Iron Man 3 Discussion Thread

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Iron Man 3 villain to scare "the heck out of everybody!"
October 31, 2012
by Max Nicholson

Last week, we got our first glimpse at Ben Kingsley's Mandarin in Iron Man 3. Since then, Marvel Studios boss and Iron Man 3 producer Kevin Feige has praised Kingsley's performance, noting that his interpretation of the character has helped to reinvigorate the franchise.

"On his last take of his first full day as the Mandarin, when they yelled 'Cut!' the entire crew burst into applause, spearheaded by Mr. Downey himself," Feige told Total Film. "It was pretty amazing to see that."

"That's what you get when you hire Sir Ben Kingsley," he continued. "He's so excited about his part and so into this character, and frankly just scaring the heck out of everybody. They're like, 'You've broken us out of our skeptical malaise!'"
Actors praise each other all the damn time, its an etiquette thing. I'm sure Michael Douglas praised Shia Leboof during Wallstreet 2, look how that turned out.
Actors praise each other all the damn time, its an etiquette thing. I'm sure Michael Douglas praised Shia Leboof during Wallstreet 2, look how that turned out.

When it comes to acting, Shia simply isn't in the same league as Ben. Hence, I'm not worried.