Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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Sure that's fun:naughty....but what's the point in being a movie fan if you cant discuss the film? We're all, or hopefully SHOULD be movie fans. If we dont like a movie, we do have a right to discuss what was wrong with it.

Now obviously not for 3 But If a movie "impacts" me enough, I want to spend time on discussing it. Good or bad.

But this guy is really a ******. You dont call people name's over a movie. Period.
You sure about that? What about Fury's speech at the end of Iron Man 1 about Stark not being the only super hero in the world and stepping into a bigger universe? Sounds to me like there are others with power out there already that Fury knows about so Stark wouldn't be "Patient Zero". He might be the most public one that SHIELD couldn't keep a lid on.

Fury points out he isn't the only one but no one is out and about. It isn't like Stark is reading or watching about other heroes right? What I took by his speech is that there are other heroes around but they all become members of SHIELD which would fit since the Avengers are being birthed from SHIELD unlike the comics where they come together holistically. What Stark did is come out and just start doing things but no one else has followed his lead yet, there isn't any competition so he is actually Patient Zero in terms of visible heroes, like you said Fury has kept a lid on all the others.

then again most costumed heroes have enough common sense NOT out their secret idenities in public

By the films' continuities I would assume there are no costumed heroes save those in SHIELD uniforms. Not yet but after The Avengers I think you'll see at least one with a storyline of inspired heroes coming out of the woodwork.

I love how we can accept a guy in a cave building a super powered suit of armor that can fly, but not other things in the movie...

That is because that didn't happen in this movie. :lol Honestly its a comic book movie, as realistic as TDK was or people say it was, there is a ton that doesn't make sense you have to put your logic and your realistic tendancies aside for any of these movies or else you'll drive yourself crazy trying to make it all fit. These films are meant to enjoy and IMHO this one did that whether it was better or as good as the first in other's eyes.
I don't recall anything about him spending any flight time in it. Reading reports and specs is a lot different than test driving it.

It is inferred. They didn't go into detail about anything Rhodey did while "tasked" to work with Tony.

I still think, with no suits, Rhodes destroys Tony in a fight. Not even close.

Only if it's Cheadle from "Traitor" and Downey from "Bowfinger.":rotfl

My bro was an AF Capt.........his nails were always nice and polished :rotfl

Of course. It's a course in Squadron Officers School.:lol
Fury points out he isn't the only one but no one is out and about. It isn't like Stark is reading or watching about other heroes right? What I took by his speech is that there are other heroes around but they all become members of SHIELD which would fit since the Avengers are being birthed from SHIELD unlike the comics where they come together holistically. What Stark did is come out and just start doing things but no one else has followed his lead yet, there isn't any competition so he is actually Patient Zero in terms of visible heroes, like you said Fury has kept a lid on all the others.

By the films' continuities I would assume there are no costumed heroes save those in SHIELD uniforms. Not yet but after The Avengers I think you'll see at least one with a storyline of inspired heroes coming out of the woodwork.

That is because that didn't happen in this movie. :lol Honestly its a comic book movie, as realistic as TDK was or people say it was, there is a ton that doesn't make sense you have to put your logic and your realistic tendancies aside for any of these movies or else you'll drive yourself crazy trying to make it all fit. These films are meant to enjoy and IMHO this one did that whether it was better or as good as the first in other's eyes.

I'm just happy that Mike liked IM2....:joy

Or I would've been depressed as all hell for liking it :lol
I liked it a lot, it was a bit disjointed and there was potential never reached but it was a lot of fun and I will probably go see it a 3rd time before everything is said and done.

I meant 3rd time in an actual movie theater.



so you finally caved and got the bootleg copy of it off your students :rotfl

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well said, thanks for the explanation, tony, I mean, mike :clap
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do you believe that the movie was rushed based on all the hoopla in 2008 when Favreau was playing hard ball with Marvel over returning and complaining about not having enough time but Marvel kept stating that a-lot of the ground work had already been laid with IM1.

The problems that you but especially others are having with this movie, do you believe they are associated with the movie being considered a rush job?

I just feel that whatever real production story happened behind the scenes (combination of director wanting more money, writers strike, rhodey re-casting, TDK success, 3D or not 3D), we're sure lucky that it ended up as good as it did.

At least he as a-lot of time now for IM3.
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I believe its the fault of Marvel Studios setting a release date and announcing it and then pushing to keep Favreau on it. I was following his Twitter posts up until release and even a week before international release he was still fine tuning it. All of the actors have commented in one way or another that the film would be freshly completed when the opening came, Cheadle even remarked it would be "dripping wet". It was one of those things where more time should have been taken. There are something that are just Favreau issues but in terms of the pacing and some of the traditionals its them having to be under the gun, shoot and make the most of what they had.
TheFilm Stage said:
Don’t get me wrong, Scarlett Johansson is gorgeous, but I’m straining to find a reason why she was in the film. The first two acts involve her giving mysterious glances to Stark. Then, in her reveal as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, she has one of the most poorly handled action scenes. Every time she does a “cool” move we see five seconds of her looking at the camera in slow motion. With the amount of times she mounts director Jon Favreau’s head in the film, I’m wondering if there is something else going on here

I would have done the same thing if I was Favreau.....

"You know Scarlett, let's just try one more take on that scene....maybe two more takes. But for the next one, just really give me a squeeze with those hips, thanks a bunch"
This was brought up in another thread which made me laugh. Even more troubling than Rhodey's knowledge of the Mark suit was the question of how did he take the Mark II from the wallmount, disassemble it to get it into the bot parts, since they work like an assembly line doing one part and piece at a time, to then suit up and get upstairs in a matter of minutes. They showed the bots suiting him up before he went upstairs...

Guess you just toss it to accepted illogical occurrances. :lol
I wonder if he will recut it for the BD /DVD release. I certainly think it would benefit from re-editing and increasing the final showdown if the material exists.

Another film which greatly benefited from a recut was Daredevil and the Directors Cut which is far superior to the original release.