Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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Just watched the jail scene on a bootleg and paused it at the prisoner right during the flash from the camera.

He has a full beard and mustache and his face structure is different that the clone WL prisoner.

The full beard and mustache match the official Thor photo released a few weeks ago, the mustache connects with the beard on both sides of of the mouth.

The clone prisoner has stubles and a pot marked face.

I'm not saying that it's Blake because I don't know the intentions of Director Favreau and Marvel but it sure is odd that this "prisoner" was even included in the background.

12 months to go.
I'm not very familiar with Thor and I know nothing about his alter ego. Is there anything in his back story that would have him being arrested in France? From the little bit I know it seems really strange.
Just watched the jail scene on a bootleg and paused it at the prisoner right during the flash from the camera.

He has a full beard and mustache and his face structure is different that the clone WL prisoner.

The full beard and mustache match the official Thor photo released a few weeks ago, the mustache connects with the beard on both sides of of the mouth.

The clone prisoner has stubles and a pot marked face.

I'm not saying that it's Blake because I don't know the intentions of Director Favreau and Marvel but it sure is odd that this "prisoner" was even included in the background.

12 months to go.

It's definitely not the switch a roo Prisoner.
It could be Chris Hemsworth, as I see similarities in the face, but it's hard to tell as it's so blurry. Maybe we will know for sure after Thor comes out?
It's definitely not the switch a roo Prisoner.
It could be Chris Hemsworth, as I see similarities in the face, but it's hard to tell as it's so blurry. Maybe we will know for sure after Thor comes out?

I was able to get a cleaner pause on my bootleg :lol

I say that's Thor simply because there is no other reason to have spent money to include this scene in the movie.
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Finally saw the movie, and I didn't like it as much as the first.

I was expecting far more from Mickey Rourke. He sits most of the movie out and then shows up in a suit for a briefer, scaled down version of the boss battle from the first movie.

Watched it again *cough* bootleg *cough* and enjpyed it more the second time. A solid 7/10 - not as good as the first, but no transformers 2...
I just got back from watching this. I have to say it was boring compared to the first. I still give the first one a 9.5/10 after multiple viewings. This one i'll give 4/10 after one viewing as my mind kept wondering. It just couldn't keep my attention.
LoL at drunken Tony in the suit. Thats just not right. Love the brotherly fight though. Boxing Iron Men, now thats epic.
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that is so sick !
great post dino.
Saw this today with my son, I thought it was Ok at best. Kinda disappointed actually...they didn't develop Whiplash enough, as they didn't use Mickey Rourke properly in my opinion. And, Don Cheadle was brutal.

Robert Downey was good as Tony Stark. But, I felt like I was waiting for the movie to pick up, the last battle scene was a letdown.

I give it a 6/10 or 2 1/2 stars (out of 4). Two best parts were: Thor's hammer after the credits, and obviously Scarlett Johannson.