Iron Man 3 is the most mature and grown up of all of Marvel Studios movies. The trailers are totally misleading and do not tell the true nature of the movie. Easily the best of the trilogy. Cannot wait to see it again at the weekend. 9/10.
Iron Man 3 is the most mature and grown up of all of Marvel Studios movies. The trailers are totally misleading and do not tell the true nature of the movie. Easily the best of the trilogy. Cannot wait to see it again at the weekend. 9/10.
How's the pew pew, pew pew? That's the ONLY reason i'm super excited.
Iron Man 3 is the most mature and grown up of all of Marvel Studios movies. The trailers are totally misleading and do not tell the true nature of the movie. Easily the best of the trilogy. Cannot wait to see it again at the weekend. 9/10.
And yes, I don't see anymore IM movies for atleast a long time, maybe not even in Phase 3 and just Tony showing up in cameo roles or with the Avengers. I had a strong feeling towards the end when he got 'fixed' that this would be the last of Iron Man.
I get that but that's the feeling I had until that bit played. I was one of about 4 people in the cinema who actually stayed for the post credits scene...
So this,
never happens?
For those who've seen the movie....ONLY
Funny is...
How difficult for Iron Man to be beat up in previous movies even in Avenger and now his armor is like a piece of paper which easily get destroyed.
Far from happening. HAHA
It was like, suit 1, rip, rip, rip...suit 2, swing, rip, rip, rip..suit 3, rip, shoot, rip, rip....
And Kilian destroyed a chest RT just by pressing his fingers on it literally. HAHA