Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Don't Sony own the movie rights avi arad is a producer guess the movies will be BB too.
Yes I think so, it's just the way he discussed his relationship with Kojima and mentioned Hayter, it seemed like it was exaggerated for a setup to me. There's been some kind of trick before the release of nearly every console Metal Gear game, but of course I could be completely off-track.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

MGS4 was not a perfect end, and I have made it crystal clear I have no love for PW aside from gameplay.

I have to agree, I feel the same way, I don't have the same love for the franchise anymore and it's directly due to Kojima's horrible decisions.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Kojima in 1998 and now are completely two different people. Sure we all evolve with the times, but back in MGS1 there was only subtle hints of a supernatural aspect added to the game. Like Psycho Mantis with all his powers, Raven with his ghost Raven thing, and even Liquid being this unkillable human.

But it started to become more apparent in MGS2 with Liquid's arm, Vamp and Fortune.

In MGS3 it's all over the place, the whole Cobra unit aside from the Fury and the Boss had powers. And to top it off Volgin.

MGS4, aside from the Mantis cameo was all down to earth again.

Now we got flying fire whales and unicorns?

Is this really needed? How does this make it out to be the same franchise anymore?
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Kojima in 1998 and now are completely two different people. Sure we all evolve with the times, but back in MGS1 there was only subtle hints of a supernatural aspect added to the game. Like Psycho Mantis with all his powers, and even Liquid being this unkillable human.

But it started to become more apparent in MGS2 with Vamp and Fortune.

In MGS3 it's all over the place, the whole Cobra unit aside from the Fury and the Boss had powers.

MGS4, aside from the Mantis cameo was all down to earth again.

Now we got flying fire whales and unicorns?

Is this really needed? How does this make it out to be the same franchise anymore?

You think the franchise is better or worst then the Resident Evil franchise? At least i still care for the RE franchise.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

You think the franchise is better or worst then the Resident Evil franchise? At least i still care for the RE franchise.

I have slightly more love for the MGS side of it, but it isn't much. These two were my bread and butter of the 90's.

If Kojima can get his head out of these prequels, the series might get back on track. But at this point, I just don't care anymore about the franchise anymore at this point in time. Until we get Snake back in the drivers seat, this is just another game to me just like Peace Walker was.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

He had just been semi-kidnapped from the hospital so he could be having a trip from all the drugs mixed with his state of mind

I guessed from the start it was all a hallucination. I mean, he even sees Volgin's ghost in the hallway.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

He had just been semi-kidnapped from the hospital so he could be having a trip from all the drugs mixed with his state of mind


Snake was having his own rave up in the melon.

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

This game will be the true test to see if Kojimas still got it. More mature he said? well thats all i ever wanted, the series became more rediculous and cartoony over the years which was its downfall. If MGSV continues this inspite of this "new direction" then im over it!
(I lie, its still my fave series of all time, nostalgia will carry me on like a StarWars fan)
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

This game will be the true test to see if Kojimas still got it. More mature he said? well thats all i ever wanted, the series became more rediculous and cartoony over the years which was its downfall. If MGSV continues this inspite of this "new direction" then im over it!
(I lie, its still my fave series of all time, nostalgia will carry me on like a StarWars fan)

I doubt this will be more "mature." I'm sure Kaz will still be wearing a banana hammock this time around too. -_-
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

This game will be the true test to see if Kojimas still got it. More mature he said? well thats all i ever wanted, the series became more rediculous and cartoony over the years which was its downfall. If MGSV continues this inspite of this "new direction" then im over it!
(I lie, its still my fave series of all time, nostalgia will carry me on like a StarWars fan)

Lol Star Wars nostalgia died on me a long time ago.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Kojima in 1998 and now are completely two different people. Sure we all evolve with the times, but back in MGS1 there was only subtle hints of a supernatural aspect added to the game. Like Psycho Mantis with all his powers, Raven with his ghost Raven thing, and even Liquid being this unkillable human.

But it started to become more apparent in MGS2 with Liquid's arm, Vamp and Fortune.

In MGS3 it's all over the place, the whole Cobra unit aside from the Fury and the Boss had powers. And to top it off Volgin.

MGS4, aside from the Mantis cameo was all down to earth again.

Now we got flying fire whales and unicorns?

Is this really needed? How does this make it out to be the same franchise anymore?

You say all this stuff but you're profile is filled with all MGS stuff. Quit trying to deny that you still love the franchise man.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

You say all this stuff but you're profile is filled with all MGS stuff. Quit trying to deny that you still love the franchise man.

Thanks for bringing nothing to the conversation other than your profile stalking. My profile is geared to Solid Snake's character, not MGS as a whole. My name isn't named Metal Gear Solid is the ****ing best.

And if you want to read more into what I say, I hate the hijacking of the franchise by Big Boss, so if you want to poke at me like that you would know I'm not faking anything by what's in my profile.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Thanks for bringing nothing to the conversation other than your profile stalking. My profile is geared to Solid Snake's character, not MGS as a whole. My name isn't named Metal Gear Solid is the ****ing best.

And if you want to read more into what I say, I hate the hijacking of the franchise by Big Boss, so if you want to poke at me like that you would know I'm not faking anything by what's in my profile.

What's with the **** attitude man? I wasn't poking fun at you. Anyone could've have gotten the impression you were a MGS fan not just a Solid Snake fan. That's like saying "I'm a fan of Batman, but I don't like the Batman series". And being ******** over YOUR favorite character not getting the spotlight is just childish. I'm sure you're mad BECAUSE you love the franchise and want it to be better.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

What's with the **** attitude man? I wasn't poking fun at you. Anyone could've have gotten the impression you were a MGS fan not just a Solid Snake fan. That's like saying "I'm a fan of Batman, but I don't like the Batman series". And being ******** over YOUR favorite character not getting the spotlight is just childish. I'm sure you're mad BECAUSE you love the franchise and want it to be better.

Well maybe I misinterpreted what you said. But it came across like you thought I was lying about my stance on the franchise. If anything, my profile is a indication that I prefer the "old" franchise to the new. I hate where the series is right now, that's where I'm at currently.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Well maybe I misinterpreted what you said. But it came across like you thought I was lying about my stance on the franchise. If anything, my profile is a indication that I prefer the "old" franchise to the new. I hate where the series is right now, that's where I'm at currently.

I just don't think it's justified to hate on a series just because SS isn't the main character. It seems like that because you criticized every game in the series except the ones where SS was the main character. And you complain how it's always prequels? How would Kojima write a sequel to MGS4 where SS wouldn't be able to go on a mission due to age? Oh wait, a prequel with SS as the main character would alright, right?
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

I just don't think it's justified to hate on a series just because SS isn't the main character. It seems like that because you criticized every game in the series except the ones where SS was the main character. And you complain how it's always prequels? How would Kojima write a sequel to MGS4 where SS wouldn't be able to go on a mission due to age? Oh wait, a prequel with SS as the main character would alright, right?


Dude... really?

I hate MGS2 for Raiden, and I hate MGS4 for the cluster**** that it was. Do you HONESTLY THINK... I want a sequel to MGS4 with Snake? Really process that in your head and get back to me.