Prepare for Khev to bring up Cap throwing that soldier off the jet in TFA.
Why am I defending the Cap movies when I have pturtle.

You know what's what.

Prepare for Khev to bring up Cap throwing that soldier off the jet in TFA.
Except for the Cap movies (the other MCU films can take a flying leap.) I've never once cringed or let out an "ooh!" watching a pre-Logan X-Men death the way I did when Cap sent the guy through the propeller or Bucky kicked the dude through the Quinjet turbine.
Why am I defending the Cap movies when I have pturtle.
You know what's what.![]()
Except for the Cap movies (the other MCU films can take a flying leap.) I've never once cringed or let out an "ooh!" watching a pre-Logan X-Men death the way I did when Cap sent the guy through the propeller or Bucky kicked the dude through the Quinjet turbine.
The MCU is notorious for "zero wound penetration"
I'd say just the opening scene of Logan is better than both of those, easily.
I could watch the opening of Logan on repeat and never get tired of it.
Well, Charles and Logan got sick, and Charles alone could have killed every mutant using cerebro, so I think it's totally possible.
If it was a year, then I'd say it's silly, but 5 years seems reasonable.
Yeah, its not ridiculous at all.
Logan was already suffering from Adamantium poisoning by the end of DOFP (the white streaks in his hair). Xavier's dementia killed the core X-Men five years later and Transigen's chemicals took care of the rest.
In the new timeline the world doesn't end in the 2020s. The X-Men do.
And I was saying it was ridiculous because DOFP was all about bringing back the X-Men, then 2 movies later they kill them all again. I have no problem with it, in fact I like how ridiculous it is![]()
This whole Dark Knight phenomenon is just obnoxious, and that's coming from someone that loves TDK.Great comic book movies have existed before and after TDK and now anything that pops up with even the slightest hint of quality of raising the standard is pitted against it. It's not just like this here, but everywhere I see praise for Logan I see a trail of "hurr durr, but TDK! TDK! TDK!" following it. Don't worry, we'll never forget, not with people having to constantly remind everyone about it.
View attachment 329659
It's like I'm in some kind of ****ing Twilight Zone. That and the ****ing OCD cretins that constantly gravitate back to Heath Ledger Joker doll discussions over in the DC forums. They're still arguing about the same thousand dollar custom clothes and headsculpts.
First Class was great. I walk out of it and go online and there it is . . . people talking about how TDK and Batman Begins "CHANGED EVERYTHING!" Despite two great X-Men movies before Nolan Bats was even a thing, and people won't shut the **** up about how the Nolan Batman movies paved the way for X-Men First Class and serious REBOOTS. Then I remember loving the living hell out of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and wanting to talk about Captain America. And there it was. TDK. "A WELL DONE POLITICAL THRILLER!? Oh mah, dats like muh crime drama TDK! Robert Redford was no Heath Ledger tho!" Well no ****. Anyone remember the Amazing Spider-Man 2 hype? I do. People were claiming that it was going to be the "DARK KNIGHT of Spider-Man movies!", whatever the hell that means. Then when it came out, blew up, fell on it's face and became a Batman Forever tier movie.
And now we have Logan, a great film in it's own right and one of the better comic book movies out there, being put up against TDK. Logan and TDK have nothing in common with each other except fanboys discussing them in the same sentences and paragraphs for reasons I cannot fathom. Logan is a ****ing western/road trip movie, it couldn't be farther from TDK both in tone and style or execution. In fact, the Nolan Bat flicks have more in common with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman than ****ing Logan. But because Logan is getting praise and applause for what filmmakers did with it, there's just got to be that nagging little nerdy magpie that comes out of the woodwork to constantly remind people of TDK it's place in CBM history. Page. After page. After page. Is it a fear of TDK somehow getting "dethroned"? Is it autism? I have no idea. Whatever it is, it's annoying.
The Dark Knight had it's day. 2008 was a great, enjoyable time and we'll never forget it. Like all great movies, it has it's place in popular culture. It was also ****ing 9 years ago and all of it's discussions of it's quality and merit were bled out of it within the first three years of it. It was at the crux of online movie analysis with "DARK KNIGHT PHILOSOPHY" blogs, "DARK KNIGHT" youtube analysis reviews, etc. etc. For the most part, all of us here have talked about TDK ad nauseam. That goes allll the way back to the trailer in 2007. In those years, TDK burned itself out pretty quick. There's nothing left to discover or revisit with it because nobody will let it be forgotten. When I see stuff like this, it just turns me cynical to TDK and all I want to do is think and talk about it's flaws. Can't even go a few days without people bringing up TDK and throwing up stupid ranks instead of giving Logan (and other good comic book films) the same examination that TDK got in spades. It's ridiculous.
Here's to you TDK, you ****.
This whole Dark Knight phenomenon is just obnoxious, and that's coming from someone that loves TDK.Great comic book movies have existed before and after TDK and now anything that pops up with even the slightest hint of quality of raising the standard is pitted against it. It's not just like this here, but everywhere I see praise for Logan I see a trail of "hurr durr, but TDK! TDK! TDK!" following it. Don't worry, we'll never forget, not with people having to constantly remind everyone about it.
View attachment 329659
It's like I'm in some kind of ****ing Twilight Zone. That and the ****ing OCD cretins that constantly gravitate back to Heath Ledger Joker doll discussions over in the DC forums. They're still arguing about the same thousand dollar custom clothes and headsculpts.
First Class was great. I walk out of it and go online and there it is . . . people talking about how TDK and Batman Begins "CHANGED EVERYTHING!" Despite two great X-Men movies before Nolan Bats was even a thing, and people won't shut the **** up about how the Nolan Batman movies paved the way for X-Men First Class and serious REBOOTS. Then I remember loving the living hell out of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and wanting to talk about Captain America. And there it was. TDK. "A WELL DONE POLITICAL THRILLER!? Oh mah, dats like muh crime drama TDK! Robert Redford was no Heath Ledger tho!" Well no ****. Anyone remember the Amazing Spider-Man 2 hype? I do. People were claiming that it was going to be the "DARK KNIGHT of Spider-Man movies!", whatever the hell that means. Then it came out, blew up, fell flat on it's face and instead became a Batman Forever tier movie.
And now we have Logan, a great film in it's own right and one of the better comic book movies out there, being put up against TDK. Logan and TDK have nothing in common with each other except fanboys discussing them in the same sentences and paragraphs for reasons I cannot fathom. Logan is a ****ing western/road trip movie, it couldn't be farther from TDK both in tone and style or execution. In fact, the Nolan Bat flicks have more in common with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman than ****ing Logan. But because Logan is getting praise and applause for what filmmakers did with it, there's just got to be that nagging little nerdy magpie that comes out of the woodwork to constantly remind people of TDK it's place in CBM history. Page. After page. After page. Is it a fear of TDK somehow getting "dethroned"? Is it autism? I have no idea. Whatever it is, it's annoying.
The Dark Knight had it's day. 2008 was a great, enjoyable time and we'll never forget it. Like all great movies, it has it's place in popular culture. It was also ****ing 9 years ago and all of it's discussions of it's quality and merit were bled out of it within the first three years of it. It was at the crux of online movie analysis with "DARK KNIGHT PHILOSOPHY" blogs, "DARK KNIGHT" youtube analysis reviews, etc. etc. For the most part, all of us here have talked about TDK ad nauseam. That goes allll the way back to the trailer in 2007. In those years, TDK burned itself out pretty quick. There's nothing left to discover or revisit with it because nobody will let it be forgotten. When I see stuff like this, it just turns me cynical to TDK and all I want to do is think and talk about it's flaws. Can't even go a few days without people bringing up TDK and throwing up stupid ranks instead of giving Logan (and other good comic book films) the same examination that TDK got in spades. It's ridiculous.
Here's to you TDK, you ****.
Whoa! That post is TDK of X Men posts.
To be fair, people did and still do the same with The Godfather 2 and ESB, when talking about sequels.
It's not unprecedented, and considering how popular the super hero genre has become in the last 20 years, it makes sense that people will use one very popular film as an example of excellence.
People do it in every area, even in sports, a day doesn't go by where ESPN or people online don't talk about how great Jordan was when talking about Lebron or any other current great NBA player.
Nevertheless there's a reason that all these discussions go back to TDK and it's because deep down everyone knows it's the one to beat. It's just hard to imagine any other cbm taking on a life of its own the way TDK did.
Nevertheless there's a reason that all these discussions go back to TDK and it's because deep down everyone knows it's the one to beat. It's just hard to imagine any other cbm taking on a life of its own the way TDK did.
To be fair, people did and still do the same with The Godfather 2 and ESB, when talking about sequels.
True, but does it make it any less annoying or weird?
That list isn't completely accurate. DR. Strange has a higher rating than Winter Soldier.