McFarlane Toys: The Walking Dead

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did I read right? McFarlane is doing a 10" Rick? Or is that a rumor still?
Well, the page for the Shane figure says "with baseball cap." If that's true, then this is the Shane we'd be getting:


Not exactly the version people are wanting though. I would love a new Sheriff Rick with removable hat and the current articulation. Could be way for them to double dip on a body sculpt.
Didn't he wear a cap when he wore the outfit from series 2? I seem to remember him with a cap on more than one occasion excluding pre zombie era

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was looking around for pics earlier and wouldn't mind either his cop uniform or one of the S1-2 outfits:

^^yep, that's more of an iconic look for him too. Dark shirt, khakis and a shotgun. So will he be in a statuesque pose like his series 2 counterpart or the 10inch daryl?

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I think the days of staction figures for the Walking Dead 5" line are over. Only the 10"ers will be statuesque, which is fine since they are more iconic characters. Almost like McFarlane's version of a PF line.

I hope you guys are right about Shane, I'd much prefer a season 2 look to a pre-zombie outbreak version. I actually looked for pics of him in the hat but couldn't find any. I was starting to think I only imagined him in a baseball hat on the farm :lol
yeah, likely gonna be fully articulated figures like series 3-present vs the preposed or articulation added onto preposed figures of the first couple waves. though i really wish they'd switch over to the DCU style hips since i'd been dremeling and shaving away at the plastic on the others to get slightly more range out of em.
Good to see he can hold his crossbow decently. All we've seen of him really has been sitting on the bike. Glad to know the articulation works for both options.

The back of the box only further rubs salt into the wound of them not including the poncho and/or swap out arms with the jacket sleeves. Hopefully that just means they'll do that for a quick variant down the line.
I don't see why they couldn't make the hat removable for one thing (Carl's was after all), and I think an alternate head is pretty likely. Whether its a haired or zombie head is the only thing I'm not sure on.
I don't see why they couldn't make the hat removable for one thing (Carl's was after all), and I think an alternate head is pretty likely. Whether its a haired or zombie head is the only thing I'm not sure on.

Im pretty sure they will make the hat removable
i am ok with them sculpting it to his head like they do for their MLB figures...if they make it removable it might look too big and bulky
Carl's hat is removable and looks just fine on or off his head. Considering Shane had no hair then, there isn't a problem of dealing with hair which is the usual reason for doing a sculpted on hat (and a separate hatless head). Riot Gear Glenn had a similar situation - no hair made for an easy removable helmet.
I checked a Walgreens on the way to work today and found 13 Glenn's and nothing else lol. I think he looks real good. Hope they get the rest of the wave in soon. Also looking at the rumored next wave, maybe that Shane is a zombie version like Merle. I hope so because if they are doing 4 humans to only one zombie that is going to suck.