Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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other than WM was armed to the teeth? :wave

I meant, if she had the ability to reboot WM, why didn't she do that or somehow disarm the drones as well, to save IM and WM the trouble? I guess then there wouldn't be a battle scene if that happened though :lol

Same here. All valid points, but I still enjoyed the movie even though its not the quality of the first.

Completely agree. I like the film, but it had a hell of a lot to live up to and fell short IMO.
Im sorry if this has been answered before and quiet frankly I cant go through every post looking for an answer so Im hoping you guys can help me out.
In the post credit speel, the Shield Agents license plate was 8RE 271 and this got some substantial focus and screen time. What does 8RE 271 stand for???
Thanks in advance:pray:

Pretty Please...:wave
I meant, if she had the ability to reboot WM, why didn't she do that or somehow disarm the drones as well, to save IM and WM the trouble? I guess then there wouldn't be a battle scene if that happened though :lol

Completely agree. I like the film, but it had a hell of a lot to live up to and fell short IMO.

Each drone probably had a unique algorythm or code that needed to be broken and she had to do it one at a time.. lol
I think my main gripe with the plot is the world peace angle. Iron Man definitely could do what Batman does, reduce crime, make criminals and mobsters afraid, but world peace? Really? He isn't Dr. Manhattan or even Superman. When I saw the trailer I thought it would only be a joke for the hearing, but when I saw the film and that there was also a newspaper headline about it I kind of scratched my head. Ah well.
What does Iron Man have that matches Manhattan and Supes? Power that others don't. Remember as of right now Iron Man in the Marvel Studios universe is Patient Zero. The others don't exist yet. If this were to happen in real life someone in the possession of Iron Man tech could definitely establish peace because there isn't anything to combat it, which is why America's "enemies" were trying to mimic the tech and America itself was trying to militarize it through Hammer.

Once Thor, Cap, etc all start making appearance as well as their villains, Iron Man's capitalization will rightfully begin to subside.
I meant, if she had the ability to reboot WM, why didn't she do that or somehow disarm the drones as well, to save IM and WM the trouble? I guess then there wouldn't be a battle scene if that happened though :lol

Mike made a really good point that they were all running on their own automated program other than when Venko was re-deploying them. But then again, doesn't Black Widow speak fluent Russian? She could've read what the software was saying.

In the end it doesn't matter --her sexy Spetsnaz moves and tight leather suit just made me think one thing:

Mike made a really good point that they were all running on their own automated program other than when Venko was re-deploying them. But then again, doesn't Black Widow speak fluent Russian? She could've read what the software was saying.

Not really. I used to hack my sister in law's Hotmail account back in the day and change the language, then log out. I didn't speak the language I selected, just selected it and changed it. It took forever for her to select the right language to go back. I would imagine that Vanko did just that, select a different language, press enter and it functioned on that language and code with it meaning never to go back but remain on autopilot until the job was done.
Well, I think also that Start built War Machine (Hammer just added guns), while Vanko probably built the drones from scratch (the software at least) Black Widow probably knew a lot about Stark's armor (probably more than Stark thought she did because she works for SHIELD), but knew nothing about the drones
Stark specific yes, BUT NOT IRON MAN SPECIFIC!!! Being Iron Man is as close as Tony gets to therapy. It allows him to step away from the nightmare that is Tony Stark & be some one else for a while......some one who the world loves for his peace making efforts. Iron Man helps to heal & redeem Tony.

But when they had RDJ soil the image with cheap laughs...........well it was anything BUT funny or entertaining.

You have to remember that Tony thought he was dying. I don't see how this "soiled" anything.
Rich dying billionaire, of course you'd get drunk and do crazy ____. Like Jack Nicolson in the Bucket List, except he didn't have a flying suit of armor.

How anyone can complain about a realism issue in this sort of movie is beyond retarded to me. Its not The Dark Knight where you can sort of do the things Batman does in reality.

We don't have magic flying suits with repulsor jets managed to be built into less then an inch of a heel of a foot. Tony should have died in Part 1 when the Mark 1 slams into the desert. I could go on and on with that kind of stuff.
Rich dying billionaire, of course you'd get drunk and do crazy ____. Like Jack Nicolson in the Bucket List, except he didn't have a flying suit of armor.

How anyone can complain about a realism issue in this sort of movie is beyond retarded to me. Its not The Dark Knight where you can sort of do the things Batman does in reality.

We don't have magic flying suits with repulsor jets managed to be built into less then an inch of a heel of a foot. Tony should have died in Part 1 when the Mark 1 slams into the desert. I could go on and on with that kind of stuff.

It's gonna get even more out of that "realistic" realm once a giant green monster and the Norse God of Thunder show up.
And I'm totally down for it, I can't wait to see the Hulkbuster armor fight, I can already picture Tony hanging back and laughing while Cap gets tossed clean through a building by Hulk.
Some people just take this stuff waaaaaaay too seriously. You can nit pick any movie apart. I just try and go and enjoy it. Maybe you should just wait and rent it through Red Box for a buck.
Not really. I used to hack my sister in law's Hotmail account back in the day and change the language, then log out. I didn't speak the language I selected, just selected it and changed it. It took forever for her to select the right language to go back.
that's pretty damn cruel....but really funny :rotfl:nana:
Rich dying billionaire, of course you'd get drunk and do crazy ____. Like Jack Nicolson in the Bucket List, except he didn't have a flying suit of armor.

How anyone can complain about a realism issue in this sort of movie is beyond retarded to me. Its not The Dark Knight where you can sort of do the things Batman does in reality.

We don't have magic flying suits with repulsor jets managed to be built into less then an inch of a heel of a foot. Tony should have died in Part 1 when the Mark 1 slams into the desert. I could go on and on with that kind of stuff.
Tony should have died in Part 1 when the Mark 1 slams into the desert
yeah, i dont give a damn who you are, or what armor suit you're wearing, that fall, from that height...will KILL you. the fact that stark survived that fall is bizarre, but it's hollywood, and it's marvel, so it worked, and was fun to watch. if it was a serious movie, it would never work, but it's iron man, a comic book fake **** that would never ever ever happen in real life will happen in these movies.
What does Iron Man have that matches Manhattan and Supes? Power that others don't. Remember as of right now Iron Man in the Marvel Studios universe is Patient Zero. The others don't exist yet. If this were to happen in real life someone in the possession of Iron Man tech could definitely establish peace because there isn't anything to combat it, which is why America's "enemies" were trying to mimic the tech and America itself was trying to militarize it through Hammer.

Once Thor, Cap, etc all start making appearance as well as their villains, Iron Man's capitalization will rightfully begin to subside.

You sure about that?

What about Fury's speech at the end of Iron Man 1 about Stark not being the only super hero in the world and stepping into a bigger universe? Sounds to me like there are others with power out there already that Fury knows about so Stark wouldn't be "Patient Zero". He might be the most public one that SHIELD couldn't keep a lid on.
Im sorry if this has been answered before and quiet frankly I cant go through every post looking for an answer so Im hoping you guys can help me out.
In the post credit speel, the Shield Agents license plate was 8RE 271 and this got some substantial focus and screen time. What does 8RE 271 stand for???
Thanks in advance:pray:

Can anyone please help me out here??:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave
You sure about that?

What about Fury's speech at the end of Iron Man 1 about Stark not being the only super hero in the world and stepping into a bigger universe? Sounds to me like there are others with power out there already that Fury knows about so Stark wouldn't be "Patient Zero". He might be the most public one that SHIELD couldn't keep a lid on.

then again most costumed heroes have enough common sense NOT out their secret idenities in public
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