Metal Gear Rising [Revengeance]

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OR! Blade Wolf becomes battle armor for Raiden and he turns into a Gundam
started on normal since i heard this game was hard. I thought it was a great balance, i totaly want more, id love it to be on Fox engine next time... actually next gen is round the corner so it doesn't matter

I too played it on Normal first... Was a good mix but I should have started on Easy first.
Hard mode for the first play through all the way. Even i you suck at parrying and combos. And you have a low health meter the games pretty much a breeze with ninja run and slashing until you get to some bosses
not sure if you guys caught the angry Joe review on YouTube. He basically says you can tap toward and square over and over again and breeze through the whole game parrying everything and getting cheap hits in. I tried it and it worked. I guess it's some glitch in the game. it makes monsoon a lot easier. Doesn't really work on sundowner too much because of his shields.

Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
not sure if you guys caught the angry Joe review on YouTube. He basically says you can tap toward and square over and over again and breeze through the whole game parrying everything and getting cheap hits in. I tried it and it worked. I guess it's some glitch in the game. it makes monsoon a lot easier. Doesn't really work on sundowner too much because of his shields.

Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.

It doesn't cheapen the game and even in doing that you still need to have great timing, especially with Monsoon. His one quick 4 hit combo he does at close range is a pain and the only way to block it is in doing that is mashing forward-square quickly.
blade wolf dlc coming soon guys !

Man I cant wait for this. Ive put off the Sam DLC just because I've been tearing up 1999 mode on Infinite. Im working my way backwards again. Beat Bioshock for a second time then Revengance then Dead Space 3 again. Anyone hear anything on the actual release date on the Revengance Replica mail cutter. Been waiting on that to release but the hasn't been any updates as of late. :dunno
I just got my Raiden PAK figure. I must say, although I hate Raiden as a character, this figure is freaking badass. Especially since I got mine at my local toy shop at retail for $60!
Really? I think the game honestly should be started on hard mode since normal didn't really require much effort.

Yeah, was getting my ass kicked by the Mastiff when arriving at the top of the escalator in R-04 Hostile Takeover.

Until I Blade Mode him and kept recharging my FC and Blade mode him again, then I got him.

Then took your advice to save up for Fox Blade and then I destroyed all that was in my path :lol

Was also getting use to the game too and after I finished it, I played Easy for a while just to level up on BP and upgrade my weapons.

Then played Hard / Very Hard / Revengeance mode.

Now I just play Revengeance mode all times now as it makes a good challenge.