Darth Caedus
Formerly Congerking
I just want this fight to happen so Pacquiao can shut up Mayweather's stupid face.
Understood. Reasons to be proud still out weigh any reason to be ashamed and the term you used sort of belittles the people and to me that's not cool or funny.
Anyways, can someone who is a boxing guru tell me if any pro boxer ever did a olympic style drug screening?
Can't stand either Mayweather or Pac. Both are gifted fighters with massive egos. I wanted to see this fight as much as anybody, but they are both at fault in all of this. I can't take either side....both men are coming out looking like complete tools in this ordeal.
I think Pac is being a deush about the whole thing. Just take the stupid test. If your not cheating, then whats the big deal? Its one thing if they were taking blood right before the fight, but a week isnt anything, and if midget mayweather does it too, then its even.