Statue [Iron Studios] Iron Man Mark XLII

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Thanks for taking the time to upload pics Ricardo :clap

I really wish they stuck to the original gold paint that was shown in the prototype, that was my biggest gripe from the variety of pictures shown of this statue where some looked like dark mustard color and it was unappealing. I hope in their next releases they stay true to the prototype paint choices.

Based on these pics you posted I feel better about the gold paint in the production pieces having seen the statue in an open area with sufficient lighting, it looks much better and brighter in my opinion.

I plan on keeping mine :D
Also I had the same problem with the black lines on my Spider Comiquette:










Dear All,

I'm the creator and owner of the ToyReview website which watermark you may have noticed in more than a hundred pictures of this particular statue...

I've made the pictures myself last Thursday, after picking up the figure directly into a store last Wednesday night... as usual, I took several pictures from my own collection pieces and also some figures I get direct from resellers specially to be reviewed...

So, at first, the purpouse of my review was not to "point fingers" but, mainly, to share with other collectors the "real figure" and not the "promotional pictures"...

More than only the "studio pictures", I've made a few (20) pictures with my iPhone 4S camera that area available at ToyReview Facebook page...

For the first "real big" project with a "huge license", IS should paid more attention to the final product (and as you could read, a lot of other buyers faced the same issues I've listed in my review). The point that is bothering me right now is the lack of communication or feedback concerning the several complains made by the collectors (or customers, whatever) by IS staff... at first, this sounds, at least, like "disrespect"...

Until the present moment, no speech, no letter, not a single word dropped to explain the reasons on what happened or even, a commitiment on solve the issue... particularly, my figure is pretty bad when compared to other ones (mine is 178 of 750).

I really like to help you on decide on picking up this figure or not, so let me know if I should translate my review or made a video review of the figure.

Best regards,

Rodolfo Canato -
Quick update:

Iron Man Mark XLII 1/4 Scale - Final list!

1- GodofWar-Alberto G. (+ 1 Iron Man, 1 War Machine and 1 Iron Patriot Key Chains) - Contacted via Private message!
2- Ronald G.
3- DVDVampire - David A (+ 2 IM + 2 IP + 2 WM keychain) FULL BALANCE PAID! 8th on the shipping list
4- GodofWar-Alberto G. (Second piece)
5- SpenK Contacted via Private message!
6- Marc-Andre-Drum18 (+1 Iron Man Key Chain) FULL BALANCE PAID! 1st on the shipping list
7- Jye- Ryan L. (+ 2 Iron Man and 1 Iron Patriot Key Chains) FULL BALANCE PAID! 7th on the shipping list
8- Jojo Galang FULL BALANCE PAID! 18th on the shipping list*****
9- Sen Wei Oon-oonsw05 (+ 2 IM + 2 IP keychain) FULL BALANCE PAID! 5th on the shipping list
10- F. Hernandez-Mr.Zero (+ 2 Iron Man Key Chain) - Contacted via Private message! FULL BALANCE PAID! 15th on the shipping list*****
11- C. Thomas - traylorc
12- Noctu
13- Thunderlips
14- Joe Ruany
15- Brandon Lam-lamtsunfung (+ 1 Iron Man, 1 War Machine and 1 Iron Patriot Key Chains at $27)
16- Y4NK33 PL4N3T FULL BALANCE PAID! 3rd on the shipping list
17- Kyle Z FULL BALANCE PAID! 19th on the shipping list
18- Wu Tung Lun - Yatyau (+ 2 IM + 2 IP + 2 WM keychain) FULL BALANCE PAID! 12th on the shipping list
19- George Smy (+ 2 IM + 1 IP + 1 WM keychain)
20- George Smy
21- thaistixx FULL BALANCE PAID! 13th on the shipping list
22- Charles/TheMovieManiac FULL BALANCE PAID! 2nd on the shipping list
23- ronald taylor/rocketrey FULL BALANCE PAID! 9th on the shipping list
24- Ensandria Rendrata- Ersa FULL BALANCE PAID! 6th on the shipping list
25- Marc Heinz FULL BALANCE PAID! 10th on the shipping list
26- goh leong /hazzard FULL BALANCE PAID! 11th on the shipping list
27- Robert Bernier / Mad Napper FULL BALANCE PAID! 4th on the shipping list
28- IE Computers / Gagaliya
29- Paolo schiappacasse
30- Saymour Go
31- Saymour Go
32- Danny Chander FULL BALANCE PAID! 20th on the shipping list
33- BarryAllen/ Bobby Trinh FULL BALANCE PAID!21th on the shipping list
34- Daren Sheng
35- Daren Sheng
36- Daren Sheng
37- Daren Sheng
38- Daren Sheng
39- Daren Sheng
40- Daren Sheng
41- Maxicollector *
42- Maxicollector *
43- PRF *
44- Adriano
45- Keeping these 3 pieces as immediate replacements just in case I get a bad one!
46- Keeping these 3 pieces as immediate replacements just in case I get a bad one!
47- Keeping these 3 pieces as immediate replacements just in case I get a bad one!
48- James Taveggia / Noah* FULL BALANCE PAID! 14th on the shipping list
49- Kantaphong* FULL BALANCE PAID! 16th on the shipping list
50- Kantaphong* FULL BALANCE PAID! 17th on the shipping list
Got mine opened in Brazil.
No major issues to report from pictures so far.
I'm having it mailed express to the US tomorrow.
I have Comiquette from Sideshow. I'll post my photos to see the staff, making comparison and draw their own conclusions.

My Mark 42 is little better, because Rodolfo had the best will in the world I leave open some to choose the best. Thanks, Rodolfo!










This is very comiquette ****! You know that. I'm comparing the two here right now and I see a huge difference in paint quality between the two.
So this:


Turned into this ?


Look at the difference in the "suspension" of the shoulder.
So about the black line, can we try to clean them like what we do on spidy? Btw I email you Ricardo.

Btw I want those two, they looks much better. Lol
Thanks for taking the time to upload pics Ricardo :clap

I plan on keeping mine :D

Just piggy backing off of this note, thank you Ricardo for posting up the pictures definitely feeling better after seeing them. I never had any intentions of cancelling on you no matter how bad it came out, its a gamble we all took and you shouldn't be left on the hook for our roll of the dice. :)