Iron Man 3 Discussion Thread

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Yeah, I love that scene. He's definitely my favorite part of Iron Man 2. The banter between him and Whiplash is great. For me, he stole every scene he was in.
To speak to the point of Stark becoming less arrogant... I really like that too. In Iron Man 2 he was boasting about how he was singlehandedly acting as the world's nuclear deterrent and after being smacked in the face with the enormity of the events in the Avengers, and almost losing his life he's been brought back down to a more manageable size. Especially if Pepper's life becomes threatened.

In that sense the story will be more like the original Iron Man, when Tony Struggled with his vulnerability.
overall I get a sort of typical facing inner demons vibe, world crumbling thing, it's too much like TDKR rather then the fun superhero I've come to enjoy with Iron Man.

I'm trusting that RDJ & crew will keep Tony's third outing from turning into a morose, pretentious broodfest like Nobats devolved into.

Having him loose everything, be totally beaten down, and then come up screaming is the classic hero arc and would be faithful to the many comic storylines about Stark's struggles.
(Remember how bleak Superman 2 got until the final reel? And that's hardly remembered as being a "dark" film. :wink1:)

Yea this movie seems like he's gonna loose alot so i wonder if sheild comes into play?
The Dark Iron Man Rises.:rock

Who's the Iron Patriot dude; goody or baddy?

In the comics? Iron Patriot is Norman Osborn... In Iron Man 3? It appears to be Rhodey. The high-res pic shows his name on it-


Still don't like any of the suits shown in this one, they look like Michael Bay ran them through his paint shop.

Whole trailer was a bit average for me, maybe I'm just growing tired of iron man:dunno
I loved the trailer, hopefully the film holds up, as the Iron Man 2 trailer looked awesome too. I like the darker tone, because Tony himself will never be too dark, it'll make the comedic piece pop. The only thing that will really disappoint me is that this settles contractual obligations with RDJ and if this film is awesome with Shane Black taking over the helm, I'd hate for it to stop here and not continue. This is what we should have gotten in the second installment, something darker and something that allowed for a expansion on the ideas given in the first, Extremis is a natural progression whereas Iron Man 2 overall seemed to pander to set up The Avengers more than actually continue Tony's story.
Hmmmmmm, I don't have the same reaction as a lot of freaks about the trailer but hope is alive :) I am not sold on the voice talking about being a terrorist / teacher etc.