Super Freak
Yeah I was just playing to the hyperbole, there are MCU movies that feel like kid flicks but CW isn't one of them imo, it's serious enough.
Yeah I was just playing to the hyperbole, there are MCU movies that feel like kid flicks but CW isn't one of them imo, it's serious enough.
Yeah, there is that element in the MCU, for sure. It's just become the baa-baa complaint, and somehow it shows up everywhere as if the MCU is the cinematic Big Brother. I can only speak from my experience but in the circles I travel here I'm always surprised when I see someone say "you can't bash Marvel on SSF" or the like; I feel like that's all I read.
And I don't even LOVE CW as a whole...more like I really, really enjoy the parts. TWS is a much better movie IMO.
TWS had weight. CW didn't.
TWS had weight. CW didn't.
the reveal of Bucky killing Tony's parents (I know some people said they saw that coming but I didn't) & the fight between Tony and Steve were some of the heaviest moments in the MCU series.
Instead we were left with Bucky pointlessly alive and frozen and Steve writing a love letter/apology to Tony that pretty much negates the entire conflict the movie spent two hours building up.
Had there been real consequences to everything that happened, long-lasting effect to the events of the film, CW wouldn't have left me so incredibly disappointed.
As it stands, I was more disappointed by Civil War than I was by X-Men: Apocalypse.
Literally nothing that happened
For Christ's sake, they couldn't even keep Rhodey in a ****ing wheelchair.
a movie with "War" in the title should contain some actual war.
X:Men Apocalypse gave us a masterclass in actions without consequences. Magneto, far as I could tell in full control of his self, devastates the cities of the world - no doubt killing countless people in the process....and at the end he's rebuilding the school and exchanging just the usual dialogue with Xavier. Wow.
XMA should've ended with Magneto sacrificing himself to save the world and as a price for his actions.
Oh how long I've waited for this.
Thank you, God and thank you DEADPOOL for proving to Hollywood that an R-rating won't prevent you from making money.
Nah. But there's more hyperbole in that post than the last few pages.
But that is still the best scene of Wolverine being brutal. And proof that you don't need an R rating to effectively show his animal side.
If Logan turns out to be a great film, you'll be like
I see this on a lot of forums but don't follow.
The only issues I can agree are problematic are Moira, Angel, Psylocke & Trask from X3 being used in First Class, Days of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse. Clearly Singer wanted to reboot those characters and I'm glad he did. Trask was essential to DOFP & Munn's Psylocke was far superior to the two-second Psylocke we saw in X3.
There's really nothing else that doesn't fit.
Timeline A
-4000 B.C., a teenage En Sabah Nur builds the pyramids.
-3980 B.C., En Sabah Nur, now an adult, bonds with the Apocalypse entity but is buried underground in a comatose state.
-1829, Victor Logan is born in Canada.
-1832, James Howlett/Logan is born in Canada.
-1845, Victor and James flee Canada to America.
-1861, The Logan Bros. fight in the American Civil War
-1918, The Logan Bros. fight in WWI
-1931, Erik Lehnsherr is born.
-1933, Charles Xavier is born.
-1933, Raven Darkholme is born.
-1944, The Logan Bros. fight in WWII; Erik Lehnsherr is placed in a Nazi concentration camp where he meets Sebastian Shaw; Charles Xavier's family adopts Raven Darkholme.
-1945, Wolverine is captured by the Japanese. Survives bombing of Nagasaki.
-1962, events of X-Men: First Class.
-1963, Magneto is arrested for the assassination of JFK.
-1965, Wolverine and Sabretooth fight in the Vietnam War.
-1973, Wolverine works for the mob while on leave in NYC; Wolverine then returns to Vietnam where he and Sabretooth are executed & subsequently meet Stryker; Mystique kills Bolivar Trask in France.
-1979, most of the events from X-Men Origins as Wolverine volunteers for the adamantium bonding process, loses his memory soon after during the Three Mile Island incident & Xavier rescues Scott Summers, Ororo Munroe & Pietro Maximoff from Stryker's custody.
-1986, Xavier and Magneto recruit Jean Grey.
-1996, Warren Worthington's mutation manifests.
-2003, events of X-Men (2000).
-2004, events of X2: X-Men United (2003).
-2006, events of X-Men: The Last Stand (2006).
-2007, events of The Wolverine (2013).
-2009, Wolverine is recruited by Xavier and Magneto to aid them in the Sentinel threat.
-2016, future sequences of Days of Future Past (2014).
Timeline B (the bold represents the changes)
-4000 B.C., a teenage En Sabah Nur builds the pyramids.
-3980 B.C., En Sabah Nur, now an adult, bonds with the Apocalypse entity but is buried underground in a comatose state.
-1829, Victor Logan is born in Canada.
-1832, James Howlett/Logan is born in Canada.
-1845, Victor and James flee Canada to America.
-1861, The Logan Bros. fight in the American Civil War
-1918, The Logan Bros. fight in WWI
-1931, Erik Lehnsherr is born.
-1933, Charles Xavier is born.
-1933, Raven Darkholme is born.
-1944, The Logan Bros. fight in WWII; Erik Lehnsherr is placed in a Nazi concentration camp where he meets Sebastian Shaw; Charles Xavier's family adopts Raven Darkholme.
-1945, Wolverine is captured by the Japanese. Survives bombing of Nagasaki.
-1962, events of X-Men: First Class.
-1963, Magneto is arrested for the assassination of JFK.
-1965, Wolverine and Sabretooth fight in the Vietnam War.
-1973, the events of Days of Future Past (2014).
-1983, the events of X-Men: Apocalypse (2016).
-2016, the events of Deadpool (2016); the ending of Days of Future Past.
-2017, the events of Legion (2017).
-2024, the events of Logan (2017).
So basically, in Timeline B, Wolverine never goes back to Vietnam but still meets Stryker - who forces the adamantium bonding process on him. The man was destined to become Weapon X.
And yeah, if you ignore Moira, Trask, Angel & Psylocke's roles in X3, the continuity isn't that big of a problem.
Oh how long I've waited for this.
Thank you, God and thank you DEADPOOL for proving to Hollywood that an R-rating won't prevent you from making money.
The entirety of Captain America: Civil War is a Care Bears movie compared to that one scene.
There's more WAR in those 10 seconds than in the 147 minutes of Civil "War".
A cyborg? I expect adamantium claws to make short work of him Ghost Rider movie seconds.