Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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I got the plat, but only because I'm a completionist moron. Never touched the game since. Or probably ever. Wish I could sell it to buy pizza but I can't since it's digital.
I got the plat, but only because I'm a completionist moron. Never touched the game since. Or probably ever. Wish I could sell it to buy pizza but I can't since it's digital.

Thats madness, i only played each mission once, i couldnt even imagine doing all of them and getting an S rank. How did it not destroy your will? Major props
It just hit me that if Kojima was still running things, he would have released a Quiet lingerie set for fans to sniff. Don't lie and say that isn't in line with this messed up series.
Wouldn't it be a swimsuit technically? But I'm not denying him doing either, by far.
Nobody minds an eccentric nut if you can actually back it up with something. MGSV was such a cheap knockoff of a MGS game that you wonder why the hell there were weekly internet TV broadcasts in worship of this man. I really couldn't care less if the end product was actually good.
I would say I agree with Pliss but **** it, I never respected Kojima. He's a freak :lol and the **** he says and did along with the endless pardons he gets from the fanbase, wow. Cannot even say his name with a straight face now. That said, you have a point too Ryan. It really makes you question things...
Yeah... that Lord of the Flies chapter that was cut? The Snuffleupagus fight was just a Man vs. Gundam, and really not as interesting or compelling as other mech fights in the series, even the final battle with Peace Walker. It felt like nothing was at stake in the game. Vocal cord parasites? How is this not the mockery of the entire fanbase? :lol

I can't believe I'm even saying this, since I hate both enormously but... Boss AI > Parasites.

I know many of you feel the same, but I'm glad the series is over. Konami will either do remakes, reboots, or sequels and I really wouldn't care which is true. MGS4 put it to an end, and you can play MGS1-4 without playing Peace Walker and V and you lose no context at all. I think it speaks volumes about the pre-sequels that they can be removed entirely and it doesn't affect any future game aside from it's direct sequel. MPO to me is the only one that mattered, and gave enough to setup the events that Big Boss no longer served the United States. I mean, it's pretty much the game that coined the name Outer Heaven... but then doesn't really start using it until 1984? Please...
That Gundam fight was so dumb, almost amusingly so. now that you mention it, the parasites could be a mockery of the fanbase :lol and I would adore that, haha! And...wlel...yeah I think I have to concur on the Boss AI. It pissed me off to no end but The Boss AI...sorta had a purpose compared to parasites and was better in concept. But man it's just sad how much Kojima BSed the series about 4. Much as I have against this series at times, it did deserve better.
Just want to say it's been officially 4 months since I bought this, and I'm only half way is more of a chore than a game at this point...
I gave up after Chapter 1, that was enough for me. I almost want to go back and finish Chapter 2 but it's such a chore. That said in the future, I'd love to know how this game is still viewed...would it follow MGS2? Or would it be the opposite where it only gets worse and worse views?

I'd get MGS 3's plat since it's my favorite and the only one I've played multiple times from start to finish but even then MGS plats are so time consuming or annoying :thud:
Thats madness, i only played each mission once, i couldnt even imagine doing all of them and getting an S rank. How did it not destroy your will? Major props

I can safely say it was such a chore that I think I could have physically thrown up. The amount of grinding and repetition they put you trough is enough for a lifetime and another reincarnation. The worst part was the animal collecting where you have to collect imaginary animals at and PRAY the animal you want will show up on the notification screen when you return home, as they don't exist on the map itself. God, Kojima got lazy! :mad:

I am proud of my MGS2 plat though- I got it, twice!
Hold up what do you mean 'don't exist'? Like not even in the code, or it won't appear at all, or both?
Hold up what do you mean 'don't exist'? Like not even in the code, or it won't appear at all, or both?

They don't have a 3D model and don't appear on the map like in MGS3. You'll need to place traps and baits AND ride the chopper home, sine if you stay, the traps won't trigger. Only then a pop up screen will show you an effin' picture of what imaginary animal you spent so long to catch. If you don't get the animal you want, that means repeat the steps over and over again for each and every animal. F-you lazy game designers!
They don't have a 3D model and don't appear on the map like in MGS3. You'll need to place traps and baits AND ride the chopper home, sine if you stay, the traps won't trigger. Only then a pop up screen will show you an effin' picture of what imaginary animal you spent so long to catch. If you don't get the animal you want, that means repeat the steps over and over again for each and every animal. F-you lazy game designers!
Wow, that is just bad design. Really bad, like early 2000s sort of ****.
Yeah, he's not lying. Outside of just a few animals, 90% of them are imaginary and only appear after you catch them. :lol
If it was something actually imaginary like a Sasquatch or snipe, I'd be fine :lol but that, wow
It's still amazing to look back on older games, and see what developers did with the system specs they had and probably thought 'we can only do so much with this system'.
Kinda like how Jurassic Park CGI is still the best in film history since it was utilized perfectly. CGI today is vastly more improved, but there's no talent behind it to make it believable.
And Terminator 2's CGI as well, blew my mind as a child.

CGI can either show a film has no soul in it, or enhance it further. Look at some Marvel films, Thor has great CGI but it lacks substance because there's far too much. But Ant-man used it well enough to convey a smaller scale story. X-Men used it great enough at times for larger scale scenes as well.
I can safely say it was such a chore that I think I could have physically thrown up. The amount of grinding and repetition they put you trough is enough for a lifetime and another reincarnation. The worst part was the animal collecting where you have to collect imaginary animals at and PRAY the animal you want will show up on the notification screen when you return home, as they don't exist on the map itself. God, Kojima got lazy! :mad:

I am proud of my MGS2 plat though- I got it, twice!

I only ever attempted one of the "subsistence" missions. And after 8 tries and only getting past one base I rage quit, never to return again!

Nothing captured the jungles of MGS3 since. It's amazing what could of been done with a PS2.

I was super disappointed by that pitiful excuse of a "jungle" in MGSV. Why did they even put it in trailers, it was totally wasted.
I only ever attempted one of the "subsistence" missions. And after 8 tries and only getting past one base I rage quit, never to return again!

I was super disappointed by that pitiful excuse of a "jungle" in MGSV. Why did they even put it in trailers, it was totally wasted.

Square mile after square mile of dead wetlands instead.
91 on Metacritic. Suck it hayters!


Kojima: My original plan is to bundle the game with Quiet's panties, the players can sniff them, like how I'm demonstrating here.

Shinkawa: Erm, boss..

Kojima: It will allow the players a more immersive experience, to put them in in Quiet's shoes, or in case- panties. That way the themes of REVENGE will harmonize with the experience of the players. This is the kind of battlefield only possible with the FOX Engine.

Shinkawa: Boss, we're live..

Kojima: I know Jimbo, sniff.. I know.

It would be hilarious if someone close to Kojima reads this thread and starts giving him ideas :lol.

Yeah... that Lord of the Flies chapter that was cut? The Snuffleupagus fight was just a Man vs. Gundam, and really not as interesting or compelling as other mech fights in the series, even the final battle with Peace Walker. It felt like nothing was at stake in the game. Vocal cord parasites? How is this not the mockery of the entire fanbase? :lol

I can't believe I'm even saying this, since I hate both enormously but... Boss AI > Parasites.

I know many of you feel the same, but I'm glad the series is over. Konami will either do remakes, reboots, or sequels and I really wouldn't care which is true. MGS4 put it to an end, and you can play MGS1-4 without playing Peace Walker and V and you lose no context at all. I think it speaks volumes about the pre-sequels that they can be removed entirely and it doesn't affect any future game aside from it's direct sequel. MPO to me is the only one that mattered, and gave enough to setup the events that Big Boss no longer served the United States. I mean, it's pretty much the game that coined the name Outer Heaven... but then doesn't really start using it until 1984? Please...

Considering that Kojima initially intended MGS 4 to be the absolute last game in the series, I'm willing to personally write off PW and V as if they never happened. I remember back in 2008, there was an air of finalization with the entire fanbase. We were all certain that this was it, and we weren't going to see another MGS game, ever again. Funny how that turned out. I think what's even more funny, is that after playing MGS V, I've gotten A LOT more appreciation for MGS 4 :pow.
I think we all appreciate MGS 4 now, I do, and Pliss has mentioned it. It's got issues but nowhere near as many as V, but I think it has a reasonable amount of stuff that works.
MGS4 is very on the nose and lacks subtly. It took everything in MGS2 and left nothing for interpretation and made it be taken as literal in every aspect.
Mentioning MGS 4, I can't remember a time when the fanbase was so genuinely excited for anything, ever since the first trailer for MGS 2 debuted in 2000. I'd bump into random fans at Gamestop stores and we'd just talk about MGS while waiting for the checkout :lol. I also made some good friends at the PlayStation forum, and we met up several times for other video game launches around the city.

Sure, MGS 4 was extremely lackluster for reasons that we've discussed ad nauseam. But, I think for much of the fanbase, it was like an "official" farewell to the series and it brought a lot of old fans together. I don't think MGS V even reached the hype level of MGS 4. It's a bit tragic how series just went out with a whimper, after all the drama between Kojima and Konami. And now, it's bound to fade into obscurity unless Konami decides to release remasters.