McFarlane Toys: The Walking Dead

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I think you might be looking at McFarlane through rose-colored glasses. They had more than their fare share of "QC problems", they make Hot Toys look like. . . well, McFarlane had a lot of problems.

Oh yeah, no doubt, but you can't deny their sculpting and painting was so much better 10 years ago than it is today. I mean even the prototypes for the Walking Dead figures have looked bad (well, except the very first comic ones that were just statues without the crappy articulation chopped in yet). QC breakage issues aside, they were amazing 10 years ago for the price point and for what they were.
Yeah it's a real shame what McFarlane Toys has become. Movie Maniacs got me into collecting. Most of those figures, when held beside TWD stuff, look leagues better. Really really really unfortunate when your product 10 years ago is better than your new stuff.

RIP McFarlane Toys.

What's sad is TWD toys probably sell crazy good. :lol
i still have 3 mcfarlane movie maniacs in my collection, i have series 1 species 2 patrick, series 3 thing blair monster, and the thing norris creature and spider head, great scuplts, still look great with todays new figures.
sports figures was mcfarlane's downfall as far as not caring about anyother lines anymore, all his effort was now focused on the sports figures.
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Prototype pictures for Mcfarlanes Walking Dead TV Season 3 have shown up on line.I still hope one day they will realize that no one wants this scale and go back to 6/7" scale.





Yay! No more crappy pre-posed sculpts hacked up by useless articulation!

If the paint work doesn't turn out like **** I may actually by this wave. :D
This wave actually looks decent. Production will probably end up like crap, but all those figures look better than anything from the first two waves. Probably too little too late though.
Sucks cuz those above looks really good too.

We need an independent (or Sideshow) company to make a semi decent 12" line already. No brainier imo.
Pretty much what happened with the first series. :lol

Well, I was never blown away with the first series. This one does look really good though. But these guys are worthless without the others IMO and the others are just crap. Looks like GG is the only one that might end up with something decent with this licenese. :slap
I think its just Daryl thats gone up in price. He's like the Boba Fett of the Walking Dead. And the 3rd season starting might have helped hype of the demand. Still crappy figures, but I feel bad I didn't snag him for retail now :lol
Yeah I saw Daryl when it was released and it looked like crap. But even Rick TV white version is ending at $50, $80 and even $90 on eBay. I'm waiting to see how series 2 Rick comes out in person.

I found a TV version regular Rick for $24 shipped, that's the most I would spend since my local TRU were selling these for I thing $22.99 each. I know it's not the best but I love the show.
I think its just Daryl thats gone up in price. He's like the Boba Fett of the Walking Dead. And the 3rd season starting might have helped hype of the demand. Still crappy figures, but I feel bad I didn't snag him for retail now :lol

When I saw him rocking the poncho in the Season 3 premiere, that's exactly what I thought to myself
I bought these for my sons when they were released. They never opened them. They just sold their 2 sets for $130.00 a set. Not bad considering I traded garbage shape silverage DC comics I bought at the Flea Market for them.

The figures are sub par---but when its all there is......:wink1:

If NECA did 7 inch figures, McFarlane's secondary market on these would die.:monkey3
I wanted to switch the head on the new Rick Figure with the hat with the series one figure so he could be in his full uniform but the prices these are selling for might be best to keep them on the card.
Just purchased 3 different Rick figures. Series 1 regular TV show, and series 2 which is instock at along with the comic con comic version. Wanted to get Shane but had to pass for now. Hope they make a better Shane and Daryl in the future.
Why the hell hasn't a company like SS or EB or HT done even just Rick yet? Every time SS posts something on Facebook about licences I give them **** about not getting TWD.