Medicom Darth Vader Version 2.0 RAH 1/6 Scale Figure

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Interesting people say they have this guy, yet no pics or full review is available...
If the Shaw sculpt is as good in hand as the SS pics, I will most likely use my $75 SS dollars and pick this guy up.
Medi 2.0 Vader comparison I found online.







Medicom is CLEARLY the better figure IMO.

Sideshow still oversized.

Medicom still undersized.

Better materials IMO, especially the groin. Hate that they didn't presculpt some hands though, instead of the 2 part gloves. Unless that accurate? :lol
The scars on the Shaw head look too deep. Looks like his brain is going to fall out - the Empire needs to sew that up.
Interesting. I think it looks terrible.

Very shiny, though.

I think the Sideshow looks horrible. It's why I sold it after the initial "wow" went away. Just no quality in it. Bad headsculpt, bad groin sculpt.

Not even Matte like it should be, but shiny. Don't forget it should represent ANH, and fails miserably at it.

In no way is Sideshow the better figure than the Medi IMO. Medicom's looks like the on screen version, except for the body, which could be padded up. I'm not buying the Medi, it's overpriced, but it's clearly better than what sideshow offers for it's price IMO. But to each his own. Glad you enjoy the Sideshow. :)
Not really feeling that either.

In no way is Sideshow the better figure than the Medi IMO. Medicom's looks like the on screen version, except for the body, which could be padded up. I'm not buying the Medi, it's overpriced, but it's clearly better than what sideshow offers for it's price IMO. But to each his own. Glad you enjoy the Sideshow. :)

There is nothing about the Medicom figure that looks good to me. The entire mask/helmet portion reminds me of the guy with the shrunken head in Beetlejuice. Codpiece looks funny. Cape is much worse than Sideshow's.

Clearly. :dunno
Not really feeling that either.

There is nothing about the Medicom figure that looks good to me. The entire mask/helmet portion reminds me of the guy with the shrunken head in Beetlejuice. Codpiece looks funny. Cape is much worse than Sideshow's.

Clearly. :dunno

Sideshow's cape was one of the things I hated most about the figure. :lol

Amazing how opinions can differ, but I agree on the Medi head being too small. But the shape is better than SS tho. At least from what I see in pics, can't really imagine it being worse.

On the bottom comparison pic I do find the Medi to be really goodlooking. But maybe he doesn't photograph well. I think Medicom\s cape looks alright, but most Medi purchasers IMO can't fuzz for ****. :lol
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Looking at the dome/shape it's near perfect to my eyes in this pic. I think if you pad his body, and make his legs slightly longer, he would be epic with a custom cape.

Problem is with 300$ this should not be needed. :lol
This is also something Medi has over Sideshow:


Like a boss-pose. Might I point out the head size looks perfect in this pic. Wish I could see it in hand.. ._.
Actually I figured it out. The cape is too thick, which gives him a puny neck, which makes his head look small.

I'm POSITIVE about it. Look at the above pictures, imagine a slimmer cape, and voilá, an in scale helmet.