Super Freak
Kotaku is predicting that it's an expansion for MGS4.
Makes sense seeing as how MGS4 came out last year. It's unlikely a new games would be done already.
Who said it was done already?
Kotaku is predicting that it's an expansion for MGS4.
Makes sense seeing as how MGS4 came out last year. It's unlikely a new games would be done already.
me too!! when he said he was done with MGS and wanted to work on something new i pictured Snatcher 2, Policenaughts 2, or a zone of the enders game. this looks really awesome and i have all the systems so i don't care which console gets exclusivity--but i would like to see it go to the 360.I would like a sequel to Snatcher and the Zone of the Enders series.
maybe...i hope not. i'd really like to see a complete new adventure.Kotaku is predicting that it's an expansion for MGS4.
Makes sense seeing as how MGS4 came out last year. It's unlikely a new games would be done already.
me neither...20 minutes and counting. can someone send me a pic?? i currently have the "big boss" picture as my wallpaper and would like to merge the two together to make one.Out of interest, how are people seeing the Raiden/Gray Fox image?
I spent a while on the countdown site and never got it.
me neither...20 minutes and counting. can someone send me a pic?? i currently have the "big boss" picture as my wallpaper and would like to merge the two together to make one.
It's on page 4 of this thread, it's in a magazine!!!..not on the site...
What's interesting is that people have suggested a game where you are playing as Raiden and Big Boss in two different timelines and they sort of coincide with each other. So where in chapter one you would play as Big Boss then the next time play as Raiden. Perhaps even in the same places except separated by like 30 plus years. That would be really sweet as hell.
I've always liked Raiden personally. Raiden FTW
I hope it's not an update....I want a new game.
I've always liked Raiden personally. Raiden FTW
If he was really supposed to suck so much, then why do they make you control his lame ass for 85% of the game? He was supposed to be a rookie, but I really don't think he was supposed to be annoying and sucky. If so, then Kojima et al. are a bunch of a$$holes.You guys know the whole purpose of Raiden was to annoy a little and 'suck', so that when you again encounter Snake in MGS2 he seems even more awesome, right?
If he was really supposed to suck so much, then why do they make you control his lame ass for 85% of the game?
Do you have evidence of this?
So the only reason you control this stupid, cartwheeling character for the vast majority of that game is to make Snake seem more impressive when he shows up again? That is incredibly stupid, if true. Of course, Snake is a bad-ass when he shows up, but surely that didn't dictate the decision to make Raiden the main character. Do you have evidence of this?
I have assumed all along that it was just a grave miscalculation, assuming that people would think of Raiden as "hip" and "cool," whereas he couldn't have been further from that.