Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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I disagree with most of it. You guys are just haters. There's nothing as boring as Reading haters post.
OH REEEEEAAALLLYYY!!!! So why, prey tell might I ask, is Michael Bay & Hasbro at each others throat? Why did Bay have a temper tantrum just days befor the release of ROTF stating he refuses to do the 3rd because all (im paraphraseing now but its still the same) all the big bad critics are picking on my movie *cry like baby* WHAAAAAA I going home & taking my toys with me LMAO!!

just cause fan fair has banked money dose not mean its a true success. & just cause its green lit for a triology dose not mean a great movie *coughs SM3*. & like I already said about poor Fantastic 4........we'll never see the 3rd installment.

which might just be for the best.

Michael Bay is a lil beeyotch that's why.:rotfl

And not once did I say banked money = true success and greenlit = great movie. However, to movie studios, $$ does = success PERIOD.

And Fantastic 4....well, that was FOX wasn't it?:yess:
I disagree with most of it. You guys are just haters. There's nothing as boring as Reading haters post.

How are people who didn't like the film "haters?" I said it was an okay popcorn flick but really lacked a lot of what made the first one great. I gotta say the film seemed rushed, but in no means was it Freddy Got Fingered. You sound like the Avatar fans who called anyone with a critical point a "hater." I simply was disappointed with the film, and most importantly with Favreau.
Well 316 split hair if you must, but you can't go back & undo what you said, or try to change its meaning. How ever its good to know we agree on Bay being a lil b1tch.

The Avenger might as well only run for a week. Once fans run head on into the wall of reality that they have yet again been let down by another Marvel movie, the theators projection worker will be playing the movie to damn near empty theators.
Well 316 split hair if you must, but you can't go back & undo what you said, or try to change its meaning. How ever its good to know we agree on Bay being a lil b1tch.

I was in no way splitting hairs. I said exactly what I meant and meant exactly what I said: as long as the studios cash in, they won't care about reviews 90 days after release.
to answer the question "why did rhodey have such an easy time flying in the suit, when stark was struggling at first in the first movie?"

it's simple. stark is an inventor, and a weapons manufacturer. rhodey is a PILOT in the AIRFORCE. stark most likely had no prior experience flying anything, while rhodey had a lot of experience flying planes. most likely, flying the suit is not all that different from the fighter jets rhodey's used to (except instead of buttons, it's voice activated...making it even easier for him :lol)
I was in no way splitting hairs. I said exactly what I meant and meant exactly what I said: as long as the studios cash in, they won't care about reviews 90 days after release.

& I'm saying that they DO CARE ABOUT THE REVIEWS! Which is why I said what I said about ROTF. People were all over the movie stroking Bay's jock & blasting any one who uttered a bad word about the film. But little by little over the passing month the truth bobbled to the surface. The same fans who were flaming posters who didn't like it & claiming how RAD & WICKED COOL IT WAS......were the very same people glancing at the toys on the pegs, slightly smile to them selves & then walk away empty handed.

Mark my words my friend.....a collector's wallet serves the same purpose as Wonder Woman's golden Lasso. It will force you to speak the REAL TRUTH about what you thaught of the movie. Just as you can not lie when bound by the can not buy when you truly think the movie was weak & lame.
& I'm saying that they DO CARE ABOUT THE REVIEWS! Which is why I said what I said about ROTF. People were all over the movie stroking Bay's jock & blasting any one who uttered a bad word about the film. But little by little over the passing month the truth bobbled to the surface. The same fans who were flaming posters who didn't like it & claiming how RAD & WICKED COOL IT WAS......were the very same people glancing at the toys on the pegs, slightly smile to them selves & then walk away empty handed.

Mark my words my friend.....a collector's wallet serves the same purpose as Wonder Woman's golden Lasso. It will force you to speak the REAL TRUTH about what you thaught of the movie. Just as you can not lie when bound by the can not buy when you truly think the movie was weak & lame.

everybody already knew transformers 2 sucked. dunno what the hell you're thinkin
Rhodey's ability to use the suit didn't need to be shown. He's been working with Tony for how long now? And working on an Iron Man report for the government. So it doesn't take a stretch here to see that he learned how to use one of the suits.

Every single thing doesn't have to be spelled out. And just because it's NOT spelled out, does not mean it is a plot hole.

I agree that it didn't need to be spelled out, but one line about Rhodey spending a couple hours in the suit could've cleared up the point completely.
:lecture True story. How many times have you seen Iron Man 2 Mike?? Don't lie!!!

Twice :lol. Although my students keep offering bootleg versions which are getting more and more difficult to turn down.

I think what he's saying is if she was able enough to reboot War Machine, why not simply reboot the remaining drones instead of playing minesweeper.

This is actually simplier than people are making it. Remember at the Stark Expo, Justin Hammer's techs were trying to bring the drones offline but he remarked that each drone was written and responding in a different language where Justin replies "Try Russian, have you tried Russian?". Obviously nothing happens. When Widow gets to Hammer Industries she grabs the computer and types in a few strokes, take a half studder and then continues typing answering that she is rebooting War Machine when asked by Happy what she was doing. She checked the systems and Rhodes was operating in Russian, convenient right?

Well actually, Vanko was controlling Rhodes while the drones were on autopilot, by the example of them trying to kill the kid, so he needed complete access to Rhodes in the language most comfortable (Russian) while the others could autopilot after being engaged as a backup plan and in a different language ensured them staying online. It makes sense but only if you are paying attention to the audio.

I agree that it didn't need to be spelled out, but one line about Rhodey spending a couple hours in the suit could've cleared up the point completely.

Agreed. If you really watch the scripted fight scene, Rhodey is clumsy in the suit to represent him taking drastic measures to get his friend under control. You are telling me that a rich boy who likes MMA is better skilled in hand to hand than an Air Force officer? Really? That is what makes him throwing Rhodey around acceptable because Rhodey has to get used to the suit which hinders his abilities. That is why after going through the sauna, Tony can come to a nice stop using his repulsors and flight stablizers while Rhodey goes flying. Its a plothole, one that is easily to overlook and not a dealbreaker but its there. It could have been cleared up with a line.

As for those who didn't like the movie, it doesn't make them haters just let down. A LOT of people went in with the expectations that this would do what the first one did which was make them fall in love with a character they didn't know anything about and capture the same fun and magic as the first did and then exceed it. It wasn't better than the first it was on par, a nice continuation of the continuity set up already. That isn't what people were looking for, in fact it was the opposite for a lot. What I'm seeing is a lot of Iron Man fans from the comics (not all but a majority) love the film with its nods and storyline which meshes a lot of comic accurate things from multiple characters into one story and a lot of folks who only know the Iron Man movie disappointed. Its happened before and will probably happen all over the map with the onslaught of comic movies on the docket.
Im sorry if this has been answered before and quiet frankly I cant go through every post looking for an answer so Im hoping you guys can help me out.
In the post credit speel, the Shield Agents license plate was 8RE 271 and this got some substantial focus and screen time. What does 8RE 271 stand for???
Thanks in advance:pray:
Yeah, they are. Only the intro is in Russian and the cam looks they've told me. :lol.