted so many different ways.

I agree, this could have been done much better. We see a lot of bad press but a lot of good as well. It is almost like it's Tony versus the US Gov't. It is more important to focus on the implications of the technology being developed than anything else, and they hardly even went into that. I personally would have liked to see Tony break down like Bale did when Rachel died. Of course no one died but we almost never see a serious side to Tony. That is what made the first one so full of tension, when he is trapped in the cave, and is standing by Yinsen as he dies. Tony does show genuine concern in IM2 with regard to his apparent death, but the scenes in the do-nut hole as well as the drunk party scene kind of felt like they needed to be more serious. I personally would have scrapped the whole medal scene at the end or at least have Tony show some concern on his face like as he gets the medal, knowing that there is more bad ahead.
Hey guys, my fellow movie collectors...

This is the movie of the year. Anyone that be complaining, they are wrong. It has comedy, good balance, good chracter development. Guys, if you dont like, dont complain or i'll complain about you complaining. My fellow movie collectors, I'll have a full showcase review of this when I see it again tonight...
Yeah its unfortunate that Whiplash got the short end of the stick. According to Favreau he was supposed to go through a process like Tony where there was a Mark I (Monaco), Mark II (I'm guessing the Power Loader concept) and a Mark III (Final Battle) in getting right before their final battle. That was as recent as last September interviews...I'm guessing there has to be a lot on the cutting room floor.

I hope they paste some of it back on for the blu-ray release!
I agree, this could have been done much better. We see a lot of bad press but a lot of good as well. It is almost like it's Tony versus the US Gov't. It is more important to focus on the implications of the technology being developed than anything else, and they hardly even went into that. I personally would have liked to see Tony break down like Bale did when Rachel died. Of course no one died but we almost never see a serious side to Tony. That is what made the first one so full of tension, when he is trapped in the cave, and is standing by Yinsen as he dies. Tony does show genuine concern in IM2 with regard to his apparent death, but the scenes in the do-nut hole as well as the drunk party scene kind of felt like they needed to be more serious. I personally would have scrapped the whole medal scene at the end or at least have Tony show some concern on his face like as he gets the medal, knowing that there is more bad ahead.

True, there were some.....ok.....many missed opportunities to take the movie in the direction it needed to go.

Instead they gave in to humor of the senator saying his little prick line when what you're describing would've had much more of an emotional impact.

The movie we want, the one being described here, can still exist as long as those scenes were filmed and a directors cut is decided to be released.

The core of the Stark story which you and Mike have described does exist in what's playing in the theater, it just needs to be fleshed out.

But what is there is still enjoyable for me as a basic Iron Man superhero movie.

Could've been much worse!
There was a scene where people told the police officer that she would stay there and he was to get the rest of the people out of there, so all or most of the people were out of the Expo when the droid blew.
True, there were some.....ok.....many missed opportunities to take the movie in the direction it needed to go.

Instead they gave in to humor of the senator saying his little prick line when what you're describing would've had much more of an emotional impact.

The movie we want, the one being described here, can still exist as long as those scenes were filmed and a directors cut is decided to be released.

The core of the Stark story which you and Mike have described does exist in what's playing in the theater, it just needs to be fleshed out.

But what is there is still enjoyable for me as a basic Iron Man superhero movie.

Could've been much worse!

If you ever see a film called Two Girls and a Guy, it has some of the best acting of RDJ's career, even better than Chaplin IMO. Can you imagine Tony Stark like this?:

An amazing acting job and absolutely heartbreaking. I know Tony has this side to him. It would take the Iron Man films to another level.
They could start the next one (or maybe the Avengers since it may fit better there being before IM3) with showing people criticizing Tony getting a medal. Best of both world's, we get the hilarious prick line as well as people losing their trust in Tony and being pissed that he is getting a medal. In fact, they could play that up for some tension between Tony and Cap. Steve can look down on Tony's methods and recklessness.
You guys got some serious ass-kickin´ideas.
And that could maybe move forward to a civil war kinda movie, if you ask me.
Like...then taking the rivalry between them to thenext level...