Oh *********. I literally just watched my first Grace video and fell in love with her stupid brain and terrible accent.

Very apt GIF. Read post in Tommy's voice.
Oh *********. I literally just watched my first Grace video and fell in love with her stupid brain and terrible accent.
Nah it was obvious he was using the thug to draw the parademon
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When my ex picked up the kids yesterday she said she had just seen Justice League and was very confused as to why Henry Cavill's face was CG and wondered whether he had died before he could film his scenes. LOL! Way to go WB, have your actual living actors who are playing themselves at their current age look no better than RO Tarkin and Leia.
I thought that people who were oblivious to the mustache ordeal might not even notice but I guess not.
OMG I hope you told her he died.
When my ex picked up the kids yesterday she said she had just seen Justice League and was very confused as to why Henry Cavill's face was CG and wondered whether he had died before he could film his scenes. LOL! Way to go WB, have your actual living actors who are playing themselves at their current age look no better than RO Tarkin and Leia.
I thought that people who were oblivious to the mustache ordeal might not even notice but I guess not.
No, I told her about the mustache and how there were two directors and that Zack's scenes were the ones that looked better but then she went off about why would anyone want to see Batman with Affleck's "stupid fat head" so I just left it at that and we said our goodbyes, lol.
Oh *********. I literally just watched my first Grace video and fell in love with her stupid brain and terrible accent.
“You know I mod a toy board, right?”
Yup Tarkin and Leia look better dead than Cavill did alive lol
“You know I mod a toy board, right?”
How many Superman scenes did Whedon reshoot/add?
I have never been motivated to click a link for that woman's videos, no matter how many times they get posted here.
I have never been motivated to click a link for that woman's videos, no matter how many times they get posted here.
Do you think this really could have been much better? I think it could have been equally good/bad, but in a totally different way, if Snyder was left to his own devices. But I can't see a scenario where this film really was going to be great. Even when the DC universe started out, pre-Man of Steel's release, they were already going down the wrong path, which many of us saw from the get-go. I think Wonder Woman is really the ceiling for WB at this point, until and unless they jettison all traces of Snyder, and get the suits out of the editing room.when you consider what it could have and should have been...
Do you think this really could have been much better? I think it could have been equally good/bad, but in a totally different way, if Snyder was left to his own devices. But I can't see a scenario where this film really was going to be great. Even when the DC universe started out, pre-Man of Steel's release, they were already going down the wrong path, which many of us saw from the get-go. I think Wonder Woman is really the ceiling for WB at this point, until and unless they jettison all traces of Snyder, and get the suits out of the editing room.
I think Suicide Squad could have been decent, before the producers started ****ing around. Man of Steel, BvS, and this were doomed from the get-go in some respects. Snyder just is not a good creative mind. That's something I've said for many years. He should be directing music videos, trailers, and action scenes here and there. Nothing more than that. If you bring in Terrio and Whedon to do the crown molding on a house built on Snyder's foundation, there's only so much you can do.
DC had an opportunity to try something really different from Marvel Studios, and initially that was what they attempted, but it was done badly, and ultimately they wouldn't go all-in, so we end up with a mis-mash of bad to forgettable movies, with only one film so far even worth watching more than once.
I actually find more to be enjoyed from watching B&R than JL.