Iron Man 3 Discussion Thread

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This film was smartly written. The villain was both a physical and intellectual threat to Stark and was a good adaptation of his comic counterpart maintaining the comic book version's megalomania, devious plotting and ability to destroy Tony's armor with his bare hands. The balance of tone and switching from serious to comedic was well done and kept me engaged and guessing where the story was headed rather than IM2 where the audience is well ahead of the story. The surprises were genuinely surprising, the action scenes were well done, the comedy was great and they had room for some nice character moments. The vast majority seeing this film enjoy it a lot, only those who went in with expectations of a Ben Kingsly in hand to hand combat with Iron Man scene, shooting beams from his fingers and punching IM's armor apart, but not too much are up in arms about this movie. :1-1: :wink1:

On a forum where people spends hundreds on toy replicas, it's understandable that seeing them so easily ripped to shreds and wantonly exploded in a shower of fireworks will cause intense disappointment and displeasure.

Time will not be kind to this film :lecture. Smartly written and IM3 will not be used in the same sentence ever again a year from now. :)

I will give you that the film had me asking "what is going on" Of course many of those questions were answered poorly.

Like it or hate it, I think we can all agree IM3 was ballsy. Personally, I prefer ballsy writing to playing it safe. YMMV

Bummed for you guys who didn't get what they needed from this film.

I just wanted a smart fun movie like IM1 or the Avengers. Both of those films were witty and character driven. Some of the best scenes in both were not when the Hero's were doing hero things. IM3 had no such scene. No great moment of dialogue, no great memorable lines, no wonderful moments of character interaction (some scenes with kid were OK).. Soooo all that was left was the hope of some good action scenes and Nope we don't get that either.

I am happy you enjoyed it. I guess I should not be bashing on the film to someone who enjoyed the film. I hope you know I am not trying to attack your opinion because I know it can come across that way on the boards sometimes.

Sorry guys but that end battle with all those suits was a complete mess.

Way too over complicated for no reason whatsoever.

Slow things down, make us care.




Yep basically sums up the film for me.

I think the whole "Where are The Avengers" argument is ridiculous. I mean in that case, what is the point of any Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, or Black Widow comic book? It's the same thing, if IM is in a tough spot in an IM comic book, does everyone think "well, why doesn't Thor just step in and help him?"

Yeah, Fans are going to have to let that go. Though it seems SHIELD should have been there somewhere.

When Iron Man does it, it's "ballsy". When Indiana Jones does it it's "nuking the fridge" and "raping childhoods". Got it.

KOTCS is a special kind of bad all on it's own. It may be the worst big budget theatrically released film of a major franchise character ever.

IM was bad but not eye rolling bad like KOTCS. I won't lie though. At one point of IM3 I did think "Is this going the way of the KOTCS??" It was when Stark and Rhodes were getting ready to save Potts and Stark seemed to think he was on a comedic adventure instead of on a mission to save the most important person in his life. Sort of like Marion when she is being a critic of her sons fencing skills while he is dueling for his life or driving off a cliff all in "I told you so" fun.... Damn it you made me remember KOtCS all over again.... Man I hate that film!!!!!
Basically the only people who went to see those other movies ended up doing so because they actually went to see IM3 and it was sold out.
I wonder what kind of disorder Stark is going to have to overcome in IM4? I'm guessing a crippling fear of spiders...
When Iron Man does it, it's "ballsy". When Indiana Jones does it it's "nuking the fridge" and "raping childhoods". Got it.

And when Snyder does it with Superman it will be a "stroke of genius from a cinematic visionary". :lol

I could go on and on about the foolish plotting of KotCS and how IM3 does not make those same mistakes, some different mistakes but not the same disaster, but there's no point. People believe what they want to believe and get caught up on minutiae like how to really operate the suits... I'm sure it's partially voice commands, tracking eye movement for selecting HUDs, and brain wave reading. I doubt he's pushing buttons and pulling levers in there. :cuckoo:

Just curious, and they're obviously different animals, but do you guys that really hate IM3 like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang or hate that one as well?
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it is what it is, and that's all that it is. was entertaining as hell to me and the wife and we can't wait to see it again. you guys that are moaning about comic inaccuracies, well movies aren't comics. if you could do a better job, i guess YOU would have written IM3, wouldn't you have?

it is what it is, and that's all that it is. was entertaining as hell to me and the wife and we can't wait to see it again. you guys that are moaning about comic inaccuracies, well movies aren't comics. if you could do a better job, i guess YOU would have written IM3, wouldn't you have?


it is what it is, and that's all that it is. was entertaining as hell to me and the wife and we can't wait to see it again. you guys that are moaning about comic inaccuracies, well movies aren't comics. if you could do a better job, i guess YOU would have written IM3, wouldn't you have?


They should let me write Iron man 3. Tony would be in the Heartbreaker armor and ripping peoples heads off... just saying. :wink1:
Just curious, and they're obviously different animals, but do you guys that really hate IM3 like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang or hate that one as well?

I don't hate Iron Man 3. I just think they went too far in certain areas (unnecessarily so) and it's a bit of a misstep. I don't hate it, but it's the weakest in its series for me and a bit of a disappointing outlier. But it's still entertaining, and ultimately I like it a bit more than I dislike it. And there is some stuff in it that I really like a lot. Pretty much exactly how I feel about KOTCS to this day.

I love Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, though. Easily a better film than this.
For me

IM1 > IM3 > IM2

Mine too.

But I'm not as hard on Iron Man 2 as I used to be. I watched it recently on FX and it does have some great parts (court scene, action sequences, Justin Hammer, Howard Stark tape).

I actually like them all for different reasons. Iron Man will never be topped though.
this is rather simple

IM1 > IM2 > IM3

Same here. In fact, it's probably my least favorite of all of the Marvel Universe films since the original Iron Man. But that doesn't mean I think it's completely terrible, either. They're all at lease decent flicks, which is a good thing.

Like I said, this is more TDKR/Spiderman 3 than it is Batman & Robin. I'm definitely not in line with those haters.
So when an Iron Man movie deviates from the comics its considered bad, but when a Nolan Batman movie does it its considered good...?

No its not bad because it deviated from comics, its bad because it deviated too much from established continuity on the other 2 Ironman movies. Its like the logic and tech completely changed to the point that it shouldn't even be ironman 3 or part of the same world as the first two movies. The first two movies used suits powered by arc reactors and were durable. These suits are powered by car batteries and fall apart like tin cans. The arc reactor, which was so central to the other two movies was completely ignored for the sake of the stupid plot. The only similarity were the actors.
Third flicks always tend to go in strange directions with weird choices anyway. I've come to believe that's just the nature of them. The story tellers/filmmakers just go ***** to the wall in full throttling "WHAT SORT OF CRAZY STUFF CAN WE DO/WHAT CAN WE CHANGE UP" mode.