Metal Gear Rising [Revengeance]

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VR 18 was the hardest part in my Platinum run. Revengeance mode was a joke aside from the Boss battles since I had the Fox blade.

Monsoon was a nightmare. It was always stupid **** for me accidently taking damage.
How are you doing for completing Sams DLC in under 60 minutes on revengeance?
Blade wolfs is the best of the two i think, its just a more different experience. With Sams DLC i got to just before you leave the japanese garden on Revengeance mode and 3 Gekkos would kick my *** no matter how much id perfect perry to nail them with the counter. My "continue" was stuck there for a while and i was unable to play the game on that save otherwise. So i thoguht sod it, and played some more game. **** sam revengeance!
You're missing out dude. I was on the hate train for this game for the longest, but I was definitely changed after playing it.
Only flaw for the game is the length.

That's what she said.
Thats the thing, i can literally complete MGS3 in less time than Rising. Skip all the cut scenes from MGS3 and all the cut scenes of rising and it takes me longer. to do rising
The fastest time I ever had in a MGS game was MGS1 on Extreme when I did a Big Boss run. I believe my final time was about 1:51. There are plenty of faster times out there, but I'm proud I was able to do it.
I'm not on the hate train for this, by any means (not anymore):lol. I've just kept postponing purchasing this for a while for some odd reason. I probably wouldn't have even remembered about it if it weren't for SSF and the PAK figures.

Just need to save up some more funds. My wallet has taken a pounding this month from Sideshow flex payments :(.
The only thing I felt is that there wasn't much replay value though. Sure you can do it on each difficulty but it gets kinda boring
The only thing I felt is that there wasn't much replay value though. Sure you can do it on each difficulty but it gets kinda boring
I dont know what it is about this game, but i think its the most replayable game on the current gen. You can pick it up at any level, any difficulty, then just hack and slash in a visual art to rock music until your heart is content then knock it off. Im really not one for these kind of games. But its got me by the short and curlys
I think that's just it for me, the consistency of just slashing away that get's boring. I guess maybe if the maps were bigger maybe with more and different types of enemies it might hold my attention. I felt like once i'd been through it twice there wasn't even any need to go through it again other than the unlocks

I dont know what it is about this game, but i think its the most replayable game on the current gen. You can pick it up at any level, any difficulty, then just hack and slash in a visual art to rock music until your heart is content then knock it off. Im really not one for these kind of games. But its got me by the short and curlys
I have no idea if these were already posted. I didn't see them yet, so..



Odd.. it looks underwhelming on the first pic here, but on the other pics, it looks really cool. Angles..

So far as I know, credit for the pics goes to:
They gave raiden a blue version of the dash mark and his own cardboard box? Thats kinda cool i guess. I hope they gave him swappable feet that can actually be used too unlike my paks.

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