I see a fully evolved Stark from film 1 to film 2, even if he is still narcissistic at times.
I feel I saw that fully evolved Tony Stark by the end of part 1 (Ok not fully evolved since he declared "I am Iron Man" at the end) but still he seemed to be beyond were he was in the beginning of part 2.
Like I said it seems that each film forgets the lesson that he learned from the film before. (except in Avengers)
Really if you just watched part one and then went on to The Avengers, you would not have missed a thing except that he now kisses Pepper.
By the end of Avengers and Iron Man III, he's way more selfless than he ever was before. There's a character arc and growth there. It's very noticeable in Iron Man 3, he's almost humbled after the events of Avengers. This is evident in the opening in 1999. He's partying, he's rude and obnoxious, he tells a handicapped man to go up on the roof and wait for him, then purposely leaves him up there. He's not a very good guy.
I would agree that they went out of their way to make TS look like the biggest D in the world (I did not get that feeling that he was that bad at the begging of part 1) But again you could have showed Tony in the middle of part one to show how much of a better person he was since 1999. He is also not to humble as he seems to hate that Iron Patriot is taking some of the lime light from him. Other the his PTSD I am not sure he would be any different then he was by the end of part one.
Again I am not saying there is no growth but just feel that they did it best and showed what we needed to see and know by the end of part one and The Avengers
It's almost like they had to make up things to give Tony character flaws in part 2 (dying) and part 3 (PTSD) rather then show Tony as a fully developed character. I guess one could say that we got to see that in The Avengers.
But I see your points.
Fast forward to the current day Stark and he's much different. He spends all of his time building suits, he isn't in public looking for attention, he's defending the peace. etc. etc.
Again I lack of public attention seeking goes to his PTSD. Like I said he seems jealous of Rhodey.
As far as story goes, I think Captain America's words in Avengers had an impact on him. All that stuff about the suit and being a hero.
This may be true but according to many here in this thread those words did not mean much as he had to prove he was more the just a suit in part 3. I don't agree with this theory. It just seems to be the big one that many of the defenders of part 3 have brought up.
I guess I just feel that you could watch IM1 and then watch Avengers and you would not feel like we missed a thing. And I am guessing when we get to Avengers 2 or IM4 we won't feel like we missed anything all that important in part 3.