Logan (New Wolverine movie March 3rd 2017)

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Phoenix could do a "Secret Wars" and reboot the whole thing though. I want to see 19th Century Dr. Frankenstein with Celestial Tech and Clive Barker Vibes Mr. Sinister. Or Lovecraftian Mojo. Or BDSM Cult Hellfire Club. Or... you get the idea...
What's next? A total reboot of the franchise I'd assume?

I can't imagine Fox driving this story any further even with X-23 it's too dark and bleak for the kiddos. They'll need to get back to a more kid friendly universe to make this a prosperous marketable brand. Us old fanboys will be back to complaining for another R rated film :lol

Both Deadpool 2 (obviously) and X-Force will be R-rated and X-Force is most definitely the next outing for [an older] Laura/X-23.
I want to see 19th Century Dr. Frankenstein with Celestial Tech and Clive Barker Vibes Mr. Sinister. Or Lovecraftian Mojo. Or BDSM Cult Hellfire Club. Or... you get the idea...
After terribly done 70's and 80's? You're too brave. :lol
The hard part will be either Logan 2.0 or X-23 going forward in a re-booted universe will once again deliver a muted character (PG-13). It'd be difficult to envision them keeping these films R-rated due to the lost kiddie market. I suppose they could toss the character in PG -13 film then have R-rated solo projects. Curious how this'll go with how well relieved Logan is.....

Edit: I wasn't aware X Force was R-rated nor slew,of other planned films. Scrap post
The funny thing is the MCU's don't kill anyone important policy was arguably a reaction to things like Batman '89 killing the Joker or X-Men 3 killing Xavier and Cyclops. People were pissed off about those deaths because now those characters couldn't be used again (at least so it seemed).

Yea I remember :lol

The only death I had a problem with in X3 was Cyclops. I didn't mind him dying but I hated how he died. Jean Grey could have been bittersweet because they could have easily teased her resurrection, but I actually didn't mind Professor X's death at all. The after credits scene I thought was horrible though. That movie had a pretty ballsy ending compared to what we're getting today, but the movie overall does suck :lol

Well then this is where go our own ways.

Logan was the first Fox Xmen related movie that I think has the action chops of the MCU.

Logan takes it even further though, it is literally the Rambo 4 of superhero movies and that is just awesome!

When you say MCU, do you mean just TWS, Civil War and Avengers 1? What other movie in the MCU had memorable action?

X2 - Nightcrawler scene, Wolverine berserker, Magneto prison escape.

DOFP - Quicksilver scene

First Class - Magneto Nazi hunting, Magneto Submarine lift

I really enjoyed Logan, but does if have any iconic action scenes?

What's next? A total reboot of the franchise I'd assume?

I can't imagine Fox driving this story any further even with X-23 it's too dark and bleak for the kiddos. They'll need to get back to a more kid friendly universe to make this a prosperous marketable brand. Us old fanboys will be back to complaining for another R rated film :lol

No reboot it seems. Deadpool is next, then Nee Mutants with Mcavoy returning, then X-Men supernova with the younger X-Men cast returning, then probably X-Force.

Personally I think they should scrap that X-Men supernova movie, and just jump ahead to present day with a soft reboot. Give us new actors and it can loosely continue the Singer-verse but not be shackled to any continuity. That's basically what Deadpool is doing right now.
Young X-23 certainly shouldn't return. No need to milk that character or the actress. I hope FoX doesn't crest some ridiculous story just to use her.

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The hard part will be either Logan 2.0 or X-23 going forward in a re-booted universe will once again deliver a muted character (PG-13). It'd be difficult to envision them keeping these films R-rated due to the lost kiddie market.

Edit: I wasn't aware X Force was R-rated nor slew,of other planned films. Scrap post

Kinberg's X-Men Supernova and Boone's New Mutants will be PG-13.
For me Logan jumped from one super intense brutal gripping action scene to the next, hell the movie is so packed with gritty action that they did Mad Max better than Fury Road!

Want to know what I did on Fury Road opening night, I yawned alot.

I just finished my XM series marathon, good to great drama but holy crap are those movies lacking in exciting action!

Thank You Logan! :bow
After terribly done 70's and 80's? You're too brave. :lol


What can I say though? I want to see the magnificent bastard that is Essex.


I loved Deadpool......looking forward to part 2.0. The only cbm my wife requests to watch.

Intrigued with the response for the X Universe. I thought it was done and they'd reboot, I wasn't aware it was still alive and ticking outside of DP. Watch this one with interest since they showed courage twice (DP, Logan) and both turned out well. Maybe more adult themed movies are ahead which'll be nice.
I'm all in for Essex... But I don't trust FOX one bit. :(

Neither do I, considering he walks in a very fine line between campy and terrifying. Considering they've not gotten Doom right yet, the chances of Essex turning out at least good aren't that many. But eh, who know, maybe they've learned their lesson that sometimes being faithful to the books is good. If Sinister is just a guy in a black coat though, that'll blow. I can do without the 90s Vamp look, but the Victorian outfit is a must. The dry and sardonic wit alongside his threatening appearance as well.
Young X-23 certainly shouldn't return. No need to milk that character or the actress. I hope FoX doesn't crest some ridiculous story just to use her.

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I wouldn't mind seeing her again.

I liked her. She's cute, but deadly, and I still feel bad for her...and she's not even real :lol

I liked the dinner scene a lot. I was smiling the whole time with them :(
If the next XM movie taking place in the 90's doesn't deliver the goods we just might see X-23 and those other kids leading the charge now.

I will admit that I wasn't particularly impressed with those other mutant kids, they definately lacked the energy of X23.

She'll be back, with this bad mofo to aim her.

It's amazing how in the entire world there are only 2 perfect actors to play him......ok....1 perfect actor to play him lol.


I think that ship has sailed.

But surprisingly, I'm actually diggin' David Harbour as Nathan.