Premium Format Iron Man Mark 42 1/4 Maquette by Sideshow Collectibles & Legacy Effects

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Victor's update. Returned **** paintjob MK42 and got a better one (though he barely shows detail shots on this unboxing/review)

What's sideshow's criteria for returning statues, and who gets Victor's original statue? Seems like they are admitting they're screwing things up.

Victor's update. Returned **** paintjob MK42 and got a better one (though he barely shows detail shots on this unboxing/review)

What's sideshow's criteria for returning statues, and who gets Victor's original statue? Seems like they are admitting they're screwing things up.

Yea but what's the alternative? not giving their customers a replacement? It's nice that they do the whole refund/replacement thing. Hopefully the pieces you order are statues that end up wtih good factories:lol
Victor's update. Returned **** paintjob MK42 and got a better one (though he barely shows detail shots on this unboxing/review)

I think his replacement statue was just more of the same from the previous one which is why his review was very brief, to include a quick still shot of the top/front of the piece. It still didn't look good even in that shot (specifically the lower neck, collar bone, and shoulder areas). So I'm gonna assume he said, "**** it" and just settled for the normality of this particular Iron Man statue.
Guys, seriously, are you kidding me? A dock worker strike backed up shipments forever. I don't care if my statue got destroyed, delayed, or... ****! Have fun looking down at me, but the only reason I posted it is because it was relevant. Is it a tragedy? Of course it is. Did I say it wasn't? No I didn't.
I've never posted one mean thing on this forum, and if I was insensitive, I'm sorry. The headline came embedded in the link. Was just trying to post info that will (probably) cause shipping delays for a very long time. It's the largest port in China, and the 4th largest in the world. All of that tonnage will now have to go through the already overloaded Chinese port system.

I'll stop defending my "soul" from people who don't know me now. Obviously sorry for the loss of life, I thought it was a miracle that the death toll was so low at the time I posted the link (13 million people live in the city), but didn't realize that the Chinese government was withholding the true figures. Stupid if you know anything about the Chinese government, I know.
I've never posted one mean thing on this forum

You have less than 20 posts, that ain't sayin much. :lol

and if I was insensitive, I'm sorry. The headline came embedded in the link. Was just trying to post info that will (probably) cause shipping delays for a very long time.

No worries.

I'll stop defending my "soul" from people who don't know me now. Obviously sorry for the loss of life, I thought it was a miracle that the death toll was so low at the time I posted the link (13 million people live in the city), but didn't realize that the Chinese government was withholding the true figures. Stupid if you know anything about the Chinese government, I know.

Maybe lead with that next time, and not the fact your dolls might be delayed. Just sayin'.
Yes, and you have 23,000 posts and are picking fights, calling me soulless, ignoring the fact I just apologized and are still trolling away. I posted the story. China's largest port blew up. It's relevant to people who collect things that come *exclusively* from China. I never said the loss of life wasn't tragic. That was yours and colectorcol's opinion. I admitted it came off as insensitive & I apologized... You're being the jerk now. Take it away:
Yes, and you have 23,000 posts and are picking fights,

Asking you if you have a soul after the post you made does not equate to picking a fight, and clearly others agree.

calling me soulless

False, nobody called you soulless. When you resort to making things up your argument is weak.

gnoring the fact I just apologized

Also false, after your apology I stated 'no worries'. Learn how to read please.

and are still trolling away.
Your initial post came off extremely self centered and devoid of empathy. If anyone is trolling, it's you.

I posted the story. China's largest port blew up. It's relevant to Also false, .people who collect things that come *exclusively* from China.
You posted a link, your post itself was wrapped only about you getting your doll. You've been back pedaling ever since.

I never said the loss of life wasn't tragic.
See above.
I admitted it came off as insensitive & I apologized
First intelligent post of your career here.

You're being the jerk now. Take it away:

Maybe I'm a jerk, maybe not. But when lives are lost my first reaction isn't to run to my PC, hop of a dollie forum and post musings about whether my doll will arrive on time or be delayed.

Stay classy.
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Maybe I'm a jerk, maybe not. But when lives are lost my first reaction isn't to run to my PC, hop of a dollie forum and post musings about whether my doll will arrive on time or be delayed.

Stay classy.

That's not what I did. That's you assuming that's what I was saying and I've explained myself multiple times.

Sideshow delaying production and coming out with bad paint jobs frustrates me. This is a disaster. I never equated the two of those things together.

I'm done wasting the forum on this though. Sorry I offended you or anyone else.