FFS.....they are movies.
Just enjoy them.
But back to the realm of the almighty CBM. What makes TDK the one to beat exactly? It's box office? Already happened. Oscars? Other comic book movies have gotten em' before and after (I mean hell, Suicide Squad just got one). What is TDK the king of exactly? Who is even dictating such a notion? Is there a CBM authority or god I'm not aware of?
Sure, it gets annoying. I'm not defending it, but I understand it because it's nothing new.
When it comes to TDK, I can see why it has such an appeal, and you jokingly mentioned part of it in a previous page. It's Batman...but there might be other elements.
It's probably a combination of certain factors.
1. It's Batman...the most mainstream superhero
2. The overall quality (acting, characters, story, cinematography, score...etc)
3. Some nostalgia...believe it or not, it been almost 10 years
4. Ledger's death...maybe
5. Box office success
6. The year/timing it came out...before the influx of superhero films
7.It hit a cultural nerve...which isn't easy to explain or recreate
If we look at this list of "great superhero films", can we say the rest have all those elements? They might have a few, but maybe not all.
Wow, and I actually called the progression of "greatest cbm" ever to be STM -> Spidey 2 -> IM1 -> TDK and randomly enough the RT scores actually support that. Who'd a thought.
The only movie that doesn't belong on that list is Civil [safe] War.
I just stared at that gif for a full minute. I don't know why.
I cringe when I think of that letter Steve wrote to Tony. I cringe.
View attachment 329686
616 Canon has a letter from Cap to Tony... Bonus points if you know the book...
I don't care. Its crap. The whole movie is an exercise on how not to make any event that transpires meaningful.
Nothing happened.
I don't care. Its crap. The whole movie is an exercise on how not to make any event that transpires meaningful.
Nothing happened.
Dug Spider-Man. Dug Black Panther. Dug.Giant Man
Expected something much more resonant, like TWS. This felt more like Avengers 2.5.
Marvel Studios keeps playing it safe. The comics have so much more emotional weight. These movies just won't go the distance. I honestly wish they hadn't called this Civil War.
I don't care. Its crap.
>complains that the film is not faithful to the source material
>presented with source material
>doesn't care
Capt is a fugitive.
Actually the Civil War comic was crap. Probably the single worst Cap story I've ever read (no I'm not joking, I downright hated it.) Kudos to the Russos for making an entertaining flick out of terrible source material.